Sky 0960: All channels on Sky Atlantic transponder went black (rejected ECMs)

There are 425 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 138,209 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • and to be honest in any package sat we watch the same 10/20 channels never zapping all for check if they work or not .

    at the moment only 4/6 chanels off still happy days untill .................?????????????????????????

    Hi mate, only 4/6 channels are off?

    I thought some more from transponder Astra 2F 12148-H-27500, see attached picture.

    If I am wrong please correct me and I am happy. Thanks


  • motrised dish,i believe is the way to go.

    im just sorry i did not take the opportunity to go this route before the current situation.

    guess i got lazy!!!.so easy to press button on remote control and sit back....

    regardless what happens......!!! its back to the drawing board for me.

    anyone any pointers for beginner,as regards best sat for 'family,sport,docu,

    cheers folks,

    Edited once, last by desmond tutu: in dublin,ROI.By the way... ().

  • Sorry but i have to say all friends this is the end on 28.2 oscam cccam etc as if it was possible to open or crack the new encryption because this is the same that happened on the italia card and still till this day has not been cracked or opened plus hd stoped over i think 2 years now and neva been opened so i think that its only iptv from here on out but on the up side the internet gets faster and faster so no worries will be more stable over the next few years Guys :):)

  • Ok just a little update, I know people have said not to pair cards back to hd boxes, but I had to check something myself in order to attempt to retrieve some information from the hd box.

    I inserted one of my cards into my sky plus hd box and paired it through the remote as my entitlements ran out.

    Once I did this my card opened channels on my sky box but one thing I noticed was the only SD channel for sports was sky sports 1, and no SD version of sky Atlantic either.

    This to me suggests it is what we have all feared for a while and is full HD pairing.

    SD channels look to be on the way out so I have a SD box on route in which to pair a brand new card with that has not been activated yet but was only received yesterday. This card is being kept away from all boxes until I receive my SD box. Once I've got it I can trial that pairing and maybe come back with a bit more info.

    I know this may not help a lot but at least it's constructive to a point.

    If I can help in any way at all just let me know.

  • I agree with you mate., the time of cams is in the end.

    Cccam is dead from years, oscam has not made any importants reading cards too.

    To make possible that a person who pay for a official card, to watch it in a receiver who want, is a right, that is not hack.

    To watch a channel with keys, this is hack.

    What we want??

    I have a card and i want to see the sky in me vu+ receiver.

    Now this is not possible. Is easy, you find a way to block the sharing, not the viwer of card.

    I am just disapoint.

  • from what I have read elsewhere and also researched the vu+ duo is similar hardware specs to the sky plus hd DRX890 box, and attempts have been made in the past to try and run enigma on this box, however, lets reverse what has been looked at there: instead of running enigma on the sky box how about compile sky's open source software and write it to a duo, then a debug of the duo booting and reading and writing emm's and ecm's to and from the card. This should in theory give an aes or other key to unlock that particular card using cpu key pairing mechanism. Similar to the nagra 3 methodology of Virginmedia.

    This is only a theory and I don't have a duo to trial this with, but I will be more than willing to compile the source code from sky's website for someone to trial AT THEIR OWN RISK.

    • Official Post

    from what I have read elsewhere and also researched the vu+ duo is similar hardware specs to the sky plus hd DRX890 box, and attempts have been made in the past to try and run enigma on this box, however, lets reverse what has been looked at there: instead of running enigma on the sky box how about compile sky's open source software and write it to a duo, then a debug of the duo booting and reading and writing emm's and ecm's to and from the card. This should in theory give an aes or other key to unlock that particular card using cpu key pairing mechanism. Similar to the nagra 3 methodology of Virginmedia.

    This is only a theory and I don't have a duo to trial this with, but I will be more than willing to compile the source code from sky's website for someone to trial AT THEIR OWN RISK.

    Last time this was tried, there were a spate of arrests just before the images went live .

  • Just found this as I was just about to put the racing on, on Eurosport 2. Ive got an old SD receiver (currently watching eurport2 on that at the moment) paired up and ok but when it goes in the VU - just a black screen...limbo time is here again...!

  • In the streamboard forum are looking 2 guys for help. Just in case someone like to help.

    I haven´t got the deep knowledge to help. I think this guys know whats going on.


    Oscam 0963/0960 iCam issue

  • Don't know if this is any help but since Xmas time my card stopped updating in a dm500 running oscam and ran out of entitlements. I made a post about it here, paired it to an SD box and the card updated but it's never updated via oscam since.

    Yesterday I put the card back in the SD box to update and noticed the channel listings are out of order. The sports channels start at 409, it looks like it's the HD channel list but with all HD channels missing.

    After reading this thread today I checked the affected channels on the SD box. All other channels clear almost instantly but the affected channels take 2-3 seconds to open.

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