E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,274 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 94,525 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • there is a space

    This is not SPACE... It's how “something” in unicode is displayed in Enigma2... Open your playlist in any editor on PC that supports unicode characters (emoticons, hands, signs, etc.) and look there

    OK, with notepad ++ I can see on few channels a square character, but only after the channel name not in the group name.


    Squares are too in other groups which have no problem.

    Another thing, this problem doesn't exists with 1.4.

    Edited once, last by jeepcook ().

  • jeepcook, I'll look at the code again. Perhaps when parsing a playlist I remove “extra” spaces at the beginning and end of the name, but when processing XML I don’t... but later... I’ll now complete the rearranging of providers with the remote control... and only then I’ll look at everything else

  • jeepcook, I'll look at the code again. Perhaps when parsing a playlist I remove “extra” spaces at the beginning and end of the name, but when processing XML I don’t... but later... I’ll now complete the rearranging of providers with the remote control... and only then I’ll look at everything else

    I hope I'm clear. I used the group remote control selection function. Selected wanted groups. In the list and in my selection there was [FR] CANAL & CINÉMA.

    After that I run e2m3u2 process, the generation of the sort-override was made containing this selected group ([FR] CANAL & CINÉMA) but there was too a generation of a diff-override containing this group with exactly the same name and content. The .tv file corresponding to sort-override doesn't contain channels for the group and the .tv file corresponding to diff-override contains the channels and the group is name [FR] CANAL & CINÉMA with a space at the end.

    Ask me if you want I do other tests.

  • After a new batch, another case. A group named [NL] RAKUTEN has been discovered so is checked in the groups list selection. But this group contains 7 channels and these are not displayed as new in the diff-override (not in the sort-override too). I have 3 others new groups that are checked in the groups list and the channels are in the the diff-override file, so eveything is ok for these 3 groups.

    Idea: A new sort for the groups list would be welcome, for example checked groups in the beginning of the list and others in alphabetic order. What do you think about this?


  • fter a new batch, another case. A group named [NL] RAKUTEN has been discovered so is checked in the groups list selection. But this group contains 7 channels and these are not displayed as new in the diff-override (not in the sort-override too).

    If you mark any groups and then create a sort-override template, then it will be considered “base”... If you later mark some more groups, then they should appear in diff-override and you need to manually move them to "basic" template.

    From the point of view of the algorithm, if you already have sort-override, then any new groups (marked by you in the group selection) are considered new (newly appeared) broadcasts

  • Idea: A new sort for the groups list would be welcome, for example checked groups in the beginning of the list and others in alphabetic order. What do you think about this?

    First, I will add the ability to manually (with the remote control) sort the order of providers... or rather, I have already added... Then, perhaps, I will add the same ability to sort groups in their selection menu. But several nuances need to be taken into account when sorting groups.

    1) What to expect if the provider deletes a group from the playlist?

    2) What to do if the provider adds a new group to the playlist?

  • 1st: don't take in account my remark about the [NL] RAKUTEN group. It is now in diff-override with the channels. It wasn't in the file because it has been add between the time process ends and my action with the remote to list groups for this provider.

    First, I will add the ability to manually (with the remote control) sort the order of providers... or rather, I have already added... Then, perhaps, I will add the same ability to sort groups in their selection menu. But several nuances need to be taken into account when sorting groups.

    1) What to expect if the provider deletes a group from the playlist?

    2) What to do if the provider adds a new group to the playlist?

    For the sort:

    1) I think if a group is deleted from the provider, it has to be deleted from the groups.conf

    2) If a new group is added, as currently it has to be checked in the groups view, perhaps at the beginning of the list, I don't know. And if custom sort is enabled this group will be in the diff-override like currently.

  • Coming soon...

    Added the ability to sort the order of “groups” in the used playlist using the remote control

    Снимок экрана 2024-03-22 в 12.22.12.pngСнимок экрана 2024-03-22 в 12.22.52.pngСнимок экрана 2024-03-22 в 12.23.36.png

    If new groups appear in the playlist, they will automatically be added to the list and will be available in bouquets after generation by default

  • Hello,

    I noticed this error when downloading the EPG, I am on version 1.4.2, OE 2.0, image openATV 7.4-devel, STB Octagon SF8008 4K

    [e2m3u2b] Failed to load ISO639 codes: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

    it continues downloading and forming the EPG though.

  • pepsik It's not fair that you limit the functionality of a plugin if you require payment for it. You use Open Source Enigma2 code (OE-Alliance and others) You live in the EU and you introduce standards from the East that sound "racked" - no one has asked for a plugin fee on this forum yet!

  • PaPs1

    I don't understand what the problem is. Don't use my plugin. There are other alternatives. The donation-free version has the same functionality as the "full" version. The only difference is the number of “processed” channels in the playlist... I can hardly imagine how much time it takes to simply “switch” 300 channels... let alone view...I don’t think that a one-time donation “for beer” is a payment, rather it is a gratitude for the time I spent creating this “product” and others (HistoryZapSelector, IPTVArchive, StramlinkProxy, EPGImport, etc.) ... Do you like my plugins? I like beer and sometimes a glass of good single-malt whiskey

    By the way, you have another excellent alternative - the OE source texts are available for study, just like books on Python... a little time, perseverance and you can do for yourself whatever you want and share it with others... according to the standards you described and values of the European Union

    Thank you for paying attention to my work... most likely - you like it, otherwise, you wouldn’t write these "conscription" posts regularly


  • Hello,

    What is the way to display the content of groups.db? In fact, for a new playlist, I have de-selected some groups from a provider but the plugin processes these groups.

    On screenshots you will see the problem.

  • Hello,

    A channel named in a playlist.m3u8 "FR| CHASSE & PECHE FHD" has been added to the sort override file with the name "FR| CHASSE & PECHE FHD" but is also in diff-override with the same name "FR| CHASSE & PECHE FHD"

    I think there is a problem if a channel has amp; in its name in m3u8.

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