Oscam Icam Sky DE and UK

There are 1,135 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 439,751 times. The last Post () by abu baniaz.

  • poi l'immagine si blocca ogni 20 30 secondi ho provato sia con Ncam che con ultima oscam

    the configuration is what I found here then if you have a good configuration and you can pass it to me I would be grateful

  • what blocks do you have? what oscam did you upload and what do you have in the config?

    what blocks do you have? what oscam did you upload and what do you have in the config?


    label = Sky_Germany

    protocol = newcamd

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314

    device = Server,Port

    user = Login

    password = Parol

    Fallback = 0

    group = 1

    ident = 098D:000000;098C:000000

    inactivitytimeout = 15

    reconnectTimeout = 20

    force_crypted_cw = 1

    disablecrccws_only_for = 098C:000000;09C4:000000;098D:000000

    ncam-emu 13.2 (официальная версия)

  • and what do you use you have oscam. your (donor) server?

    I got it from a Chinese guy and it's great












    Edited once, last by Kosta 12 ().

  • I have oscam trunk 11715 on my zgemma 11s. Does it work with ikam?

    And can I copy these things and where should I put them, in dvbapi or?

    Can someone send me an oskam with ikam 11715 emu, together with all the necessary files and instructions, as a beginner how and where to assemble them? Thanks!!!

    Edited 2 times, last by master G: Merged a post created by Vencislav2699 into this post. ().

  • Code
    I have both OSCam 11715 EMU r798 and ncam-emu 13.2
  • hi frend's, i have Octagon SF8 with OpenPli 6.2v. i put "oscam icam enigma2-plugin-softcams-oscam_11.715-emu-r798_all", cam is succesfull instaled but dont't work, i think the architectur is different for Octagon SF8 (xp1000)

    can any one help?

    Edited once, last by Nikos200 ().

    • Official Post

    Can someone send me an oskam with ikam 11715 emu, together with all the necessary files and instructions, as a beginner how and where to assemble them? Thanks!!!

  • I'm with us zgemma n 11s and openatv 7.1, this oskam when I download it from here and through the laptop I upload it to the receiver, I can't touch anything on it, it doesn't appear like the other oskam. I must be doing something wrong myself???


    pasted-from-clipboard.pngThis is a standard oscam from the receiver...

    How do I make the new one look like this?

    Edited once, last by master G: Merged 3 posts created by Vencislav2699 into this post. ().

  • OK. This is a tutorial that worked perfect with my Ultimo 4K using the latest Open BH image. Follow it correctly and it will work.

    Install the latest cam from here Oscam emu ALL Images mips--arm .ipk .deb


    Download: oscam_config_simple_by_atari_icam from here: Everything you need for SKY DE ICAM all enigma2 images and receivers


    Inside the oscam folder are 5 single files and "Userbouquet folder" First add your line info to the oscam.server file and save it.


    FTP the 5 single files to /etc/tuxbox/config folder on your Ultimo 4K overwriting when asked.


    Open the userbouquet folder and FTP the file called userbouquet.ttc_icam_skyde.tv to /etc/enigma2 on your Ultimo 4K


    In the /etc/enigma2 folder locate the file bouquets.tv and FTP to your desktop, open it with notepad++ or similar and add this "#SERVICE 1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "userbouquet.ttc_icam_skyde.tv" ORDER BY bouquet" without the quotes. Add it on the 2nd or 3rd line. Save it and FTP back to your Ultimo 4K overwriting when asked.


    Download this apk file "enigma2-plugin-settings-icam-sky-hd+-orf_07.10_all.apk" Its actually called "Enigma2 ciefpsettings" from the same post listed on Line 1 of this tutorial.


    FTP the apk file to your temp folder on your Ultimo 4K, then on the remote press green then yellow buttons and select manually install IPK

    IMPORTANT, you need to make a couple of changes on your Ultimo 4K, its easier from webui, just type your box ip into address bar on your pc. See my settings here at post #789 Oscam Icam sky deutschland.... Also from webui "Channels Select" find this setting "Load unlinked userbouquets" and put a checkmark in the box.

    Restart your Ultimo 4K

    You cannot watch any de channels using your normal way from the channels menu. You need to select the bouquet you have installed, you should see this listed in your bouquets. It has " stream relay" in its name.


    Please give like and credit on the posts for the amazing guys who got this to work. Also this tutorial was for my VU+ Ultimo 4K.

    < VU+ Ultimo 4K - OpenBH v5.3 - Primesat PR1200 V-Box - CM 1.2M Dish - Jaeger SMR 1224 Motor - Inverto Twin C120 LNB - Raven Feedhorn >

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