Can't access to OSCam Webinterface

There are 41 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 5,787 times. The last Post () by Akragas.

  • Hi, I'm new to the world of Linux and programming in general. I'd like to correctly install OSCam to my Os Mio + 4K device.

    Since I'm new to this I tried to install the OSCam watching Youtube videos.

    So far I've place a file called: enigma2-plugin-softcams-oscam_11.695-emu-r798_all.ipk to my tmp folder and then I ran the following code via Telnet: opkg install /tmp/*.ipk

    Then I changed three files on /etc/tuxbox/config




    I'm gonna paste the codes I'm using:




    user                          = dvbapi
    group                         = 1
    au                            = 1

    Then I updated OSCam by downloading the latest oscam-emu for OS Mio + 4K available on:…EFOnaOY853Lcqgl1JWXnDqtZb

    I did that by going to /usr/bin/ and replacing the oscam file with the one I downloaded (and renamed it to just "oscam").

    Then via TELNET I ran the following code: /usr/bin/oscam &

    Now when I go to OpenWebif there is OSCam WebInterface option on the Extras box located in the left side. However when I click it I can't access the interface, because a new blank page pops up with a message that says:

    "This site cannot be accessed. The web page at may be temporarily down or may have moved permanently to a new web address.


    On my receiver when I click the blue button there appears a menu which didn't appear before. The second option on the menu is Softcam, but when I'm there I only have two options:

    -Softcam Configuration (Control your Softcam)

    -Softcams Download (Download and Install CAM)

    It is weird because I've watched some videos and people with a Softcam installed have a "Softcam Panel" option there as well. But I don't have it, which makes me think I didn't install Softcam correctly.

    I only want to have OSCam to be able to use the AddKey plugin, because I want to manually insert the keys of specific channels to be able to watch them. So I did download the AddKey plugin but when I select the "Add Key Manually" option the software crashes.

    If there's someone who understands this problem and tell me what's going on I would really appreciate it, since I've only learned about this reading some threads and watching some videos, but it's my first time with programming.

    Thank you very much in advance!!

    :beaming face with smiling eyes: :beaming face with smiling eyes: :beaming face with smiling eyes: :dish: :dish: :dish:

    Edited once, last by JoLor ().

  • master G

    Approved the thread.
  • hello...

    in the above message, i do not find the image that you are using (and also the version) .,which i think could give another way... and which may give also an answer to the "addkey" crash (a crashlog could help too)

    also, many times, different images, use and different libraries for oscam,so not all oscam files are for all images.

    and last (but it is another part) you need oscam-emu and not simple oscam

  • Hi georgeflu,

    Thank you very much for your help!

    The image is arm-oe-linux-gnueabi-gcc

    This is part of the crash log:

    Is the oscam-emu the one I first installed? I mean this file: enigma2-plugin-softcams-oscam_11.695-emu-r798_all.ipk

  • no... the image isn't "arm-oe-linux-gnueabi-gcc"

    the image is openatv , but we still do not have the version (6.4 or 6.5 or 7.0 etc) which maybe uses different python .

    so have a look in menu/info/about and we can see the version there.

    also , uninstall the file you installed (green button/red button/softcam may show the file) , and depends the image version, we will find and install the correct oscam-emu for your image/receiver.

  • it does not mind so much if you uninstalled it, but could be better to remove it.

    now... the answer for you is in this thread OpenATV SoftCam Feed

    use the "option A" and just give the command

    wget -O - -q | bash

    than in green/green/softcam , you will find the correct oscam-emu for your receiver/image.

    do not replace the oscam-emu.bin file (i think there isn't any important reason) and also before replacing any config files, check if you can connect to oscam-emu webif. a way to find it also, is receivers openwebif (type in your browser only the receivers ip) in the left area (below the remote control) there is an oscam-emu link .

    than you can replace configs and check again.

    and after that... we can have a look about addkey ( but also here you have to uninstall the version that you installed)

  • Wow! I did what you said and now I can finally access to Oscam Webinterface!!

    Although when I click on blue button I still don't have the OscamPanel on the options. When on Softcam on the black bar above it reads: "Sart/Stop/Select your CAM. You need to install an emu before"

    Also, I'm not sure what to write on "device" in oscam.server since I need to change this for host and port, but I don't really know what is the meaning of that:

    label                         = label1
    protocol                      = cccam
    device                        = host,puerto
    user                          = usuario
    password                      = password
    enable                        = 0

    I'll get rid of Addkey now :winking face:

  • i do not know what do you have in mind as "oscam panel" . in blue button , there should be just the softcam panel (to start/restart /stop or select another emu if you have installed).

    you do not have to writte something in oscam reader, this is something like demo/example for any reader real/internal , or external (cs line) . the oscam emu reader should appear in the central page of oscam-webif.

