E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,274 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 93,681 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • I have posted here yesterday...

    Perhaps I did not notice ... but in principle everything is clear ...

    [07.11 06:40:01] [e2m3u2b] Download EPG failed: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'KeyError'>: 'MemAvailable'

    Could you show the output of

    cat /proc/meminfo

    on your DM7020HD

  • Code
    cat /proc/meminfo

    on your DM7020HD

  • @mapi,

    Replace on your DM7020HD in /E2m3u2bouquet/EPGImport/

    The problem is that the kernel is non-standardly assembled on the DM7020HD and there is no information about the available RAM in the meminfo output ... I replaced "available" with "free" it's not really important, but it will work everywhere

  • WORKS GOOD, thanks

  • Hi pepsik ,

    I have 1.0.84 on DM920. Bouquet making works well, but EPG doesn't.

    "EPGImport an error occured in bigStorage detection: Free space is critically small".

    Crashlog says:

    "[EPGC] db thread started

    swig director exception (SWIG director method error.)

    0xb404c068(sp=0xbe8fe650) <__cxa_throw+168>

    0x4333b0(sp=0xbe8fe668) <SwigDirector_eSlot1Any::cb_func(boost::any)+360>

    0x44b034(sp=0xbe8fe680) <SwigDirector_eSlot2IntAny::cb_func(int, boost::any)+97256>


    0x191e04(sp=0xbe8fe6c0) <eEPGCache::gotMessage(eEPGCache::Message const&)+188>

    0x199da4(sp=0xbe8fe700) <eEPGCache::search(ePyObject)+14656>

    0xe0fe0(sp=0xbe8fe770) <eSocketNotifier::activate(int)+272>

    0xe314c(sp=0xbe8fe7b0) <eMainloop_native::processOneEvent(int)+2760>

    0x2dc850(sp=0xbe8ffa00) <eMainloopQt::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>)+156>

    0xb519522c(sp=0xbe8ffb28) <QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>)+276>

    0xb519e498(sp=0xbe8ffb70) <QCoreApplication::exec()+148>

    0x2dc790(sp=0xbe8ffba0) <eMainloopQt::runLoop()+24>

    0x2e3d7c(sp=0xbe8ffba8) <our_terminate()+4260>

    0xb4ac750c(sp=0xbe8ffbc0) <PyEval_EvalFrameEx+24024>

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/enigma.py", line 8610, in __call__

    return ret(*args, **kwargs)

    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/E2m3u2bouquet/EPGImport/EPGImport.py", line 137, in cacheStateChanged

    self.storage = epg_importer.EPGClass(self.HDD_EPG_DAT)

    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/E2m3u2bouquet/EPGImport/epg_importer.py", line 22, in __init__

    self.epg = epgdb.epgdb_class(PluginLanguageDomain, 99, epgfile)

    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/E2m3u2bouquet/EPGImport/epgdb.py", line 50, in __init__

    raise Exception("[EPGDB] connect to {epgdb} failed".format(**self.__dict__))


    Exception: [EPGDB] connect to /etc/enigma2/epg.db failed"

    Do you have any hints for me?

    Thanks Oliver

  • Do you have any hints for me?

    Look closely at your log -

    "EPGImport an error occured in bigStorage detection: Free space is critically small".

    This indicates that your internal flash memory is completely full and there is simply no space to store EPG data.

    Usually, channel piсons take up a lot of space. I would recommend transferring them to a USB stick and creating a symlink on them. This will significantly free up space on the internal flash memory and everything will work without errors ... Although this is not an error - this is a WARNING =)

  • :-D

    there is also no problem due to low memory

    Edited once, last by Igor1312 ().

  • there is also no problem due to low memory

    I see you have mounted devices =) but the problem is that your epg.db is not located there, but in the internal flash in /etc/enigma2 on the internal flash memory if you "hands" did not transfer it and did not create a symlink

    What image are you using on your DM920?

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