Problem some channels, caid 1810, black TV screen​

There are 170 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 71,279 times. The last Post () by seagen.

  • Good evening, we continue to collect data and investigate. We have discovered that the server with card 1810 running on Mbox does not give a black screen. While a server with a chart in OSCam gives a black screen, the same chart mounted in MBox does not emit a black screen. I repeat, the MBox emulator (so far) seems to be working fine.

    mbox is not a card reader.
    What reader do you use to read it?
    I just tried sbox + mbox and it keeps giving black..

  • El trabajo del equipo de cccam3 encontró la manera de abrir el paquete en la tarjeta 1810 y disponible en servidores premium

    Good afternoon, it seems that the Team3 team has found a way to block the detection of requests to the card, and therefore the blocking of the sid. I am in contact with them, they will send me a line and the process to implement on our servers. As soon as I have it all and study it, I'll post it.

    Edited once, last by master G: Merged a post created by Quaterback into this post. ().

  • Buenas tardes, parece que el equipo de Team3 ha encontrado la forma de bloquear la detección de peticiones a la tarjeta, y por tanto el bloqueo del sid. Estoy en contacto con ellos, me enviarán una línea y el proceso a implementar en nuestros servidores. En cuanto lo tenga todo y lo estudie, lo publicaré.

    Thanks! Good news.

  • Lo primero , el insulto te sobra. Segundo si pregunto porque no se o me gustaría saber , si te molesta con no contestar tienes . No todo el mundo tiene tu inteligencia , y para terminar tu falta de respeto gratuito me la pasó por ahí ... Ofende quién puede y no quién quiere . Eso de inútil o pesado que venga de ti poco me ofende . En este foro se puede opinar ? Preguntar ?? O solo es para los que se creen inteligentes como tú ??

    SSaludos amigo ..

    Youi are confused. It's not for you. Is for @den1 . See Quaterback post.

  • hay alguna informacion nueva

    Que hable nuestro socio @den1 y nos explique todo lo que sabe.

    I have taken the trouble to get the Oscam.fake file where all the "cw fakes" since April 2021 have been compiled. With this file we can block bad incoming cw. But we will not be able to avoid the black screen. The next thing would be to reopen the request to the server and compare the cw that OSCam saves and the new one. We don't know if the new request would be a similar cw or would give a new one. You have to keep studying. I can upload the oscam.fake file to the forum so that everyone can use it.

  • hii all, i've clines from cccam3 and i suffered black screen since attacks anyway. Really i've another provider too. i'll disable this provider and leave only cccam3 servers to test it tonight with Barça match.

    i'll post the results later.

    quarterback thnx for the info and all job that u make

    best regards

    Edited once, last by polo02 ().

  • Hi polo02, you don't use fakecws file for blocked it, We are waiting for your info.

    allright! in fact i dont configured fakecws yet.

    anyway, i think that it will not solved. Now i've freeze int fox channel, i receive a lot of 0's ecm's. This night will be the same too.

    maybe i'll conatct with cccam3 to answer my questions.

    Edited 2 times, last by polo02 ().

  • Code
    hello , i also have the cccam3 lines and yes , they also have a black screen in all the channels and some black screen in yesterday 's football match ... In case it helps you , in the europa league , today 's match , They don't usually do these attacks, it doesn't mean they don't do it today. On the other hand, there are other servers that do not suffer cuts in the events, the rest of the channels do have a black screen.
  • Code
    hello , i also have the cccam3 lines and yes , they also have a black screen in all the channels and some black screen in yesterday 's football match ... In case it helps you , in the europa league , today 's match , They don't usually do these attacks, it doesn't mean they don't do it today. On the other hand, there are other servers that do not suffer cuts in the events, the rest of the channels do have a black screen.

    hello. Which servers don't crash during events? I would like to try them. Thank you

  • cccam3 team answer:

    "the fix not 100% our team work still working on the problem to solve completely"

    Therefore, the same problem for this night.

    I'll explain the results and i'll try to isolate the others servers too

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