OpenATV 7.3 Python 3.11 Images

There are 185 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 51,206 times. The last Post () by Lululla.

  • Lululla it looks like skin compatibility problem. 7.4 dev has something i saw few days ago.

    So for some time You have to rename oZeta-FHD folder to

    but it's certainly the first test I've done

    I even deleted the non-default plugins.. it seems like it's a problem with the language locales of all the plugins..

    now I flashed, it was mostly to understand what happened

  • I have install openatv 7.3 on my dm920

    When i enter to plugin list i have only red button... No green or yellow button to install new extension from feed

    Any help..


    looks that you have installed a Skin who is not 100% ATV compatible,have you test it with the Metrix Skin too?

    Dall'inizio del 2024 chiudo la mia attività per quanto riguarda E2 per problemi di salute.

    Ab Anfang 2024 werde ich meine aktivität bezüglich E2 aus gesundheitlichen Gründen beenden.

  • can't you watch another program while you reach

    Recorded something that freezes the image just don't switch to another program it doesn't work either

    Has anyone else experienced the same problem

    Dreambox DM920 - BlackHole 10.4 - Norlys Tv - Danmark - DVB-T2 :smiling face with halo:

    :hello 1:

  • I have install openatv 7.3 on my dm920

    When i enter to plugin list i have only red button... No green or yellow button to install new extension from feed

    Any help..


    looks that you have installed a Skin who is not 100% ATV compatible,have you test it with the Metrix Skin too?

    I haven't install any skin. I am using Metrix...

    Same pfoblem when using Default skin... Green and yellow botton doesn't appear...

  • Ok,I can´t test this,becauce I don´t have your receiver,but with all my receivers I don´t have your problem,if I press the green button(Extensions) for example,this is here to see on the screen:


    Dall'inizio del 2024 chiudo la mia attività per quanto riguarda E2 per problemi di salute.

    Ab Anfang 2024 werde ich meine aktivität bezüglich E2 aus gesundheitlichen Gründen beenden.

  • new Updates 7.3 Images

    Update Programmlister updater Cleanup


    * add setBackgroundGradient, setBackgroundGradientSelected, setSelectionZoomSize

    * add more itemAlign options

    * fix grid navigation issue

    * fix sonar warnings

    * fix scrollbarLength "auto" calculation

    * correction of scrollbar calculation for justify item alignment


    * add selectionZoomSize

    * add more itemAlignment options

    * add zoom content modes

    * fix split value for selectionZoom and selectionZoomSize

    - Create a parseZoom() method to remove duplicated code.

    - Use "f" string processing to improve performance.

    * Add textBorderColor and textBorderWidth attributes to set the border color and width of text within a widget.

    * add missing scrollbarOffset attribute

    * Add padding attribute to set the padding of a widget.


    * Add setPadding / getPadding to prepare the upcoming padding feature of a widget.

    [gAccel] (#3028)

    * add option to enable debug accelerator

    [MessageBox] (#3010)

    * remove old pixmaps

    * define mandatory widgets


    * Add setTextBorderColor and setTextBorderWidth to set the border color and width on text within a widget.


    * Correct a potential crash

    Add separate text border attributes

    This change adds two new attributes "textBorderColor" and "textBorderWidth" to specify that a border color and its width is to specifically apply to the text within a widget as opposed to the widget itself. A pending commit will redefine "borderColor" and "borderWidth" to apply to the widget itself. This is being done to make the skin language more consistent among the different widgets and controls.


    * Add setTextBorderColor and setTextBorderWidth to set the border color and width on text within a widget.


    * Correct a potential crash


    * add missing unregisterCIMessageHandler on save


    * comparison to `None,True,False` should be `cond is (not) None,True,False`

    * test for membership should be `not in`

    * remove duplicate imports

    * [AutoDiseqc] Update 28.2

    * 11479V is no longer active

    * Use the pan Europe Sky transponder instead

    * [AutoDiseqc] Cosmetic change

    Move 19.2 .pilot entry onto separate line like other satellites.


    * meson64 first update for gpt support

    * disable dream default slot detection

    * flashmanager dream one/two use option -a to build kernel.img


    * Add a text/documentation style guide

    [] Correct regression error and window titles

    - An error was created in the changes from openATV 6.4 to openATV 7.0 where an unrecordable service caused a recording location pop up to be called rather than the correct select a new service pop up. This issue is now corrected.

    - Add appropriate titles to all the pop up windows.

    [] UI changes

    - The Plugin browser screen now opens faster as the Internet connectivity test is done in the background.

    - The remove, download and update plugin lists are now cleared when the action is commenced. This resolves issues with the same plugin being processed multiple times.

