Debian Server , Whats it all about, Please advise here ???

There are 25 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 3,667 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Hi Guys,

    I have a spiderbox so not able to share back, have been told about Debian server, i know its free, but what else is it easy to fit what do i need and whatvere else i need to know then please post here Guys ???


  • Taken from another source!! Hope someone can explain it cause i've no experience of them!

    "Download and Install Debian

    First download the netinstall cd of debian linux
    You can download it from the following URL:
    Debian -- Network install from a minimal CD
    (Most people will generally want the i386 version)
    This will install the basic debian linux system on your hard disk.

    During the installation process, it will ask you several questions
    Hostname and domain are not really of much importance right now as you can change it at a later date. Here you can input a hostname and domain of your choice.

    Another question you will be asked is if it can use the entire hard disk. As it is going to be a dedicated server, you can use the entire hard disk.
    Guided - use entire disk
    When it's asking you for a network mirror, make sure you choose a fast and stable server.
    Usually local university servers are fast and stable.

    When you've completed the network mirror, it's going to download the software list.
    Now you can deselect everything to keep the server as small as possible.
    All you have to select is web server.
    After a while it will eject the CD and it will start to reboot.

    As you might have noticed during the installation of debian it uses dhcp to acquire an ip address. For a card server, it's not recommended to have it's IP address handled by DHCP. First thing we need to do is remove the DHCP and assign a static IP to the linux server

    Assigning static IP
    Log in as root with the right password
    then type in the following command

    vim /etc/network/interfaces

    now remove the following line

    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet dhcp
    and replace it with

    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
    These IP addresses might be different for your situation.
    Remember to replace them with ip addresses relevant to your local network.
    You can save the file with the following commands.

    (note that’s a capital Z so shift + zz)
    Once the file is saved, you can restart the network and check if your linux server is running with its new IP address.

    /etc/init.d/networking restart

    ifconfig should now look something like this
    cardserver:/home# ifconfig
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:00:10:D0:70
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::250:4ff:fe1d:d27b/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:8931 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:6028 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:7585683 (7.2 MiB) TX bytes:916823 (895.3 KiB)
    Interrupt:10 Base address:0x4000

    Installing SSH
    Next thing that needs to be done is install an SSH daemon.
    This will allow you to log into the card server securely from your own computer and the server does not require a keyboard and monitor if you want to change something.

    apt-get install openssh-server
    Once SSH is installed, you can logout of the server, remove the keyboard and monitor as we don't need it anymore.

    Getting Putty
    You need to download putty to your PC so you can log into the server with SSH
    Update apt-get software list
    To make sure, you locally have a good software list available, you have to update the apt-get database

    apt-get update

    Installing an FTP server
    To be able to transfer files between your computer and the linux server, an FTP server is needed.
    During the installation it will ask you one question. Answer it with "stand-alone"
    This will consume a bit more memory but will prevent linux from spawning a new process every time you log in.

    apt-get install proftpd

    The server is now installed and all the needed files are in place.

    Preparing your server for CCcam
    Now it's time to get it ready for CCcam.
    First thing we need to do is make 6 directories and adjust the parameters.

    mkdir /emu
    mkdir /emu/cccam
    mkdir /emu/script
    mkdir /emu/log
    mkdir /var/etc
    mkdir /var/keys
    chmod 777 /emu
    chmod 777 /emu/*
    chown username /emu
    chown username /emu/*
    The username stated above is the username you created during the installation. This name is going to be used for file transfers through FTP.

    Start up script for CCcam
    To prevent from having to change directory all the time we're going to place a script on the server so CCcam can be started from any directory on the server.
    vim /emu/script/cccam
    CAMNAME="CCcam Server"
    # end

    # This method starts CCcam
    start_cam ()
    /emu/cccam/CCcam.x86 –C /var/etc/CCcam.cfg &
    sleep 2
    # This method stops CCcam
    stop_cam ()
    pkill CCcam.x86
    case "$1" in
    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
    echo "Restaring $CAMNAME"
    "$0" stop
    exit 1
    exit 0

    chmod 755 /emu/script/cccam
    ln /emu/script/cccam /bin/cccam
    Now you can simply start, stop or restart CCcam from any directory by simply typing

    cccam start
    cccam stop
    cccam restart

    Upload CCcam

    Now use a FTP program to upload CCcam.x86 to /emu/cccam and CCcam.cfg to /var/etc

    Making CCcam executable

    Use putty again to give CCcam.x86 execution rights

    chmod 755 /emu/cccam/CCcam.x86

    Config update script

    When running larger servers it’s a good idea to only update your CCcam.cfg once a day to not annoy all your peers. Following is instructions to do just that. Drop any new configs into /emu/cccam and at 3am it will backup the current one in /var/etc and copy the new one from /emu/cccam over it.
    vim /emu/script/

