E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,274 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 94,428 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • pepsik


    And the "pieces" of the log that you cite in the post above should not be stupidly read and stated in the form of "fantasies on a free theme" that have NO relation to reality....

    Can you more specific on what is fantasy and what is a correct interpretation of the journal/log?

    Thank for making the difference between clean database and clean EPG clear.

  • Why should I revise vision on the log Enigma2 is producing. Do you want to tell what stated it is not what is happening?

    Also, as mentioned earlier, I included your newly introduced vacuum the database after EPGImport in the general information I wrote.

  • pepsik

    once created-downloading epg from plugin m3u2bouquet ,also visible in EPG import - but this only importing "epg-xml" before downloaded from plugin m3u2bouquet

    could be possible to make new download/update "this" EPG also trought plugin EPG import?

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

  • meaning plugin EPG Import do only (import epg from file on HDD) where EPG was downloaded by plugin E2m3u2bouquet

    What do you understand by the phrase - "EPG Import do only (import epg from file on HDD)" ??? I absolutely cannot understand what it is about. This plugin creates configuration files compatible with similar files in my EPGImport plugin ... It doesn't matter how you import XMLTV events from this plugin or from - RE: [Plugin] EPG Import mod from Dorik1972

    Well, the most important question... This plugin (E2m3u2bouquet) is intended for high-quality conversion of m3u playlists into "userbouquets" for Enigma2, including picons, EPG, and other "goodies"... I hope it copes with this flawlessly on any images... Attention to the question - "What does the EPGImport plugin have to do with this?" ... It's a completely different "project"

  • Import EPG urobiť iba (import epg zo súboru na HDD)

    - when E2m3u2 created bouquet he downloding epg xml on HDD.

    - in the plugin epg import - blue button (import) - can see E2M2U3bouquet maker - but he only bring EPG from HDD and not download new one from url

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

  • - when E2m3u2 created bouquet he downloding epg xml on HDD.

    - When the EPGImport plugin imports events, it also downloads the XMLTV specified in the configuration files to the HDD.... and so what? The configuration files of this plugin and EPGImport are the same for compatibility ... I wrote to you about this above.

    - in the plugin epg import - blue button (import) - can see E2M2U3bouquet maker - but he only bring EPG from HDD and not download new one from url

    I DO NOT have any problem importing EPG (on any link) from e2m3u2b generated configs by EPGImport plugin... Therefore -


    I repeat once again ... You apparently did not read the main idea above

    E2m3u2b - creates bouquets? Picons? EPG? If the answer is yes, then why should I care about "some" third party plugin and its functionality? Moreover, EPGImport has its own topic thread for discussion. There will be logs - post them there ... because this one is NOT a problem E2m3u2b

  • Hi mate i have a question regarding order of bouquets. I use standard of my provider but with your plugin the order is made not correct llok image 1.

    I try same provider with standard order using plugin of Jedi Maker Xtream

    Jedi Maker Xtream (IPTV Bouquet Creator) - Main thread - Enigma2 KiddaC - Linux Satellite Support Community (linuxsat-support.com)

    smd the order of bouquets is correct look image 2...

    Pls verify why ?

    Thank and stay safe


  • I try same provider with standard order using plugin of Jedi Maker Xtream

    1) It is necessary to compare sorting with the original m3u , and not with the result of some other plugin

    2) The sorting as in the original m3u-playlist works 100% when you select a "Sorting method - default", look at the screenshot

    Снимок экрана 2022-09-21 в 08.11.36.png

  • Hello primary thanks to the author the great work ... i have some little question :

    how start the plugin by command line in putty...?

    i`d like to have chance to create /delete the channels or to create a crontab to do it

    can you help me..?


  • how start the plugin by command line in putty...?

    The is no possibility of a "scripted" start from the command line. The plugin automatically starts when you start Enigma2

    i`d like to have chance to create /delete the channels

    All in your hands. By setting the "custom" sorting method in the "card" of the provider, you can do whatever you want with the playlist by editing the "template" xml-file according to your wishes

    RE: [Plugin] E2m3u2bouquet - Here you can find a description and examples of how to do it.

    a crontab

    The "cron" functionality is built into the plugin and is managed in the "Menu" - "Configuration" ... There you can set any options for the frequency or periodicity of bouquet updates ... Use "cron" to edit playlists - no need, given the "custom" mode that I described to you in the previous paragraph... To edit / delete entries from playlists by "crone" - you need to have basic knowledge of sed and awk, without which it would be very difficult ... It is much easier in any editor to adjust the template xml file to your wishes, and this task is within the power of everyone

    p.s. By the way ... if you use IPTV providers that have a service for viewing "archived" broadcasts, then you can use the "add-on" to this plugin - IPTVArchive plugin, I did not post it on this forum, but you can easily find it on request to uncle Google

  • # Put enigma2-plugin-extensions-E2m3u2bouquet_1.0.*_all,ipk in /media/hdd

    # After, run this:

    cp /media/hdd/E2m3u2bouquet/connfig.xml /media/hdd
    rm -rf /media/hdd/E2m3u2bouquet/*
    sed -i '/config.plugins.e2m3u2b/d' /etc/enigma2/settings
    opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet
    opkg clean
    opkg install /media/hdd/enigma2-plugin-extensions-E2m3u2bouquet_1.0.*_all.ipk
    mv /media/hdd/connfig.xml /media/hdd/E2m3u2bouquet

    Edited once, last by mapi ().

  • Hello,

    I installed package enigma2-plugin-extensions-E2m3u2bouquet_1.0.77_all.ipk successfully on my openATV reveiver (Vu+ Solo2):

    However, I wonder the ownership of directory /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/E2m3u2bouquet/ and files

    All other plugins in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/ have ownership root:root.

    Another question is regarding configuration.

    Can I enter the m3u-URL using console?

    If yes, where's the configuration file located?


  • Can I enter the m3u-URL using console?


    Depends on what devices you have mounted ... Look at the path of the configuration files in the "menu" - "configuration"

    have ownership root:root.

    I can rebuild the ipk package and pack these files there with any rights =) what does this affect in the case of SAT-box with Enigma2 ?

  • but always this alert when i go in plugin

    You need to check if the image you are using in the twisted library has the names.client module ...

    root@vuultimo4k:~# opkg list | grep twisted-names
    python-twisted-names - 20.3.0-r0 - An asynchronous networking framework written in Python
    root@vuultimo4k:~# python
    Python 2.7.18 (default, Oct 10 2021, 20:12:21) 
    [GCC 9.2.0] on linux2
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> from twisted.names import dns, common, client

    This module is used to limit the use of the plugin in such a wild country as russia =) ... And I will not refuse this filter ... Maybe I'll just think about how to "beat" this functionality without using twisted.names.client ... But I have this component on all images where I tested these changes

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