installing omnikey ubuntu server

There are 41 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 3,362 times. The last Post () by andy ray.

  • Hi im in the process of installing ubuntu server on vmware worksation 8 ive got the point where i need to install the omnikey drivers and im confused with this tutorial…key-readers-linux-pc.html.

    firstly how on earth do i chmod 755 the install script/files ive looked but i can not find a definative answer

    ive read but i dont really understand the below do i need to edit something ?

    And change thise lines by removing # from front and reader_drivers lines u delete one comand too:

    reader_drivers = pcsc, ctapi;
    try_emulation_first = yes;
    lock_login = false;

    i have typed in the command opensc-tool ?list-readers

    all i get is the below and no sign of the omnikey reader connected to vmware and my pc

    root@ubuntu:/home/username# opensc-tool ?list-readers
    Usage: opensc-tool [OPTIONS]
    --info, -i Prints information about OpenSC
    --atr, -a Prints the ATR bytes of the card
    --serial Prints the card serial number
    --name, -n Identify the card and print its name
    --get-conf-entry, -G <arg> Get configuration key, format: section:name:key
    --set-conf-entry, -S <arg> Set configuration key, format: section:name:key:value
    --list-readers, -l Lists all configured readers
    --list-drivers, -D Lists all installed card drivers
    --list-rdrivers, -R Lists all installed reader drivers
    --list-files, -f Recursively lists files stored on card
    --send-apdu, -s <arg> Sends an APDU in format AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF...
    --reader, -r <arg> Uses reader number <arg> [0]
    --card-driver, -c <arg> Forces the use of driver <arg> [auto-detect]
    --wait, -w Wait for a card to be inserted
    --verbose, -v Verbose operation. Use several times to enable debug output.

    I would appreciate any help via the forum or teamviewer thanks.

  • Have a look here mate, Same sort of problems so this should get you sorted!

    chmod 755 is a command you run as root(admin)

    Log in as root (enter password)

    chmod 755


    chmod 755 /thedirectory/youwant/

    Its a command you will use often on here

    Just double check you typed opensc command correct otherwise add -l
    What you saw when you typed it was a list of options to display

    Any problems come back mate


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Thanks for the reply not really sure what you mean by opensc command tbh but i tried the chmod 755 commands and go the below

    home/username# chmod 755
    chmod: cannot access `': No such file or directory
    root@ubuntu:/home/username# chmod 755/tmp/
    chmod: missing operand after `755/tmp/'
    Try `chmod --help' for more information.

    I guess im back to the linux receiver for now

  • Andy,

    Just double check the way you input command mate! Has to be exact format file is in e.g Cccam needs to Cccam
    Check file is present in the directory (use ls command)
    check spaces e.t.c
    the last command you didnt put a space between 755 /tmp

    Opensc reference was to
    i have typed in the command opensc-tool ?list-readers

    all i get is the below and no sign of the omnikey reader connected to vmware and my pc

    You mat have to add -l to the command opensc-tool ?list-readers

    The readout that you got was the help file telling you what paramaters you can get?

    Few commands you may need

    ls (list files in directory)
    cd /tmp (navigate to tmp directory)
    cd .. (navigate back)
    nano (edit) so nano /usr/local/etc/Cccam.cfg will edit the Cccam file e.t.c


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • thanks for the reply again i tried opensc-tool ?list-readers -i and thiis is was i got

    [opensc-tool] reader-pcsc.c:896:pcsc_detect_readers: SCardListReaders failed: 0x8010002e
    [opensc-tool] reader-pcsc.c:1015:pcsc_detect_readers: returning with: No readers found

    • Official Post

    The correct command is this

    opensc-tool -l

    Your earlier question about

    nano /etc/opensc/opensc.conf

    You are editing the file here, you need to find & unhash each line ( they are all in different places ) & remove some text so it looks exactly as you see in the guide.
    (not required in the alamski script as mentioned)

    To run the script edit it on your decktop using either DCC or notepad++, using anything else can result in the format being changed & the script not reconised in linux,
    once done send the filles to /tmp then in terminal

    cd /tmp

    chmod 755

  • Andy you have done the following steps first?

    sudo apt-get install opensc pcscd libccid

    And edited the following by running command

    nano /etc/opensc/opensc.conf

    Make that file exactly the same as below by either deleting hash from start of line and or delete line

    reader_drivers = pcsc, ctapi;
    try_emulation_first = yes;
    lock_login = false;
    provider_library = /lib/

    If the file looks like the above ctrl + o and ctrl + x

    Reboot and run the

    opensc-tool -l


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Thanks everyone i think i managed to install the script now i get " there is a problem with the configuration server usr/lib/libconf2-4gconf-sanity-check exited with status 256 and i can not get any further than that sadly

  • Ive got a lot more info to go on now so iam going to install ubuntu desktop and start again, i assume that ubuntu desktop will work too thank for the replies if i get more issues i will post there cheers..

  • well i tried installing with ubuntu desktop and i still get there is a problem with the configuration server usr/lib/libconf2-4gconf-sanity-check exited with status 256 time to try debian i think

  • before trying was the error on installing/running script and similar to my post here…l-script-please-help.html

    if so try

    Open the terminal and use this command :

    apt-get install libssl0.9.8:i386

    After it will install try to start the oscam, it should start fine. ( GeorgeXL)

    I know i had a problem with the libraires? Maybe useless though?

    If your going to try debain try this…l-package-debian-6-a.html

    I installed ok and was all up and running in no time (kinda) :)


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Cheers mrgmx the download link for debian does not work btw

  • OK ive have debian now installed and the script but my problem is nano /etc/opensc/opensc.conf i have no idea how to edit it correctly perhaps someone can post the exact format or help in some other way thanks

    • Official Post

    OK ive have debian now installed and the script but my problem is nano /etc/opensc/opensc.conf i have no idea how to edit it correctly perhaps someone can post the exact format or help in some other way thanks

    This is how the first line should look once edited,

    Now scroll down to find the others, once all are done press

    ctrl & o
    ctrl & x

  • Thanks ten below sadly its still saying the omnikey is not found not to worry i will to stay with the dreambix as my server for now

  • Andy,
    I had to try because this was doing my head in now!

    Just a quick checklist (your on debian now right)
    Have you run/installed with no errors?

    apt-get install opensc pcscd libccid

    You have the file opensc.conf in etc/opensc/ folder

    The easiest way i found to edit file was open it through winscp and edit the file, you see the whole file then!
    Look for or right click and find the three lines (there are all over the file)

    Find (login) Find (emulation) find (pcsc)

    When you see the lines that look indentical delete the # symbol to make the line readable/live
    Remove openct from line reader_drivers = openct, pcsc, ctapi; (ensure this is also unhashed #)

    Save the file

    Ensure that the correct port is defined in oscam.server

    Reboot and it should find it and work?

    Is you card reader working? Plug into windows pc and see if it installs drivers and Green light shows up on reader?


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • HI mrgmx the card reader is new as far as im aware the it all installed with no errors and i think ive edited the file correctly but i can not be sure.When i plug in the reader there is a green light and it even comes up on vmware as being there,considering it took ages for me to even get oscam working with some else`s help im not surprised im having issues as im not that good with this type of thing initally

  • Arrrghhh,

    Card in correct way?
    Do you get anything in the Oscam Log file?
    Did you use device 001:002 or SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0, USB1 e.t.c


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Are you saying I need to edit the oscam files and my cfg before the card reader is even picked up because as of yet its still on the files that where downloaded with the install script

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