Jedi Maker Xtream (IPTV Bouquet Creator) - Main thread

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  • *** updated 29/05/2024 ***

    JEDI MAKER XTREAM - Version 6.37 - (Universal - all images)


    New user guide instructions now available.

    Jedi Maker Xtream - User Guide (PDF)

    A plugin to allow the easy creation of bouquets for IPTV playlists.

    You can also select the individual categories to create the bouquets for. No need to import hundreds of channels that you do not need.

    Tested on:

    OE 2.0 images

    OpenATV 6.4, OpenATV 6.5







    Vu+ OI 3.0 (Vu+ core image)

    OE 2.5/2.6 images

    DreamOS (DMM core image)



    Peter Pan


    Oozoon GP4

    Note to IPTV providers: I will not be making any personal versions of this plugin that embeds hidden IPTV details into it. So no need to keep asking.

    There is nothing in the code that references or will reference any provider.

    Note to users: There are no free channels or streams provided in the plugin. Users have to source and enter their own details into this plugin.

    My plugin is based on xtream codes, if your service uses none standard api calls, or you have removed standard api calls, then unfortunately my plugin will probably not be compatible with your service.


    Main Menu






    Add Playlist/Edit Playlists (text button for virtual keyboard)



    User Info (info button)


    Create Bouquets (Channel up button)


    Choose Bouquet Categories



    Channel Select


    Catch Up (TV Archive)


    EPG will be brought in for providers that have set custom sids and xmltv files. Not All providers do.

    How to install

    FTP the IPK file over to your temp folder. var/volatile/tmp.

    OpenATV install instructions

    • Menu... setup... software management... install local extension
    • memory/tmp
    • Press ok on the package
    • press green to install.

    Reboot your GUI if you are not prompted to.


    OpenVix install instructions

    • Menu > setup > VIX > Ipkg install
    • memory/tmp
    • Press ok on the package
    • press green to install.

    Reboot your GUI if you are not prompted to.


    How to use

    The program works in one of two ways.

    1) Via a playlists.txt file. Where you can copy and paste all your playlist urls

    Now supports standard xtream iptv playlists, External Urls that return m3u playlists or Local MP3s

    Currently this playlists.txt file live here.


    you can change this file location to anywhere you like via the settings.



    2) or you can manually enter your details via the playlists/add playlist.

    You then need to create your channel bouquets.

    On creating a bouquet... playlists....Ok Button (TV button also works as an alternative)...

    This will create your iptv bouquets that can be viewed via the channel select screen (TV Button)

    This will also create a xmltv file for use with epg importer plugin. You must select this in epg importer plugin as one of oyur sources.

    The run an epg importer scan.

    Known Problems

    This plugin uses the newer iptv api. Some older/crappier providers will not be compatible.

    An invalid URL in your playlists.txt will slow down the initial load of playlists as it tries to validate its existance.

    It is recommended you remove/edit any broken URLs as soon as you have confirmed they are actually no longer active.

    (You can now comment out providers in playlists.txt file with a hashtag #)

    Not Working / Not coded (yet)

    Built in player. Streams are viewed via bouquets only at the moment.

    If you are trying this plugin. Feedback is welcome, feedback is needed. Likes and beers are always appreciated. ( :thumbs up:






  • FAQs

    Q) How do I change the location of my playlists.txt file.

    If setting your own playlists.txt location in this plugin.

    It can be quite confusing as its slightly different behaviour than expected.

    Click OK on the setting


    locate the folder/location you wish to use.


    Then press green button to choose it when its highlighted. Don't press OK to go into that location (which is what I would expect to do)

    Q) I do not have the option to select individual categories. I have only got LIVE and VOD?

    Unfortunately, each provider differs. It is impossible to write rules for how each provider categorises its data. My program is designed as a catch all. It isn't designed for a specific provider

    Because at the moment, we are just creating bouquets, all I can do is group everything how the provider categorises things.
    In your case, it seems he is categorising by country for LIVE, and categorising by type in VOD.

    Q) My playlist crashes the box when I try to create a bouquet.
    Unfortunately not all IPTV lists are the same. I have tested many and programmed in lots of rules to catch errors.
    If you can Private message me the relevant part of your crash log. Then I may be able to fix your specifc error.

    crash logs live at /home/root/logs

    Q) Would you have any plans to include epg and fanart for the VOD section? like plex or XtreamTv
    As my plugin is a bouquet creator and not a iptv player, it is not possible to bring these things into bouquets.
    They can only be brought in if I made a custom player.

    Q) i have my own list.m3u ,,,,,stored on my server,,,,is it possible for jedi player to read this file and create a bouquet on my sat box.

    This should be available from release v2.10 hopefully.

    Q) If you have 2 iptv providers, do you have to create to 2 playlists.....

    Yes - or manually combine them on your computer and use as a local M3U file.

