Howto: Cache exchange via Oscam

There are 10 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 21,421 times. The last Post () by thatfellow.

    • Official Post

    Howto: Cache exchange via Oscam
    (Guide written by Copyleft)

    In this howto i will show you how to:

    - Exchange your cache via Oscam.
    - And for the CSP users how to forward all of your CSP cache to Oscam and exchange it via Oscam.

    All presented information and code is released under the terms of the GPL-v3 licence

    - Oscam installed and running.
    - OSCam "v1.20-unstable_svn, build #6853" or higher! (this howto is tested with OSCam "v1.20-unstable_svn, build #6853")
    - CSP v224, lower versions down to CSP v2.0.* could work also (this howto is tested with CSP v224)

    Exchange your cache via oscam
    Lets say you are ALICE and you have one Oscam instance running and all of your peers are connected to that instance, so all of the ECM/CW traffic is going through this instance.

    - Now you want to send all of your cache to your friend BOB who is using Oscam also.


    And BOB has to connect to ALICE via a reader defined in his "oscam.server".

    Also BOB should use the same cacheex parametrs of ALICE in his "oscam.conf" under [global], cachedelay = 30, max_cache_time = 19, max_cache_count = 20000, cacheexwaittime = 25

    - Now if BOB wants to send his cache to ALICE, then ALICE and BOB must do the same but vice versa.

    Forwarding all of your CSP cache to Oscam for cache exchange via Oscam
    Lets say ALICE is using CSP und all of the ECM/CW traffic is going through that CSP instance. Now ALICE wants to sent her CSP cache to BOB but BOB uses Oscam only! For that ALICE must now forward her CSP cache to her Oscam instance and then send it via Oscam to BOB.
    - ALICE has to configure her CSP like follows:



    - ALICE has also to configure her Oscam instance in "oscam.conf" like follows:

    Cheers and have fun!

    All credit to Copyleft

  • hello ten or anybody with knowledge of cacheex.
    im following this tutorial, i no this is an oldish thread, i have debian server just updated to oscam alices server under oscam config there is a line logfile = /path/to/your/oscaminstance.log, what am i looking for to find this instance on my server, i expect its a easy answer but being a noob to this cacheex stuff im not 100% sure. also im getting confused with the protocal i have oscam with cccam working perfect, does oscam have to use cccam to cacheex or can it be used oscam to oscam without affecting my share to cccam, if it can do i need the cccam info on the oscam files

    any help would b appreciated

    cheers TG

  • ahhhh that throws a bit of a spanner in the works then, all internals i can sort out no probs just my bro who i share with, he lives not far but far enough away for me to not bother lol..... it will have to b a teamviewer jobbie then lol.
    so why does it ask for a cccam protocal if it only uses oscam? will i need to delete cccam from server completely? and will chacheex work on dm500s

    cheers ten your a diamond

  • Cacheex makes a MASSIVE difference!
    If two people are watching the same channel it will cache the ECM from peer1 and forward it to peer2 effectively taking the stress out of the local card usage!
    ECM responses are vastly improved when being received from the cache!
    I run Oscam cacheex mode 3! The cache size at the moment is 3000+!
    The cache has handled 1669 (43.24% of the ECM requested) since reboot this morning!
    Downside to Cacheex is the huge bandwidth usage! Yesterday vnstat in Ubuntu states that my Data usage was 10.96 gigabyte in total for 24 hours!
    So if you have a limited bandwidth or a ISP that uses traffic management cacheex probably is not for you!

  • Cacheex makes a MASSIVE difference!
    If two people are watching the same channel it will cache the ECM from peer1 and forward it to peer2 effectively taking the stress out of the local card usage!
    ECM responses are vastly improved when being received from the cache!

    Oscams own built in cache does this anyway so why the need for cache-ex?

    I run Oscam cacheex mode 3! The cache size at the moment is 3000+!
    The cache has handled 1669 (43.24% of the ECM requested) since reboot this morning!
    Downside to Cacheex is the huge bandwidth usage! Yesterday vnstat in Ubuntu states that my Data usage was 10.96 gigabyte in total for 24 hours!
    So if you have a limited bandwidth or a ISP that uses traffic management cacheex probably is not for you!

    The following is quotes by a very experienced moderator of a well known sharing site, i think he sums it up perfectly.


    if the things will continue the way they getting now it will no cardsharing soon
    after introduction of cache exchange (not only Ocsam) within 2 years Providers took such a measures they never did in 10 years before that
    for now every dog is selling cs accounts in the different ways for the price less then few pints of beer

    I used to do CS on on quite simple receivers with possibility to watch ANYTHING POSIISBLE. For now I moved to PC because I have too many different cards from different providers, but most of them cheap prepaid or some of my friend they brought from back home. That PC I use not only for CS but for gaming and some other things as well. So it cost me really not too much. I do not do cacheex any more , but I'm still able to watch anything possible on CS.

    But when I hear that some people dedicate for Cacheex PC worth at least 700 quid (plus obviously receiver) just for cacheex and claiming to have it for hobbies.... I just say "wtf"

    Fakers & payservers are the only ones to benefit from this, why else would anybody claiming this to be a hobby state they have a full card yet only be interested in 0963 shares. They stick out like a sore thumb, i have a certain card myself that i never give reshare on because the thought of me helping these guys indirectly in any way would be the end of this hobby for me.

  • hi all - sorry if I'm going to sound dumb lol

    my server has oscam & cccam, peers connect to cccam, then that connects to oscam for the card. i have another server that has a different card, but at the minute, both servers use cccam to share each others cards.

    could i add the above theory of alice, and bob. then delete the config currently setup for cccam to talk between the servers. is it possible to replace the cline between both servers to then use the above config. my guess is that because i am using cccam, and thats the port thats open, it won't work?

    confused.c0m lol

  • Can you use the same ip port for CacheEx as you do for a normal cccam cline or does CacheEx use a different port if I am running both types simultaneously ?

    Plz anyone...

    VuDuo2 - OpenBlackhole, VuSolo2, DM500HDv2, OpenelecBox, DM600, ---------------------------------------------

  • Are you running CCcam & oscam or are you talking about cccam protocol within oscam?
    If the later & You only have 1 instance of oscam for main shares & cache-ex, then you will be using the same port.
    If you are running CCcam & oscam, you will need different cccam ports for each..

    Why not use cs378x rather than cccam? I find it more reliable..

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

    Edited once, last by thatfellow ().

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