E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,276 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 94,879 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • pepsik , Hello, I have a problem, all my suppliers have the multi bouquets set to NO, but I have a lot of bouquets by categories created.

    See code from config.xml and log where you will see a line "Creating bouquets of categories..." for each provider.


    Thanks for your help

    Edited once, last by jeepcook: add details ().

  • Taking up the post of pepsik. in addition to the news options in 1.0.54, the file created in X:\hdd\E2m3u2bouquet\epg\providerXY-sort-override.xml is very convenient and useful.

    In fact, if you know how to configure it well you will no longer need a channels editor like E-Channelizer or DreamBoxEdit.

    An little example, after update bouquets and channels go in this folder and open file providerXY-sort-override.xml:

    1 - in xmltvextrasources you can add your personal epg :

    <group id="Enigma DTT-SAT Italia">



    in this way this line is add on plugin Epg-Importer and you can select from it when update your epg

    2 - order the bouquets as you want:



    <category name="Canali Regionali" nameOverride="" enabled="1" />

    <category name="Top Italia" nameOverride="" enabled="1" />

    <category name="Notizie" nameOverride="" enabled="1" />





    <category name="Top Italia" nameOverride="" enabled="1" />

    <category name="Notizie" nameOverride="" enabled="1" />

    <category name="Canali Regionali" nameOverride="" enabled="1" />



    and this for all categories

    3 - show or not show bouquet selecting enabled="1" or enabled="0"

    4 - rename name of bouquet

    <category name="Top Italia" nameOverride="" enabled="1" />


    <category name="Top Italia" nameOverride="Italia" enabled="1" />

    5 - order the channels as you want:


    <!-- Top Italia -->

    <groupe name=" Italia ">

    <channel name="===Top Italia===" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    <channel name="Rai 4K" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    <channel name="Rai 4k RAW" nameOverride="" tvg-id="Rai 4k RAW" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    <channel name="Rai Italia" nameOverride="" tvg-id="Rai Italia" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>




    <!-- Top Italia -->

    <groupe name="◈ Italia ◈">

    <channel name="===Top Italia===" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    <channel name="Rai Italia" nameOverride="" tvg-id="Rai Italia" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    <channel name="Rai 4K" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    <channel name="Rai 4k RAW" nameOverride="" tvg-id="Rai 4k RAW" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>



    6 - specify corret "ServiceRef" for specific channel


    <!-- EuroSport -->

    <groupe name=" EuroSport ">

    <channel name="===Eurosport===" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    <channel name="EUROSPORT 1 HD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    <channel name="EUROSPORT 2 HD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>




    <!-- EuroSport -->

    <groupe name=" EuroSport ">

    <channel name="===Eurosport Live===" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    <channel name="EUROSPORT 1 HD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride="1:0:19:F4F:2198:FBFF:820000:0:0:0"/>

    <channel name="EUROSPORT 2 HD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride="1:0:19:1036:206C:FBFF:820000:0:0:0"/>



    and as for bouquets, also rename and enable each channel


    - OpenATV & PurE2 - user :-) -

    Edited 11 times, last by hispanico957 ().

  • Just some confusing lines in the log "[Pluto fr]: Creating bouquets of categories..." , this appears even when this option is disabled.

    This is should be in the log. Please note that there are still channel groups inside the "single" bouquet. The data array processing algorithm is one, and the creation of bouquet files depends on the "Multibouquet" setting - "Yes/No"

    p.s. Oh! And you don't have to sit and look at the execution log after the start of the update of the bouquets. You can safely exit the plugin ;) All tasks are performed in the "background"

  • <groupe name=" EuroSport ">

    <channel name="===Eurosport Live===" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    <channel name="EUROSPORT 1 HD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride="1:0:19:F4F:2198:FBFF:820000:0:0:0"/>d

    If you are using the functionality of the <xmltvextrasources> section, there is no need to override serviceRefOverride. You MUST set the tvg-id, which corresponds to the channel id of the XMLTV used

    <channel name="EUROSPORT 1 HD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="Eurosport.it" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride=""/>

    serviceRefOverride can / should be used if you want to make correspondence with DVB broadcast and use EIT EPG events

  • p.s. Oh! And you don't have to sit and look at the execution log after the start of the update of the bouquets. You can safely exit the plugin ;) All tasks are performed in the "background"

    Hey, yes I know !!

    Found a new little bug. When a channel has a name with a comma, the enigma2 format channel will be only the name after the comma, we are loosing the name before it.


