X-Streamity - Xtream Codes IPTV Player (new thread)

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  • And I know people often ask me to help them with their code. But this is how I am using chatgpt to offer suggestions to my existing code.

    can you improve this function. The function is from an enigma2 plugin. It needs to be compatible with python 2.7 and python 3.*. Variables might be used elsewhere so do not rename. 

    [paste in code for 1 function]

    Then I eyeball mine and there code in a file comparison software like WinMerge, and check everything is functioning the same.

    Sample answer:

    Used os.path.getsize() instead of os.stat().st_size for getting the file size, as it's more concise.


    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • I have been testing a few catchups yesterday.
    Some work, some dont.
    Some play from the providers domain, others are redirecting to other sites with a play token attached
    Some say they have catchup, list the programmes, but then nothing will load.
    I think catchup is becoming a thing of the past.

    i don't think its the plugin. I have tried catchup urls direct in VLC player and they still dont play. I think its providers. I keep saying this in many threads. Its just a shit show of hybrid xtream code APIs being used.
    The provider I use as my main test provider. Nothing plays in catchup anymore despite saying they have catchup for lots of channels.

    But I might put ALL in by mistake if nothing is brought back.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • if your provider has catchup. 16

    1. Yes I get a list of channels - but nothing plays (3) 19%
    2. Yes I get a list of channels - most play (9) 56%
    3. My catchup list is empty (4) 25%

    Lets create a poll. We can see the extent of this.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • I have various providers the ones I have added via iptveditor and some of the same ones not done via editor display only ALL


    two others not done in editor displays catchup channels and they work.

    another displays catch up channels and that crashes when i try to go into some categories and also when i try to play a channel.

    Also latest version of 4.40 seems really slow i have busy pointer even when starting xtreamity and same when within plugin when i do anything, version 4.39 very rarely busy pointer a lot faster loads straight away.

    out of interest I reverted back to older openatv7.3 backup image from 03/07 running xtreamity 4.39 and all providers catchup except one is working it just shows blank screen when playing.

    P.S. I also tried removing and reinstalling service app to see if that would help with gstreamer erors in crashlog.

  • It is very rare that you need to put in an alternative epg address.
    And if you do it has to be by your provider as it needs to match your providers ids.

    It can be manually added. But you need a text viewer (like notepad++) with a json viewer (search notepad++ plugins)


    "player_info": {

    "epgalternative": false,

    "epgalternativeurl": "",

    change to true and whatever your alternative epg is. But it cant just be any old random epg.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • Just an update of what I have been up to.
    I have been refactoring all my code for xstreamity with the help of chatgpt recommendations.
    Its quite a daunting task and involves lots of re-testing.
    The good news is I am nearly finished. I have redone every single file. Just got a few niggles on live.py to iron out, then do series.py then vod.py and we done.
    The other good news as I have been re-testing everything, I have spotted the odd error that I am trying to fix or amend.
    The bad news is, I haven't got a clue of what new errors I might have brought in. Hopefully none.

    Then I will release on here as beta so everyone can give it a quick test.
    Once everything is fine and dandy, Then I will get back on to the new version. X-Klass. Which will use all these new amends too.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • Xstreamity v4.41 (beta release) - there may be dragons. :robot:

    And don't post it on other forums yet. As it is very likely it has errors in it. Its a Beta release.

    So whats new pussy cat.... Everything.
    This may go very wrong.

    In prep for my new plugin I have been amending all my code.
    I have been using ChatGPT to structure my code better.
    This means I have changed every single file. (eek)

    Some key points

    • Refactored all files to have more professional and concise python code.
    • Better error handling
    • Completely new and condensed dependancy file
    • Amended favourites - should behave a little better
    • Amended downloadlocation code - should remember your chosen option now after reboot.
    • Amended custom sids code if badly formatted
    • Amended language translation script (might break on dreambox)
    • Better code for stripping unneeded characters from titles.
    • Stop live stream if previewed before playing. This allows the stream to be added to recently watched.
    • Fixed a typo in main menu skin (all screen sizes)
    • Amended picons and cover art resize code.
    • Sorting is now case insensitive. So now lower case don't end up at the end of the list
    • Better handling of incorrect date strings that some providers are incorrectly using when using Hybrid APIs
    • Added from __future__ import division - so python 2.7 and python 3.* all function the same
    • Replaced string formating %s with {} .format for future compatibility
    • Removed "MENU" button from streamplayers. It causes too many issues and my code needs to be linear for XKLASS
    • Removed return back to playing stream via the back button.
    • Added in a new MoviePlayerSummary screen for lcds - no idea if this works or not.
    • Rounded Movie ratings to 1 decimal place
    • Split out the players into 3 files again. Liveplayer. VodPlayer. CatchupPlayer.
    • Catchup is a mess nowadays - offsets are all over the show. New option added. Channel up and channel down buttons will timeshift the catchup by 10 minutes (reloading it with the new time). Plus 10 mins or minus 10 mins.

    And if testing - I need to know what python version you are using. What image you are using. And whether you are using a dreambox or not.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

KiddaC Skins and Plugins

KiddaC Enigma2 Picons, Plugins and Skins, includes slyk-1-HD, v-skin-HD, slyk-q-HD, slyk onyx skins, Bouquet Maker Xtream, E2Piconizer, IPTV Bouquet Maker, Jedi Maker Xtream, Jedi EPG Xtream, ScreenNames, Visual Weather and X Class, X-Streamity - Xtream Codes IPTV Player.

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