    Q) How can I edit channels....

    You cannot edit individual channels in a category group. Its complicated enough selecting categories without also going a branch further into channels. All you can do is select which categories you wish to include in your bouquets.

    If you wish to change the categories in your bouquets, just create a new bouquet for that playlist and select unselect the ones you want.

    If you really want to streamline your channels once you have created your category bouquets, you can probably manually edit your bouquet files that live in /etc/enigma2 on your box. These will keep coming back though if you have auto update on.

    Q) The plugin slows down a lot when creating Series categories.

    Series is processed slightly differently than live and vod. I need to download a large file to get all the information which can be slow.

    Q) My provider has a different EPG address to the one that is shown by your plugin

    My plugin will try show an xmltv epg address based on a standard format.
    On creating your bouquets you can edit this value (text button) to be whatever you want. It will remember this setting for future bouquets creation or updates.

    Q) Can I create bouquets for live / vod / series separately.

    As of version 3.00. Yes creating seperate bouquets doesn't now delete unchecked groups.

    Q) I am trying to load a local/external M3U file. But it's returning nothing.

    My plugin will only pick up local m3u files with the extension .m3u

    Make sure you set the local M3U location in settings and place your M3U file in that location.

    My plugin will only read local .m3u files and external URLs for M3U that follow the standard format which looks like something below.


    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" group-title="", Channel Name



    #EXTINF:-1 , Channel Name

    Q) My playlist shows green, I create my bouquets, but nothing plays.

    When setting up bouquets you have the option to select the stream type. For example it defaults at 4097. If your streams are not playing try the alternative stream type. For example 1.

    Q) My playlist is now showing as red and unavailable.

    Most providers have some downtime as they update there servers. Leave it a short while and see if it turns green again.

    Popular IPTV providers that openly advertise on the net will be blocked by your ISP when the football is on. (wait until the football has finished)

    If its still red several hours later, contact your provider, its nothing to do with the plugin.

    Q) How to remove the jedimakerxtream plugin.

    Go into plugins... remove plugins... extensions...

    If that doesn't fully work ftp into your box and delete this folder.


    Q) I am selecting series but no series bouquets are being created.

    Not all providers have series.

    I use a standard xtream codes api to populate series to prevent flooding your providers server. Unfortunately some providers have removed this api so series will not be built. Its their problem if the don't make things EZ.

    Q) When I run the plugin I get error "No categories selected".

    by default all catogories are not selected. You need to click ok on each category you want to create bouquets for.

    Q) The box crashes all the time now when I try to open a web url it worked very well before.

    There are many reason a web url might not work. Bad URL, Blocked URL, Banned IP address.
    Have you actually tried it in VLC player to see if it actually still works.

    Q) how to convert a provider script to a basic URL for use in my plugin

    A) wget -O /etc/enigma2/ "(" && chmod 777 /etc/enigma2/ && /etc/enigma2/

    Take the URL from the script.

    replace type=enigma22_script with type=m3u

    place this new url in your playlists.txt file.

    Q) My box/remote doesn't have an "INFO" button

    "EPG" button now functions the same as "INFO" button in this plugin.

    Q) Do I need an LNB to populate IPTV EPG.

    No - IPTV epg is downloaded via internet using EPG importer plugin

    Q) After editting the alias.txt my box crashes

    The structure of the alias file has to be correct json format. For example it's easy to miss a closing quote. Any errors and it will crash.

    Make sure you run the file through a json checker, berfore reuploading. i.e

    Q) How to take a screenshot to show you the issue I am having.…34945-taking-screenshots/

    Q) How does jedi handle catchup channels. I mean does it add anything to the channel name so you know catchup is available.

    As of version 4.13 my plugin now handles catchup channels. See first post for link to the catchup instructions.


    I got catchup working kiddaC. I installed Heinz and assigned red button to launch catchup. Just have to try and remember which channels have catchup. :)

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

    Edited 26 times, last by KiddaC ().

  • What is the difference between jedi maker xtream and XC plugin.

    Jedi maker xtream creates bouquets (folders) of all your iptv channels. You view your channels via these bouquets in channel select screen (tv button). My program is very light weight due to existing components doing most of the work.

    XC plugin, is an IPTV player. Where it plays the streams via the plugin. The added benefit of this is you can get film art, picons, descriptions etc. And the streams are brought in on load, so no need to update. Because this is all done via the plugin, it means a lot more code, I wouldn't really say it was bloated though.

    Suls m3utobouquets plugin is similar to my plugin, where as it creates bouquets of your streams, but in a different way than mine does.

    (other plugins are available :) )

    You don't have to stick with one. Install them all and play-around.

    Stream Types

    er.. your box can play streams in various different ways. I don't know specifics, but out of the box, you can player a stream as type 1(dvb), 4097(iptv).