  • Nice! It looks as though oscam is installed now and working well :beaming face with smiling eyes:

    I tried deleting AddKey and reinstalling it, but I keep having the problem of the Software crash though. Do you have any recommendations?

  • I tried installing but I got this message on Telnet:

    -bash: cd: too many arguments

    I tried downloading one of the first versions of Biscoto in ipk and installing it with the following code:

    opkg install /tmp/*.ipk

    And it did appear on my Plugin menu, but I had the same problem: when I select it the software crashes.

    I'm starting to think I might not have previously erased in a proper way the old oscam I had.

    On the softcam configuration I have two options

    -oscam-emu (which appeared when I recently downloaded oscam with your help)

    -Oscam (this option appeared when I first downloaded the oscam that wasn't meant for my decoder)

    In the route /etc/tuxbox/config I have a folder called oscam-emu

    But in both routes (/etc/tuxbox/config and /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu) I have common files such as oscam.conf oscam.server, oscam.user, oscam.ccache, etc..

    Also, when I try to get in Softcam Configuration menu (with oscam-emu selected) I can't see the clients, proxys, etc. they show the following text:

    Error: [Errno 111]Connection refused

    And the Oscam Webinterface does show this problem as well, on the Reader section it says "Reader device error"

    I'm sorry because I'm not a programmer and I might be asking a very silly question, but is it possible that I have two versions of oscams installed simultaneously?

    Do you think I should restore the software and download Softcam again?

    Edited once, last by JoLor ().

  • yes it is possible to install two or three or four oscam versions, but you have to rename some files, and edit a few directories.

    but i do not find a reason to do that...

    about biscotto (or bisskey) i will search if i have somewhere in my common files something, or else i will upload it later from home...

    edit: i found it, try to install this

    uninstall the one that you installed, unzip this and install it as .ipk

  • hi to all new fresh new subscriber, so I updated my old vu zero with openpli 8.1, after finishing the configuration I downloaded and installed the cccam, and the oscam emu 11703 ipk, after the restart only the cccam 2.39 appears, obviously by pressing the blue button gives me nothing (I state that I have a m3u file .. trial for 2 days and despite having installed it through putty I do not see anything at all. In the folder I find only one file cccam.cfg, I do not know if I have to change the parameters, and enter my ip address of the vu zero or make some other additions, I had before the update an abbreviated tool from 1, can you help me understand how to proceed with the conf? the other configuration cccams are not there at all in the folders, if I wrote something that cannot be deleted thanks

    salve a tutti nuovo iscritto fresco fresco ,dunque ho aggiornato il mio anziano vu zero con la openpli 8.1 ,dopo aver terminato la configurazione ho scaricato ed installato la cccam,e la oscam emu 11703 ipk,dopo il riavvio appare solo la cccam 2.39 ovviamente premendo il tasto blu non mi da niente( premetto che ho un file m3u.. di prova per 2 giorni e malgrado l'abbia installato tramite stucco non vedo niente di niente.Nella cartella mi ritrovo un solo file cccam.cfg,non so se devo cambiare i prametri , ed inserire il mio indirizzo ip del vu zero o fare qualche altra aggiunta,avevo prima dell'aggiornamento un abb abb mezzoduto da 1 ,mi aiutate a capire come procedere con la conf? gli altri cccam di configurazione non ci sono proprio nelle cartelle ,se ho scritto qualcosa che non si puo' eliminare grazie

    Edited 2 times, last by Akragas ().

  • Meanwhile, thanks for replying, I installed the oscam emu and now I see it with the files, now how should I proceed? change the ip address, in the oscam.conf / oscam user parameters?

  • writting


    how should I proceed? change the ip address, in the oscam.conf / oscam user parameters?

    i really do not know what you want to do...

    if you mean that as you writting, just edit the files

  • scrivere


    come devo procedere? cambiare l'indirizzo ip, nei parametri utente di oscam.conf / oscam?

    non so proprio cosa vuoi fare...

    se lo intendi mentre scrivi, modifica i file

    si certo modifica i file,ma cosa devo insert?sto usando Winscp per collegarmi al vuzero

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