
There are 85 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 15,090 times. The last Post () by frank087234.

  • Hi.

    I am currently using MMboot, if I use another usb to install BOOT-FLASH-USB-E2-SIM2-DM800SE-25122019-Pgs

    Dreambox Clone Sim 2, losing the ability to come back? Will nothing change in bios or flash?

    Do I really need a Linux system or emulator to add a new image? I am not sure if I understood the description correctly.

  • Hi.

    I am currently using MMboot, if I use another usb to install BOOT-FLASH-USB-E2-SIM2-DM800SE-25122019-Pgs

    Dreambox Clone Sim 2, losing the ability to come back? Will nothing change in bios or flash?

    Do I really need a Linux system or emulator to add a new image? I am not sure if I understood the description correctly.

    You don't lose anything, no need to Linux. You need to change bios to allow usb boot, if usb is removed from box, it will boot normally.

  • Hi giorbak please freind be patient and worry with me the main question which i didn't understand is how to change on DREAM-BOOT partition vmlinux from another image i successfull boot from usb than i get 4 partitions as in this image ( autofs+hdd+sda2+sda4 ) than i wish to install OPENNFR 6.3 for example how i install it please please explain me with pictures or video if you can

  • Hi,

    Great job !!! .

    you said:

    "when a image boot

    a) boot with vmlinux that is on DREAM-BOOT , with /lib/modules/ that is on image in OMB or ROOT

    b) this vmlinux with modules MUST BE from the same compile-build image base from pli or openatv

    c) not possible ,for example, to boot if vmlinux on DREAM-BOOT is pli and modules on multiboot image is from openatv or the opposite

    d) possible to boot image base pli, with vmlinux - modules from openatv or the opposite"

    That is clear.

    If I understood correcly the booting process, vmlinux is first booted from "Vfat" partition an then the process jump to sdx2 "ext3" partition when you have an external flash image which must have the OMB plugin installed. The OMB task will be responsible of booting the image seleted from the omb menu using the proper vmlinux and modules. If this is the case?

    In principle I need to change the vmilux in the DREAM-BOOT only if I decide to change the image in the "external flash" if needed . Is this the case ?

    I didn't like omd in flash image because the booting process is much longer and because the writing of vmlinuz on the flash not always work correctly. I didn't like other Multiboot pluging like Italyboot (which is what I was using mostly) because of some incopatibility with newer image that creates issue with samba or OpenVpn.

    So I 'm actually using an "homemade" usb-boot in which each image in store in a partition of the usb pen. I use a script to boot a different image. Basically this script copies the Boot content of the selectet image to the "vfat" partition. The "autoexec_dm800se.bat" is of course modifiet to point to the partition of the select image. In This way I've solved all compatibility issue,

  • very interesting topic.
    I'm trying to update my old dm800se clone (sunray) fitting a complete image on usb drive to boot from there
    do you have any tips or guide to use your method?
    i'm trying to have the original old openpli 6.1 on internal flash, and a more updated image on usb.

  • here is how I do it without using any multiboot plugin.

    1) Go to a linux computer (or use your drembox with eparted) an make at leas 2 partitions , the first should be 32 mb and the second big enough to contain the whole image ( I use 1GB) . Format the first one as vfat and the second as ext3 or ext4

    2) Take your nfi image and decompress it and copy it to the second partition of your usb pen. Copy the boot dir contents to the vfat partition

    3) edit the "autoexec_dm800se.bat" in the vfat partition and change the second line of the file in

    "/boot/vmlinux-3.2-dm800se.gz root=/dev/sdbx rootdelay=10 rw console=ttyS0,115200" (without the quotes)

    Be aware that the "sdbx" should be changed in either "sda2" (if you do not have internal hdd" or in to "sdb2". If you add a third partition and you add another image and you wont boot that one , copy the boot content of that image into vfat and change sdbx in sda3 or sdb3. (and so on)

    4) modify the bios of your dreambox to boot from usb (if you do not know how to do it just google it )

    I f you have done everything correctly it should boot the image in the usb pen

    Please note that it does not matter what image you have in the flash.

    I made up some simple scripts to be able to switch from one image to the other without doing the manual changes

  • I did something like what you describe. With MiniTool Partition Wizard I divided a microsd card into 52 partitions.

    The first partition for boot, the second for hdd and the remaining 50 for image slots.

    1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg

    I created small scripts on the hdd and with AJPanel I can change to any image I want.

    4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg

    In slot1 (DreamElite), I installed MultiMiniBoot and through it I run 12 old images that cannot be installed in the slots.


    I also created another script to install, backup, restore and delete images to any slot.



    To tell the truth, all images (old and new ones) can be installed and run on any slot, if they are primary partitions.

    In our case, the first three are primary and the rest are logical. Slot-01 (DreamElite) is primary partition.

    If I convert the MRB disk to GPT disk, all partitions will be primary, but when I set the first partition (FAT) as active (bootable),

    it doesn't appear in the list.

    Edited once, last by giorbak ().

  • which bin do you need to decompress the nfi image (using a linux vm) and write it to the usb partition?

    Edited 3 times, last by snam11 ().

  • for giorbak...

    Very intersting I can give a try

    I'm not using any multiboot plugin so I cannot tell much about MultiMiniBoot

    I use a small size usb 2.0 pen (8 or 16 gb) . I'm not sure if the Dm800se firmware works ok with bigger size usb pen. I never tried.

    It works ok with mbr with 10 partitions or more.

    I use use the following partitins on my usb pen (I have internal hdd shown as sda)

    1) vfat 32 mb -> primary -> shown as sdb1

    2) linux-swap 512mb -> primary -> shown as sdb2

    3) ext4 1gb -> logical -> shown as sdb5 -> for the first image

    4) ext4 1gb -> logical -> shown as sdb6 -> for the second image

    and so on

    with that I can run any kind of image of any size (provaided that is for dm800se)

  • to pinpoint a very useful guide, here is one:
    How To Boot Your DM800 From A USB Stick

    it can be done at 90% on the enigma2 device itself, and to format in fat16 (the 1st partition) you have to use a pc

    it basically create 2 or more partitions, extract the backup image on the 2nd one, copies the boot info on the 1st, setting the boot priority on the device, and that's it.

    Edited 4 times, last by snam11 ().

  • As you read in my previous post, I mention that the old generation images do not run on an MBR disk in logical partitions.

    As you can see, I already have 37 images (new generation) in logical partitions and another 12 (old generation) that cannot be run

    and I use MultiMiniBoot on the hdd (I run them from the first DreamElite image (old generation).

    I use a 64gb microsd card via a small USB card reader and everything works normally and much faster than a usb pen.

  • what do you mean by old and new generation? oe 1.6 or oe 2.0?

    Edited once, last by snam11 ().

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