    Depending on your provider streams one might work better than the other. Just experiment between the 2.

    There are also 3rd party add ons that let you view streams slightly differently. i.e service app and gstreamer. You have to manually install these, and then my plugin will pick up they are installed and offer these options in the stream choice. I personally find no use for them, other people do.

    to install these services you need to do something like this in putty/telnet.

    opkg update

    opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-serviceapp exteplayer3 ffmpeg

    opkg install ffmpeg exteplayer3 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-serviceapp

    opkg remove gstplayer

    opkg install gstplayer

    but then you will have to do further research how to setup them up properly. As its not my forte.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

    Edited 2 times, last by KiddaC ().

  • hi bud this is a great plugin .but unfortunately my provider won't allow m3u from his server and extreamtv can be a pain .can you edit your plugin to add a mac address .thank

    Is this any use?

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

    Edited once, last by KiddaC ().

  • Either add it manually if its an external m3u list by clicking playlists ... add playlist ... then change "select playlist type to "M3U File"

    If its a downloaded file just copy the file into "/etc/enigma2/jediplaylists" location on your box

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • **********************************************************************
    Jedi Maker Xtream V3.07 (file on first post)


    Added in EPG button to have the same functionality of the Info Button. For those strangely that don't have an info button function on their remote.

    UK iptv channels should now be populated via EPG Importer UK 28.2E rytec channels whether your provider has an epg or not.


    This works by trying to strip the original IPTV channel name down to the same format as what sky use or by an alias name as defined in the following file.


    The alias file has this format.


    add a new alias by adding a comma and the new alias name (lower case) in between new quotes.

    Do not edit the first value of each row as this is the name I use as my cross reference to the rytec file.

    Things that get automatically stripped out of IPTV names. So no need to add these bits to the alias name.

    "UK ", " UK", "UK :". "uk:", "-", "*", "_", "local", "british", "backup", "ppv", "vip", "pdc", "SD"

    Bracketed text. i.e (backup)

    Piped Text. i.e |NEW|

    4k, uhd, fhd, full hd, 1080p, 1080 get replaced with HD

    Therefore if you had an IPTV name like below that wasn't picked up

    UK: Sky Cinema Crime & Thriller FHD 1080 (VIP)

    in the alias file you would just add in the following to "sky thriller" line. Add in HD if you want to reference the HD channel for picons.

    UK: Sky Cinema Crime & Thriller FHD 1080 (VIP) HD

    ,"Sky Cinema Crime & Thriller HD"

    It is easy to break this json file. It is highly recommend you check the content of your file with a json checker once you have finshed editting.

    Full SRP picon sets can now be used for all your UK channels after this updated.

    There are a few channels that rytec currently don't have an epg for. If you see the odd gap, this might just be a blank in the rytec file.
    A good way to check is to do a full manual satellite scan. Go into the LAst scanned bouquet. And see if rytec has populated an epg for this channel.

    Enjoy. (Back to skins .... honest )

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

    Edited once, last by KiddaC ().

    • Official Post

    To all you people who dont live in Timezone GMT Use NTP Time settings not DVB Time

    If you live in Timezone GMT+1H you live in the future and therefore if you use DVB Time all Local UK Channels

    that dont support EPG Timeshift want give you EPG since you are in the future.

    EPG Importer can handle this if you set your time settings to NTP instead of DVB

    And most important if 95% EPG is working well then its okey its allways better then no EPG ;)

    Of cause since i got to now KiddaC i now he want stop until he sorted all this out and provide as with a better epg then orginal provider ;)

    For me using OpenBlackhole/Blackhole CrossEpg is working better to populate EPG then EPG Importer.

    So give it a test if you have problem.

    Many Thanks for your work KiddaC but you need a Christmas Break so go to the pub and have a big "Lager"



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  • Here is a little script I played about with last week

    wget --no-check-certificate -O && chmod +x && ./

    Although as KiddaC says its probably easier to edit the file but it would help for those that are given a url, username and password.

    Copy and past the above command in telnet/putty or openwebif it will ask you for your username and password and host url i.e

    This will create a playlists.txt file in etc/enigma2 with your m3u urls I have chosen this folder for users that want to test and compare to the file they may have in etc\enigma2\jediplaylists

    The script will also configure the plugin to read etc\enigma\playlists.txt so you can go straight into create playlists.

    You can run it multiple times to add a new line as it will add another line under the first line.

    For those that are interested in the contents of the script here it is

    [hide] https://raw.githubusercontent.…14/plugins/master/


    Edited once, last by KiddaC: Spelling ().

  • Jedi Maker Xtream V4.11 - Now with Jedi Catchup
    **New File on Post 1**

    So whats new.

    2 new options in the main settings.


    This will prefix any channels that have Catchup from your provider with a symbol of your choice. Note: a lot of IPTV providers do not have catchup.


