There are 2,459 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 496,196 times. The last Post () by DR-10.

  • Melgas, no extra files needed for dititalb to clear, it is up to how good your server is,

    my server is OK with it and I did not know about it!

    Thanks to liaqatali88 I checked and found out that it's clear!

    As about your oscam.server file I must tell you I 've never seen a similar one so far!

    Compare it with mine and you will be surprised!

    I do not have any emulator reader at all!

    The emulator works by its own, without any configuration as long as there is a SoftCam.Key file in the oscam-emu config folder.


    octagon sf8008 4K combo

    Edited once, last by anestis1956 ().

  • Hi fellows
    Asking what would be the bare minimum config file set to use pv, biss, and tandberg?
    No cards, no sharing. Nothing but what's listed.
    When getting a new oscam-emu binary or installing the ipk form different guys like Mohamad and Levi, etc. there are config files written to tuxbox that are confusing as hell to decypher.
    Also do I need any other readers listed in the webif besides emulator? Or do I need constant cw also?

  • Hi fellows
    Asking what would be the bare minimum config file set to use pv, biss, and tandberg?
    No cards, no sharing. Nothing but what's listed.
    When getting a new oscam-emu binary or installing the ipk form different guys like Mohamad and Levi, etc. there are config files written to tuxbox that are confusing as hell to decypher.
    Also do I need any other readers listed in the webif besides emulator? Or do I need constant cw also?

    No seriously guys. Come on. For the above do I really need all of this crap in my configs like:
    ident = 0500:000000,007400,007800,021110,023800;0604:000000;090F:000000;0E00:000000;1010:000000;1801:000000,001101,002111,007301;2600:000000;2602:000000;2610:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE.
    I have a slight clue i might just need 0E00:000000 and 2600:000000. But what the hell!
    Because trying to learn what is needed and what isn't and what they mean and how to write the config for them is kind of like getting real drunk and trying to read Chinese. And stuff like this is splattered all over the different config files.

    • Official Post

    But that is the beauty of oscam, it is so configurable. No one config will work for everyone, simple as.

    Oscam will even make the reader for you,.... but in your case the only reader you actually need is the emulator

    To answer your specific question about indent, then the wiki tells you


    HakenGruen.png parameter is optional

    WarningS.png Attention: If in oscam.conf [global] loadbalancing is enabled among lb_mode, then there may be no entries!

    This parameter is only used for EMM and then it is not used for ECM. So you cannot force ECM to be sent to the card using this parameter.

    define CAID and ident SC specific for reader:

    ident = <CAID>:<ident>[,ident]...[;<CAID>:<ident>[,ident]...]...
    ident =  # 0100:123456,234567;0200:345678,456789
          =  # [blank] no definition (default)

    Now..... from my configs i have been using for years, these are the caids the emulator reader is decoding


    and these are the indents


    Do you need all / any of these?, NO....they are optional.

    I have seen a lot of configs posted in this thread that are wrong, BUT they are wrong (in most cases) because they do no fit what i do with oscam

    I could happily post my configs, some may find them helpful, others may think they are shite.... because as said, it depends what you want to do.

    There is another part of the emulator reader, that enables keys to update

    AU Providers


    So to summarise, this is the emulator reader im using

    label                         = emulator
    protocol                      = emu
    device                        = emulator
    caid                          = 0500,0604,090F,0E00,1010,1801,2600,2602,2610,4AE1
    detect                        = cd
    ident                         = 0500:000000,007400,007800,021110,023800;0604:000000;090F:000000;0E00:000000;1010:000000;1801:000000,001101,002111,007301;2600:000000;2602:000000;2610:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE
    group                         = 6
    emmcache                      = 2,1,2,1
    emu_auproviders               = 0604:010200;0E00:000000;1010:000000;2610:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE

    It decodes biss, powervu and tandburg with the correct keys (and in theory biss2 and others with the keys - that are not obtainable at present)

    And AU works for powerVU

    2021/12/17 10:43:59 31F301D0 r      (emu) Key written: P 00050C84 01 A9EA7A05FCE3FE
    2021/12/17 10:43:59 31F301D0 r      (emu) Writing key file: /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu/SoftCam.Key
    2021/12/17 10:43:59 31F301D0 r      (emu) Key written: P 00050C85 01 A9EA7A05FCE3FE
    2021/12/17 10:43:59 31F301D0 r      (emu) Key found in EMM: P 0005**** 01 A9EA7A05FCE3FE ; UA: 0053C199
  • Thanks Jens. The most east I can aim at is around 40W from here. Pv, biss, tb, and a few others are the only ones used. .That said. I'll never slide a card in. Or connect to a server. Just trying to grab what comes from the sky. At this point in my 'journey' it's kind of like entering a university in mid term with little or no smarts of the course.
    Plus because recent oscam changes needing a new install. I get 14 readers when I only used to need emulator. And not so sure reader is even needed. If so, it is non present in Mohamads recent release on an aarch64 receiver. Or if dvbpi is needed and how it interacts.
    If going back to the beginning with a blank slate and working on pv only. 0E00 seems to be one of the target subjects and learning how all of the other config entries work with it. I know. I'm dumb.

    • Official Post

    some peeps use a legit card to view paid for TV on our e2 boxes, because they are.... or at least were 15 years ago, far better the the providers STB

    That is what oscam is for primarily, and probably all the other readers your seeing

    If all you need is the emulator, delete the others, then move to some experiments and post your findings

  • The thing is. Oscam packages come with everything and more. So to backtrack to the beginning and use values that are needed to only make pv work. then move on to biss. Kind of what I'd like to achieve. Since we've been conversing my keys file got extremely big. Some very old keys once deleted no longer clear channels. Where having a backup file comes in real handy.

  • Hi ;

    I want to run BISS keys with the TVheadend program, but I could not run it. It works with the SoftCam Key file. I enter BISS Keys manually and cannot run it.

    I would be very grateful if you could assist me in this matter.

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