History Zap Selector by ©Dorik1972

There are 286 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 21,540 times. The last Post () by pepsik.



    1) When using the default translation for the EPG, a settings item for the language to be excluded from the translation was added. This allows you to leave the EPG descriptions in your desired original language.

    2) Added translation cache clearing in the settings menu. You can "clean" it if there were unsuccessful attempts to connect to the translator API or the translation was not received from API.

    3) Plugin code in critical places that can cause execution blocking is rewritten on an asynchronous twisted library. Now there should be no "wheels" of the system load.

    4) Now after selecting a language from the list of available languages in the plugin or Enigma2 EventView (long press the "yellow" or "audio" button), the translation is immediately provided and there is no need for additional button presses.

    5) Small changes in the color scheme of skins and displayed info.

    6) Updated all localisation po/mo files


  • after installing your plugin enigma crash on multistalker and multistalker pro openatv 7.3

    Do you have a crash log where you or I, or somebody can see that it is the plugin code that crashes? If not, why do you think that the problem is in the HZS plugin code and not in "Multistalker pro"? No log - no problem!

  • openATV Enigma2 crash log

  • Endzi

    I downloaded the MultistalkerPro plugin package for Python 3.11 - https://gisclub.tv/plaginy-585/plagin-multi-stalker/15/ ... installed it on OpenATV 7.3.... No crashes... Everything works

    Снимок экрана 2023-11-16 в 16.11.45.pngСнимок экрана 2023-11-16 в 16.10.14.png

    Снимок экрана 2023-11-16 в 16.10.53.pngСнимок экрана 2023-11-16 в 16.11.07.png

    What am I doing wrong and what do I need to do to crash ?

  • You have to play channels from multistalker pro itself, the music channel is from your IPTV list , I think

    I don’t use Multistalker and I don’t even have a rough idea of how to use it... But if a crash occurs when starting a “channel” from the Multitasker plugin, then what does HistoryZap have to do with it? But what if launching viewing is not implemented correctly in Multistalker?

    Remove the Multistalker plugin and check if HZS works with any DVB-S/C/T broadcasts... any links registered in standard Enigma2 bouquets... If yes and not any crashes - then all questions to the author of Multistalker

  • if i remove your plugin everything works fine

    Remove the Multistalker plugin and check if HZS works with any DVB-S/C/T broadcasts... any links registered in standard Enigma2 bouquets... If yes and not any crashes - then all questions to the author of Multistalker

    ???? Have you read it? Have you checked? What result ????

  • your plugin works with or without multistalker,but your plugin causes crash on multistalker, I don't know how



    "http://iptv.jinbox.eu": "00:1A:79:BF:CE:6F"



    "http://ptv.darktv.nl:80": "00:1A:79:d2:23:46"


    go to etc,enigma2, and copy this stalker in folder multistalkerpro.json.Then go to multistalker app, portals ,and choose a portal then open live tv

  • go to etc,enigma2, and copy this stalker in folder multistalkerpro.json.Then go to multistalker app, portals ,and choose a portal then open live tv

    19:33:33.0727 [ActionMap] Map context 'InfobarExtensions': Undefined actions 'showDreamPlex', 'showMediaPlayer'.
    19:33:33.0735 [ActionMap] Map context 'InfobarZoomActions': Undefined actions 'ZoomInOut', 'ZoomOff'.
    19:33:33.0775 [ActionMap] Map context 'ButtonSetupActions': Undefined actions 'end_long', 'skip_back', 'skip_forward'.
    19:33:33.0782 [Navigation] playing ref 5001:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//iptv.jinbox.eu%3a80/play/live.php?mac=00%3a1A%3a79%3aBF%3aCE%3a6F&stream=112703&extension=ts&play_token=X35wtldmV4:(UA) Plus Plus

    I see in the image log an attempt to launch some kind of link to the broadcast... there is no video with any of the reftypes (4097, 5001 or 5002)... but there are no crashes either...

    What needs to be done to make the crash?

  • Endzi

    As far as I understand the ideology of the Multistalker plugin, it clearly overrides the instance of the standard InfoBar class and most likely this is not done entirely correctly from the point of view of Enigma2...I will now add in my code a check for the presence of all the necessary attributes of the InfoBar class, and if any of them necessary for HZS to work are missing, then there will be no crash, but a message will be displayed about the impossibility of using HZS

    Снимок экрана 2023-11-16 в 20.17.19.png

    If I understand everything correctly, then you get a crash when calling the HZS plugin if you start playing something in the Multistalker plugin... Is it right?

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