    - Plugin error messages can now be optionally kept in the error buffer if the user so wishes. The code has been adjusted to ensure that the same plugin error is only logged once.

    - HELP button text has been updated.

    - The GREEN button no longer opens/closes the categories in the PluginActions screen.

    - The repository refresh can now be cancelled before it completes if the user entered the "Download Plugins" screen by accident.

    [] Improve flash detection

    - Improve the flash detection code to resolve links confusing the identification. Links are no longer resolved when getting directory information. This should address issues for people manually relocating /picon or users using FlashExpander to relocate the /usr directory.

    - Update the pathjoin import back to join to match current coding standards.


    * skipping diacritical marks for arabic

    TRanslations Updates

    event.cpp fix utf-8 issue with size of event_name sf8008 "usb1/1-1/1-1.4/1-1.4:1.0" show as internal

    StartWizard fix BSOD IndexError: list index out of range

    unicable add DCS 552-16

    unicabke add DUR-line MB6-UK Monoblock - dCSS LNB

  • check Playback recording menu

    thanks, I now see that it is possible to change the player in the recording media but you have changed something on the system and the gui does not have the service app item. How can I change the player on Buquet Live TV :)

  • Salve ragazzi

    Ho installato l'ultima versione e mi da quasi sempre da fare con openvpn non riesco ad attivarlo, uso surfshark, con Openblackhole nessun problema, basta cancellare le 2 cartelle interne e mettere i 2 file.

    Con Openatv 7.3 ultimissima versione niente da fare non funziona, manco possibile settare l'avvio automatico. Installato e disinstalla varie volte sempre senza successo


    Hi guys

    I installed the latest version and it almost always bothers me with openvpn, I can't activate it, I use surfshark, with Openblackhole no problem, just delete the 2 internal folders and add the 2 files.

    With Openatv 7.3 latest version nothing to do it doesn't work, it's not even possible to set automatic startup. Installed and uninstalled several times without success

    Edited once, last by master G: Please respect the forum rules and post in English only! ().

  • Senza titolo.png

    Salve ragazzi

    Ho installato l'ultima versione e mi da quasi sempre da fare con openvpn non riesco ad attivarlo, uso surfshark, con Openblackhole nessun problema, basta cancellare le 2 cartelle interne e mettere i 2 file.

    Con Openatv 7.3 ultimissima versione niente da fare non funziona, manco possibile settare l'avvio automatico. Installato e disinstalla varie volte sempre senza successo

  • Update openATV 7.3

    * Graphics (#3048)


    * add getColor


    * remove border properties because they are now in parent class


    * add new separate drawing lib

    * remove drawGradient

    * add new drawRectangle

    * add corner radius for pixmaps

    * add new transparent flag


    * enable corner radius and gradient paint

    * add border properties

    * add setBorderWidth, setBorderColor for compatibility reasons

    * add setWidgetBorderWidth, setWidgetBorderColor

    * add setCornerRadius

    * auto correction of wrong radius values


    * add corner attributes


    * add setCornerRadius


    * improve clip for corners

    * improve background if gradient set


    * remove drawGradient

    * add new drawRectangle including setGradient, setRadius and setBorder

    * improve alphablend


    * replace drawGradient with drawRectangle

    * add radius feature for RECT type

    * add RT_BLEND flag for each text if gradient set


    * improve corner radius and gradient for the items

    * add default corner radius

    * add scrollbar gradient and radius


    * detect transparency from png, set transparency to false for jpg and bmp

    * fix possible memory leak


    * respect new transparent flag and disable blend if not transparent


    * add radius edges constants

    [eListboxPythonStringContent, eListboxPythonConfigContent]

    * add corner radius

    * fix gradient


    * add radius and gradient for progress

    * add radius for pixmap progress

    * add corner radius for TEXT_TYPE


    * improve alphablend


    * fix alphablend especially for gradient backgrounds


    * add radius to gradient


    * add RT_BLEND flag if gradient set


    * add radius and gradient


    * add cornerRadius, itemCornerRadius, widgetBorderColor, widgetBorderWidth attibutes

    * add new scrollbar attributes

    Graphic updates


    * add setAlphatest to allow alphablend for eLabel

    * fix sonar warnings


    * add setDefaultScrollbarRadius

    * correction of scrollbargradient

    * improve scrollbar repaint


    * add scrollbarGradient attribute

    * add radius support


    * add windowstyle defaults for Scollabel and listbox radius


    * fix some sonar warnings

    * code formating

    * fix sonar warnings


    * use bool for m_have_background_color


    * fix radius for TYPE_PROGRESS

    * prepare servicelist content


    * fix green action

    * hide afterevent options if disabled


    * enable number keys for timezone settings


    * fix progress gradient color range


    * introduce new eListboxPythonServiceContent

    ProgrammlistenUpdater fix BSOD

    07:24:20.5139 FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/enigma2/lamedb'


    * fix dumplcd for 32 Bit


    * remove dynamic generation of eActionList

    [] Use f-strings

    [] Improve text consistency

    add gcc 12,13 and python 3.12 build action

    Translation Updates

    PicturePlayer: use floor division to get integer

    Refactor ServiceInfo screen

    Move the module screen ServiceInfo into Rename the screen to ServiceInformation. Delete the original module. Refactor the code to match the Information style.