    Then in any of the EPGs... Graphical EPG, Infobar EPG, MultiEPG(Now,next,more), but not Vertical EPG and unfortunately not Channel Select.

    You can trigger the Catchup plugin by pressing the Favourite / Stop / List / FileList / PVR / Record List / Button on your remote.

    Just highlight the channel you want in the EPG and press FAV, you don't even need to zap to it.


    Select the date or all available catchup to show the Catchup listings.


    Press OK on a listing will open it up in Movie Player. (where you can play/pause/seek etc)


    Press exit button to leave movie player catchup.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • Jedi maker xtream v.4.14

    New file on post 1.

    seagen has been testing catchup on multiple images to try and get it working on them all. :thumbup:

    OpenATV 6.3 (PVR Button)

    Pure2 6.2 (PVR Button)

    OpenBlackhole 4.2 (PVR Button)

    Blackhole 3.0.9 (Stop Button)

    VTI 14 (Stop Button)

    Vu+ OI 3.0 (Stop Button)

    openvix 5.2.041 (PVR Button)

    OpenPli 7.0 (PVR Button)

    OpenDroid 6.8 (PVR Button)

    OpenESI 8.5 (PVR Button)

    Please continue to report any crashes or bugs.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • Word of advice for everyone.

    If you get a crash. Delete all bouquets and recreate them. Then do what you did previously to get a crash and see if you still get it.

    If you still get a crash then post your editted crash logs (making sure no iptv details are in it)

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • Thanks for the amazing plugin, super useful on my VU+ Solo2 running OpenBlackhole!

    Is there a way to have PICONS (channel logos) directly from the IPTV source, similar to what we have on android apps? It's a real nightmare to work with iptv channels and picons on Enigma2!

    Thanks again

  • Thanks for the amazing plugin, super useful on my VU+ Solo2 running OpenBlackhole!

    Is there a way to have PICONS (channel logos) directly from the IPTV source, similar to what we have on android apps? It's a real nightmare to work with iptv channels and picons on Enigma2!

    Thanks again

    Not in my plugin.

    My plugin is a bouquet maker that uses existing enigma2 components.
    It is not a built in player where you can download picons on the fly.

    It is relative easy to code in downloading picons, but it comes with many problems. Therefore I have no plans to do it.

    1) Some iptv providers are absolutely huge. Meaning potentially you could be downloading thousands of picons. These would be uncompressed and potentially take up a lot of space on your external media.

    2) Picons from IPTV are usually poor quality

    3) Picons from IPTV are not the standard size of enigma2 picons. Enigma2 on lots of images resize picons badly. Therefore an additional python library is need to resize the picons into a usuable format.

    4) Picons have to be renamed to the name of the channel for use in enigma2. This brings in its own problems with existing picon names and if the user has chosen to use Rytec naming. As this will override any proper existing picon sets.

    5) etc etc

    I could actually write a sister plugin for downloading iptv picons for your provider, but got plenty of other things to do on my to do list at the moment.

    And if you are UK based and mainly want UK picons for your provider we already have a solution for that.

    Use Rytec UK EPG
    Replace UK channel names in bouquets with swap names

    use my other plugin epiconizer to download UK picons
    E2Piconizer - Picon Downloader/Creator


    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

    • Official Post

    For Picons there are several ways to fix and none is easy.

    For UK picons and EPG there is a solution in Jedi Plugin read first post.

    But for all other contries we have to be more creative ;)

    Option 1

    Use notepad and open your IPTV bouquets /etc/enigma2 with NotePad ++

    Use Search and replace function in notepad (Kan be saved as macro for later use)

    Search and replace all names like VIP FHD and simular with blankspace so you get the channel names like in Sat/Cable or Terrestial.

    Save and reboot gui.

    Option 2

    Use E-Channelizer and download all settings from your STB.

    Then in left window you have your Sat/Cable and Terrestial channels.

    Just hold CTRL button and drag &drop the channel from left window into your IPTV Channel

    and you get Picons + EPG id. You can filter your left window so you dont have to scroll so much

    and you can also quick search left window for channels.

    Save and upload your settings to your STB

    Reboot Gui

    Option 3

    Same as option 2 only that you can use DreamboxEdit to do the same ;)

    The only crapp with this is if you do an update or re create your bouquets you have to do it all over again :(

    So we might have to figure out a way to use the swap function for UK channels so we easy can add custom channels also :)

KiddaC Skins and Plugins

KiddaC Enigma2 Picons, Plugins and Skins, includes slyk-1-HD, v-skin-HD, slyk-q-HD, slyk onyx skins, Bouquet Maker Xtream, E2Piconizer, IPTV Bouquet Maker, Jedi Maker Xtream, Jedi EPG Xtream, ScreenNames, Visual Weather and X Class, X-Streamity - Xtream Codes IPTV Player.

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