    Code: m3u format
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="611e78c4954f250007ef7b84" tvg-chno="950" tvg-logo="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/611e78c4954f250007ef7b84/colorLogoPNG.png" group-title="Kids",Sabrina, la série animée


    Code: e2 format
    #SERVICE 4097:0:1:f526:db10:1022:1010101:0:0:0:http%3a//stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/611e78c4954f250007ef7b84/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&deviceLon=0&deviceDNT=%7BTARGETOPT%7D&deviceId=%7BPSID%7D&advertisingId=%7BPSID%7D&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_domain=%7BAPP_DOMAIN%7D&samsung_app_name=%7BAPP_NAME%7D&profileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus#sapp_tvgid=611e78c4954f250007ef7b84:la série animée
    #DESCRIPTION la série animée

    As you can see, "Sabrina, la série animée" become "la série animée".

    From now this problem concerns only 2 pluto fr channels.

    Have a nice day, thanks!

  • #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="611e78c4954f250007ef7b84" tvg-chno="950" tvg-logo="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/611e78c4954f250007ef7b84/colorLogoPNG.png" group-title="Kids",Sabrina, la série animée

    This is a violation of the m3u standard and neither the plugin nor Enigma2 has anything to do with it.

    Commas are not allowed in the Title of the channel at the end of the #EXTINF line, If you need to specify the name of the channel with a comma, you must use the tvg-name tag

    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="611e78c4954f250007ef7b84" tvg-name="Sabrina, la série animée" tvg-chno="950" tvg-logo="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/611e78c4954f250007ef7b84/colorLogoPNG.png" group-title="Kids"

    Of course, I can add a "crutch" to my m3u parser code that will take into account this violation of the standard ... But should I "wipe the shit" for everyone who does not adhere to the standards?

  • Of course, I can add a "crutch" to my m3u parser code that will take into account this violation of the standard ... But should I "wipe the shit" for everyone who does not adhere to the standards?

    Yes sorry, you are right, it's not a bug. Pluto TV, a big AVOD platform, doesn't respect the standards or I think the extraction with their api don't take in account this exception.

    I will contact for this point another dev. Your code is clean, so leave it as it is. I think it's the better choice.


  • Pluto TV, a big AVOD platform, doesn't respect the standards

    Large VOD platforms can be wrong too ... especially since we are talking about Live broadcasts and titles in Live .... Not gods burn pots


    Added/Fixed .....

    In order not to disturb the Gods!

    Commas are now supported in the Title of the channel at the end of the #EXTINF line

    I will update the release with the same index version 1.0.54 ...... a little later

  • E2m3u2bouquet Plugin

    FIXED .... RE-download ... and then --force-reinstall

    Fix OK, thanks !

    But it's never the end !! I have a hang box situation to explain you, I don't know if this hang is coming from enigma2 or e2m3u2.

    Sometimes also me on mutant hd51 and pureE2 go in crash, it is important to attach a complete log.

    Also try activate swap file for 1024MB to see if I fix it


    - OpenATV & PurE2 - user :-) -

  • Sometimes also me on mutant hd51 and pureE2 go in crash, it is important to attach a complete log.

    Also try activate swap file for 1024MB to see if I fix it


    Hello, it's not really a crash, the process runs but hangs my box. I have a swap file configured.

    In fact, I am on an internal configuration, every 2 hours. The "automatic bouquet update when box starts" is set to no. But on a hard reboot or boot to another image on another multiboot partition, sometimes the e2m3u2 process is launching at boot but in this case it turns crazy and hangs everything. The interval between the current hour and the date/time in the e2 settings file is more than the configured interval. I think it's because of this outdated interval (example 5 hours without running and interval set to 2). In this case I am unable to have a log, every bouquet files are renamed as .del, the userbouquet.favourite.tv file and all others tv files are emptied.

    The only solution is to edit manually the e2 settings file and set manually the config.plugins.e2m3u2b.last_update parameters to a date/hour less than 2 hours to the current time and reboot. And after that restore the lost .tv files.

    pepsik , I hope I am clear?

    Thanks for help !

    Edited 2 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • Honestly it seems impossible to me that the plugin starts by itself, it has never happened to me

    Regarding log i speaking of image... pls put your config as screenshot (this is purE2), so the log is complete and can help pepsik or on forum of your image


  • Honestly it seems impossible to me that the plugin starts by itself, it has never happened to me

    Regarding log i speaking of image... pls put your config as screenshot (this is purE2), so the log is complete and can help pepsik or on forum of your image


    Please, I'm not a fabulator !! Do you use interval method like me?

    For the rest, I just configured debug log in my settings, it wasn't correctly set.

  • Ok :-) np... I set run plugin every day at 18,00 and no problem


    - OpenATV & PurE2 - user :-) -

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