    - Add a new screen called ServiceInformation.

    - ServiceInformation no longer requires pressing YELLOW to toggle between the current and all PIDs / data. All the PIDs and data are now shown by default with the current audio PID and, if selected, the current subtitle option displayed in a highlight color.

    - ServiceInformation screen no longer requires pressing BLUE to toggle between the configured and live transponder information. The live data is always show while the configuration data is shown in brackets if it differs from the live information.

    - ServiceInformation when called from the menu will now update the data automatically if the service is changed in the background.

    - ServiceInformation now has a HELP screen.

    - Implement f-strings.

    - Remove some unused translation strings.

    - Optimize some code.


    - Module deleted.


    - Replace ServiceInfo import with Information.

    - Replace the screen call from ServiceInfo to ServiceInformation.


    - Replace ServiceInfo module and ServiceInfo screen with the Information module and the ServiceInformation screen respectively.

    [] Correct action of cancel()

    ConfigElement.cancel() had a work-around to avoid issues with None being used in ConfigLocations entries. This work-around causes issues with edited config entries being incorrectly marked as changed when the change is cancelled.

    This change removes the workaround and corrects all use of ConfigLocations to use empty lists rather than None to represent the no data case.

    Also, use f-strings to optimized performance.

    [] Correct use of ConfigLocations

    [] Correct use of ConfigLocations

    [] Complete the Python 3 corrections

    This pull request builds on Pull Request #3088 that does not fix all the division errors. (That commit fixed the vertical alignment errors but did not correct the horizontal errors.)

    Add embeded streamrelay functionality (#3087)

    * Add embeded streamrelay functionality

    Stream relay is a function that e.g. Oscam offers and is a method where

    the hardware of the box is somehow not able to encrypt specific service.

    Streamrelay users a stream in between where the enryption is simulated

    in software. With this commit you can mark service refeerences stored in

    a whitelist /etc/enigma2/whitelist_streamrelay. When you try to tune one

    of these services the service ref is adapted in such a way

    that it plays the service via a stream relay server defined by two

    configs (IP, default local host and port default 17999). The whitelist

    can also be downloaded to you receiver and then you do not need special

    stream relay user bouquets anymore. You can also add/remove services via

    the channel list context menu.

    Some parts are taken from this commit.


    Thanks to littlesat


    * don't use FCC for stream relay channels


    * add stream relay support


    * add ignoreStreamRelay parameter to disable streamrelayChecker

    * don't use streamrelayChecker for epgrefresh recordings


    * fix radius for TYPE_PROGRESS

    * prepare servicelist content


    * fix green action

    * hide afterevent options if disabled


    * enable number keys for timezone settings


    * fix progress gradient color range


    * introduce new eListboxPythonServiceContent

    ProgrammlistenUpdater fix BSOD

    07:24:20.5139 FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/enigma2/lamedb'


    * fix dumplcd for 32 Bit


    * remove dynamic generation of eActionList

    [] Use f-strings

    [] Improve text consistency

    add gcc 12,13 and python 3.12 build action

    Translation Updates

    PicturePlayer: use floor division to get integer

    Refactor ServiceInfo screen

    Move the module screen ServiceInfo into Rename the screen to ServiceInformation. Delete the original module. Refactor the code to match the Information style.


    - Add a new screen called ServiceInformation.

    - ServiceInformation no longer requires pressing YELLOW to toggle between the current and all PIDs / data. All the PIDs and data are now shown by default with the current audio PID and, if selected, the current subtitle option displayed in a highlight color.

    - ServiceInformation screen no longer requires pressing BLUE to toggle between the configured and live transponder information. The live data is always show while the configuration data is shown in brackets if it differs from the live information.

    - ServiceInformation when called from the menu will now update the data automatically if the service is changed in the background.

    - ServiceInformation now has a HELP screen.

    - Implement f-strings.

    - Remove some unused translation strings.

    - Optimize some code.


    - Module deleted.


    - Replace ServiceInfo import with Information.

    - Replace the screen call from ServiceInfo to ServiceInformation.