    #Script to process the new CCcam.cfg and backup the old one
    if test -f $SOURCE/$FILE ; then
    echo "New Config Present"
    if test -d $BACKUPDIR ; then
    if test -f $BACKUPDIR/$CONFIGOLD ; then
    echo "Removing OLD config file from backup directory"
    echo "No OLD config to remove."

    if test -f $BACKUPDIR/$FILE ; then
    echo "Renaming Backup to old config"
    echo "No Backupfile present yet"
    if test -f $TARGET/$FILE ; then
    echo "Copying Original config to Backup directory"
    rm $TARGET/$FILE
    echo "No Original Config File Present!?!?"
    echo "Backup directory does not exist."
    echo "making new directory"
    mkdir $BACKUPDIR
    if test -f $TARGET/$FILE ; then
    echo "Copying Original config to Backup directory"
    echo "No Original Config File Present!?!?"
    echo "Moving New config file to "$TARGET
    rm $SOURCE/$FILE
    echo "No New Config present, Nothing to process"

    chmod 755 /emu/script/
    To make sure the config update script will run at 3 am every night, we can place it in the crontab.

    cd /etc
    vim crontab
    and add the following line to it

    00 3 * * * root /emu/script/ >>/emu/log/configupdate.log 2>&1
    This will run the script every day at 3am, and it's output will be written in /emu/log/configupdate.log so you can check on occasion if all went well.

    Starting CCcam with system boot

    There's only one more thing to do. Add CCcam to the start-up so it will start on the next reboot of the server.

    vim /etc/rc.local
    and add the following line at the bottom

    /bin/cccam start –C /var/etc/CCcam.cfg &
    test the config update script created earlier to see if that works

    If it works, you can reboot the server and check if CCcam is running."

  • Oh My God, this looks really difficult.
    Asking a simple question, if i can set this up and get it going can i not use this pc for anything else but server use ???

    Nope you can use it as a desktop too if your willing to use Linux, its what I do. Or I think its possible to run the server in a Virtual machine in windows but I dont think you could shrare locals that way

  • You could partition the hard drive and have linux and windows running together but that would mean only choosing one when booting..

    Hence if you picked windows you couldn't ccam share....

    Linux is an operating system too just like windows but all programs may not be compatible!

    I'd suggest you use an unwanted/unused desktop and not a brand spanking new desktop that all the family will want to use cause therecould be tears ;)

  • Only a low spec machine is needed and when all set up there is no need for a monitor or keyboard. All changes can be done by remote access through another (windows) machine.

    Vu+ Solo, VIX 1.2 with CCcam2.2.1 - 1.2 Mtr Fibo gregorian, (53E - 58W). A couple of DM800's and a DM500 on a fixed 60cm dish

  • Use an old PC if you have one or buy one on Ebay.

    P4 2Ghz (or higher) cheap desktop will do, which can be bought for under ?50

    All you will need is a network connection so it can be placed anyway out the way.

    Everything is done remotely from your main PC with SSH and FTP

  • I have an old HP Pavillion PC Tower so not that important if i cant still use as PC to browse internet etc, i have a laptop that i can do for that, but this all looks so difficult, any further info or advice would be most welcome ???

  • Ten Belows tutorial goes step by step!!

    If you follow that i can't see you having any major problems!!

    I have looked around a fair few other forums and that definitely is the easiest to follow in my eyes!!

    Let me know how your getting on with it mate!

    Might go for one myself in the future!!

  • Just follow Tens tut and you will be up and running in no time.

    You could also install from the tut in a virtual linux system on a windows platform, thats how i did it first time. Do a google for 'clark conect' or 'clearos' if you get stuck give us a shout and I'll help if I can.

    Once you've got it sorted in you windows box, a linux stand alone box is a breeze.

    Dont forget you will need reshares on the clines as the standalone acts as another hop.

    If its not broke --- fix it anyway.

  • Nope you can use it as a desktop too if your willing to use Linux, its what I do. Or I think its possible to run the server in a Virtual machine in windows but I dont think you could shrare locals that way

    Local sharing will work in a virtual machine - but you need a usb phonix card reader {or simular} ClearOS / Clark Connect will give you the Virtual machine to run linux in you.

    If its not broke --- fix it anyway.

  • Hi Mate going to take the plunge but was wondering dont mind if i cant use pc tower after fittimg debaian server but was wobdering i am fitting this as i have spiderbox , do i need to connect old pc to spiderbox or wireless router as my pc tower has wireless card ?
    Sorry for asking but this all sounds like giberish to me ?

  • one of these looks very promising, will it work ok with an omnikey without any great hassle?

    Yes m8 it will work with a omnikey with no hassle!!


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  • thanks for the replies, when i got the omnikey about a year or so ago i was then told after i bought it it was only compatible with newcs and the lines i could give myself wouldnt work on my azbox.. obviously not :)

    110cm Triax Dish multi arm 13,16,19, 23, 28 east fixed 90cm thor

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