E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,274 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 94,511 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • I've edited my previous post with this question "Which command do you use to test url ?"

    Should I give you an answer with an example in python or bash? This is an elementary operation ... and your question is clearly not just that. You are clearly going to use the answer... so I need to know where you are going to use it ... in bash or python script

  • Should I give you an answer with an example in python or bash? This is an elementary operation ... and your question is clearly not just that. You are clearly going to use the answer... so I need to know where you are going to use it ... in bash or python script

    It's just to test the answer of the command in a bash

  • It's just to test the answer of the command in a bash

    response=$(curl -A "VLC/3.0.6 LibVLC/3.0.6" -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -Isik --max-time 2 --write-out '%{http_code} ' "$url")
    read -r http_code < <(tail -n1 <<<"$response")
    if [ ${http_code} -ge 400 ]; then
      echo "Error"
      echo "OK"

    p.s. https://curl.se/docs/manpage.html

  • For an url $response = 000 so it should work for it so I don't understand why it doesn't work....

    for the other, $response=

    Report-To: {"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report\/v3?s=9L95Opd9qqNa44QTKs1eI9YAz3kpL0wnOJMfIHxu48mW5Fwhv7SxZW74q1unN 520RAY: 7bdcd63f0afb11b4-MRSreport_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}y4d7ojDsRHg%3D%3D"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
  • For an url $response = 000 so it should work for it so I don't understand why it doesn't work....

    for the other, $response=

    It seems to me that you do not quite understand what I wrote in the example and how it works ...

    1) I gave you a link to the curl utility documentation

    2) Also, at least in general terms, you should understand what HTTP requests are and how they "function"


    The value of the response variable is NOT a numeric value... it's exactly the response! And from there you can get a lot of different information related to the HTTP request ...

  • I just replaced http://www.google.com by my provider url, and the result ($response) is what I gave you in the previous post. 000 for one and an not understandable for me for the other.

    root@sf8008:~# echo $response
  • I just replaced http://www.google.com by my provider url,

    Carefully check the link you provided, as well as the version of curl , it must support the --write-out option !!!

    p.s. I attached a script where you can write a link to any url that needs to be checked for "is it alive" ... Perhaps you either copied it incorrectly from my post .... or ...

  • 1st url:

    Снимок экрана 2023-04-26 в 10.49.40.png

    Do you understand the terms and definitions from the screenshot above? Correct the condition in the script so that "000" - worked out as an error! Where did you see in that example that I gave you the processing of this code (000)? The reason for its occurrence - I wrote to you in the same place on the screenshot ...

  • Hi someone can help me I installed latest version 1.0.92 I puted iptv url link on config.xml file and it looks ok but when you create bouqets it does't create any bouqets .My url ends with mpegts in menu it's green lights .thanks

  • Снимок экрана 2023-04-26 в 10.49.40.png

    Do you understand the terms and definitions from the screenshot above? Correct the condition in the script so that "000" - worked out as an error! Where did you see in that example that I gave you the processing of this code (000)? The reason for its occurrence - I wrote to you in the same place on the screenshot ...

    Keep cool, I just executed your script check.sh......................

  • Keep cool, I just executed your script check.sh

    :grinning face with smiling eyes: I understand it ...that you just ran the script I gave as an example...but it doesn't account for the DNS probe error ... I, several posts in a row, are trying to explain to you that you need to add the processing "000" there ... I also explained to you the "nature" of this error. Because of what you wrote earlier -

    I don't understand why it doesn't work....


  • hi thanks for your fast reply really I don't know how it works .Do I need to put log in any folder or by telnet use the 3 lines ?thanks

    No, you just need to go to the "Log" menu item of the plugin and read what is written there ... There will be 10-30 lines of text ... carefully go through each .... There, with a probability of 100%, there will be such

    [23.04 07:58:09] [e2m3u2b] Private key not found or not valid
    [23.04 07:58:09] [e2m3u2b] Plugin functionality is limited to 300 channels in m3u-playlist and only one IPTV provider can be used
    [23.04 07:58:09] [e2m3u2b] Launching bouquets update
  • :grinning face with smiling eyes: I understand it ...that you just ran the script I gave as an example...but it doesn't account for the DNS probe error ... I, several posts in a row, are trying to explain to you that you need to add the processing "000" there ... I also explained to you the "nature" of this error. Because of what you wrote earlier -

    I don't understand why it doesn't work....


    So this script fail with errors, we are ok. But why? In fact if I do a wget or a curl the m3u are downloaded

    wget -O test.m3u "http://myurl"

    curl -o test.m3u "http://myurl"

    The problem is in the test command, doesn't it?

  • So this script fail with errors, we are ok. But why? In fact if I do a wget or a curl the m3u are downloaded

    wget -O test.m3u "http://myurl"

    curl -o test.m3u "http://myurl"

    The problem is in the test command, doesn't it?

    With the script - everything is more than good. It implements the command logic embedded in it exactly as it is specified ... The main problem is that, as I have seen, from your posts of questions, you do not have the minimum necessary knowledge of items 1) and 2) from this post of mine to you - RE: [Discussion] E2m3u2bouquet

    If you read the documentation for the curl utility, if only because I use certain parameters when I run it in the example script ... you'd notice the '--max-time 2' option ... Why do you think it's there? Have you tried increasing the value of this parameter to 5?

    Imagine a situation in which you need to "survey" 1500-2000 ... or, for example, as in that test playlist that you sent me ~ 350,000 links for their survivability .... Your examples use the standard timeout (60 sec)

    curl -o test.m3u "http://myurl"

    I'm in the script ... I limit the time allotted for "execution of everything that is intended" to the curl utility - 2 seconds ... knowingly assuming that this is enough for DNS-resolve, establishing a connection, and getting http-headers after a connection is established for further analysis ... Or are you willing to wait 60 seconds on each link to make sure it's dead?

    I have a 1Gbps internet connection and use ultra-fast DNS resolvers ... In my case, 2-sec is more than enough for the assigned task... How about in yours?

    So what's wrong with the script or as you wrote - "The problem is in the test command", doesn't it? It seems to me that the problem is that you, without parsing the contents of the script "letter by letter", ask questions, the answers to which are in the documentation for the curl utility, which you also do not want to read


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