    - Replace ServiceInfo module and ServiceInfo screen with the Information module and the ServiceInformation screen respectively.

    [] Correct action of cancel()

    ConfigElement.cancel() had a work-around to avoid issues with None being used in ConfigLocations entries. This work-around causes issues with edited config entries being incorrectly marked as changed when the change is cancelled.

    This change removes the workaround and corrects all use of ConfigLocations to use empty lists rather than None to represent the no data case.

    Also, use f-strings to optimized performance.

    [] Correct use of ConfigLocations

    [] Correct use of ConfigLocations

    [] Complete the Python 3 corrections

    This pull request builds on Pull Request #3088 that does not fix all the division errors. (That commit fixed the vertical alignment errors but did not correct the horizontal errors.)

    Add embeded streamrelay functionality (#3087)

    * Add embeded streamrelay functionality

    Stream relay is a function that e.g. Oscam offers and is a method where

    the hardware of the box is somehow not able to encrypt specific service.

    Streamrelay users a stream in between where the enryption is simulated

    in software. With this commit you can mark service refeerences stored in

    a whitelist /etc/enigma2/whitelist_streamrelay. When you try to tune one

    of these services the service ref is adapted in such a way

    that it plays the service via a stream relay server defined by two

    configs (IP, default local host and port default 17999). The whitelist

    can also be downloaded to you receiver and then you do not need special

    stream relay user bouquets anymore. You can also add/remove services via

    the channel list context menu.

    Some parts are taken from this commit.


    Thanks to littlesat


    * don't use FCC for stream relay channels


    * add stream relay support


    * add ignoreStreamRelay parameter to disable streamrelayChecker

    * don't use streamrelayChecker for epgrefresh recordings

    Update Digital Platform 42°E

    [DOCUMENTATION] Add point regarding punctuation

    [] Add a non ISO country of "KU" for "Kurdistan"

    The country entry of "Kurdistan" is being added to address some cultural issues. The data used for this entry is NOT official. The values used have been selected to not clash with current ISO designations. While there is some clash with NATO designations the Enigma2 code is based on ISO so the clashes will be ignored for now.


    * add color parameter support

    * remove many copy paste code

    * use more f-strings


    * use new setLCDMode for writing /proc/stb/lcd/mode


    * add setLCDMode

    [CI] Fix descrambling when using tuner B-H

    This doesn't fix VU problem with second fbc tuner!

    and many more

  • Update 7.3 and devel


    * use ePicLoad to support 32 Bit picons for all Display types

    * text corrections for comments

    * improve resolution in channel name


    * text corrections for comments

    Fix MMI text conversion

    don't use inline convertDVBUTF8 function as it does

    implicit char* to string conversion which is a problem

    as the string can contain \0 in the character encoding

    (e.g. 0x10, 0x00, 0x01 for ISO/IEC 8859-1)


    * do not call autoconfig on startup


    * improve enumerateNetworkMounts

    This change also prevents duplicate entries in partition list.


    * correct epgcache folder after reboot if not flash


    * set scrambled to false for ts if there is no meta file

    [CI] Add ressources for CI+ 1.4 compability

    [CI] Operator profile

    don't send status request message right after session start as some modules

    open operator session, but don't seem to be able to handle operator messages

    as they just stop working after receiving the message(CANAL+ module).

    MultiBootManager update dreambox SDcard Slots

    FlashManager add support new dream rootfs name

  • Captain , perhaps of subject but I did ask on openatv if it would be possible to add comment when making imagebackup I may have 2 or 3 versions of openatv 7.3 installed on different slots and different configurations one for example just for testing on gigablue quad uhd 4k so hardware multiboot not openmultiboot. I can rename backup image file manually when stored on hard drive but when you load it only differencies are date.

OpenATV Team Images Support Forum ~ based on OE-Alliance

OpenATV Supported Models ~ Airdigital, Amiko, Anadol, Atemio, Atto, AX Technology, Axas, Beyonwiz, Dinobot, Dreambox, Edision, EVO, Ferguson, Formuler, Galaxy Innovations, Gigablue, Golden Interstar, HDBox, Hitube, James Donkey, IQON, Izibox, Jepssen, Maxdigital, Medialink, MaXytec, MediaArt, Megaset, Miraclebox, MK-Digital, Mut@nt, Novaler, Octagon, Odin, Optibox, Protek, PULSe, Qviart, Red-Eagle, Relook, Roxxs, SAB, Sezam, Sogno, Space, Spycat, Technomate, Telestar, Tiviar, T-Rex, Uclan, Venton Unibox, Vimastec, VisionNet, VU+, VUplus, World Vision, Vizyon, WWio, Xsarius, and Xtrend.

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