Connect From external IP PLZ HLP...

There are 17 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,342 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • HI guys thanx for the help so far i have been able to get my cccam server up and running everything perfect all from the tuts on the forum without any help so far i just cant see wat im doing wrong all works 100% connecting from my internal network to both 192.168.. & addresses share card everything comes on perfect but when i try to connect from an external ip i.e. from another connection outside the house it wont login its talking to the server because it goes from offline to login and back but just wont connect so really im lost plz help sum1 im sure it is something stupid

    Ubuntu 12.04
    Cccam 2.1.3
    ***Box F3

  • add these 2 lines into oscam conf in the webif section

    httpallowed =
    httpdyndns =

    im not 100% sure how to do it with the cccam as i only use oscam alone server&reader

    EDIT :- Also if your trying to connect with a iphone/ipad/ipod etc safari wont open the webif of oscam, you will need a app called opera mini works perfect as i use it myself

    i have done a few threads on here how to connect to the webif server etc from external network from idevices

  • hi just had to add the dns line but the ***box still wont connect still going from offline to login and back again so still no channels from an external network a had been searching the forums but was unable to find anything on this i will try harder lol

    Reading ur post im now wondering wat im doing wrong then so do i not need cccam 2.1.3 then am i making work for myself lol

  • hi just had to add the dns line but the ***box still wont connect still going from offline to login and back again so still no channels from an external network a had been searching the forums but was unable to find anything on this i will try harder lol

    Reading ur post im now wondering wat im doing wrong then so do i not need cccam 2.1.3 then am i making work for myself lol

    its a personal preferance on what you use tbh either cccam/oscam or oscam on its own, i did try cccam/oscam and found it ok but tbvh lfc pointed out a few things to me about just a oscam only server and i have not looked back it just seems so much better using the 1 (oscam)

    some prefer cccam/oscam some dont some use csp some dont some use multics some dont, its personally upto the user etc what they prefer

  • Hi thanks for the help so far forwarded all the ports on my time capsul and still no difference connect fine local network stuck on login on external network im convinced its some sort of account related issue cuz its defo talikn to the server. All im using is simple
    F: test1 test2 1 0 0 in config so just dnt understand what is stopping it.....

    turner as for server setup this is my first attempt and as u can see im not exactly 100% yet so once i get this problem out of the way ill try something else make a few new problems lol ahh well this is how u learn lol

  • Have you tried entering line manually in box?

    if your using Cccam for F3 try entering line in Mgcamd then edit the newcamd.list entering your Host, Port, User and Password there!

    Restart the box and see if it connects ok?


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  • no still no difference i have a pay line which i pay for which i only have to enter into cccam.cfg and works fine im sure is server end

  • :taxman:

    no still no difference i have a pay line which i pay for which i only have to enter into cccam.cfg and works fine im sure is server end

    I take it you have read the rules and anything to do with helping you get anything working with a paid line is a no go - still not sure what you are trying to do = are you trying to manage your server configs and monitor your server from outside your network, or are you trying to set up an external share?

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Sry guys no obviously didnt read the rules close enough but im not trying to get a pay line work its my own card and share wat im trying to do is for example share with say my friend in his own house if i was to get another box i tried mine in his house and this is the problems i am getting but when i plug it in in my house it works 100%

  • Guys u really did take that bad i did apoligize but im still struggling to connect to my OWN server from outsde my hus does any1 wanna help me i have run out of ideas.....

  • problem is - all the twoing and frowing, and we don't even understand the nature of your issue as your explanation isn't very clear. If you are trying to share your card, and you are not managing to do this, then you have to go back to basics. So long as the router has a port (which is the same as the CCcam server listen port) forwarded to the server IP - and that IP is static, the Dydns is set to the dynamic IP that your ISP assigns, the server has an fline, and the client has a cline that corresponds to the dyndns address, port, and name and password set on the fline in the CCcam.cfg on the server - then there really shouldn't be a problem. If you don't understand what I am talking about then you need to read up a bit more.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


    • Official Post

    Lets recap on what you are trying to do because there seems to be some confusion here, thats why you have had such a varied responce to your issue.

    You are trying to share your own card, which works internally, but when your friend trys it in his receiver its " going from offline to login " ?

    You are not trying to connect to the server from outside your own network to look at CCcaminfo or add anything to CCcam.cfg ?

    If you can answer this then we can give you a few things to check.

  • Rite Guys Sry not tryin to wind anybody up here so lets start again so my setup is i have my Sly UK Card Connected via SmarGO reader to my Server Running Oscam & Cccam 2.1.3 on Ubuntu 12.04

    the problem is just trying to connect my ***Box F3 to watch channels nothing else works perfect on my local network which is an apple time capsule with the ports forwarded both lines i have (c: 192.168 & they connect

    fine share the card and the channels come on but when i take the same F3 box to my friends house dwn the street it will not connect the c: 192.168 is offline as it shud be but the c: goes from offline to login and back as i said.

    So there is some sort of communication between the server and the box just seems to not be logging in have checked both f: & c: lines and as far as i can see all is fine sorry if this is not clear thats the best i can explain plz ask for any other details

    • Official Post

    c: goes from offline to login and back as i said.

    Its possible the firewall on ubuntu is blocking the openbox from connecting, because of the constant access attempts you have made.

    You can flush the firewall with this command sudo iptables -l or disable firewall with this sudo iptables -F to see if you can get a connection on the openbox.

    A Quick Guide To Iptables

  • ok thank you for the quick reply will try that now

    Tried this but sry no difference really am lost here

    Just looking at Warning.txt defo connection a list of Connection from IP: Login Failed!

    so sumthin in cccam.cfg for sure but even if i put (F: test1 test2) which is as basic as u get still no connection

    Guys anybody got a working example cccam.cfg file which they use to connect from an external network to see if i can find a problem with mine and what about my oscam settings could that affect

    user = test3
    pwd = test4
    monlevel = 0
    uniq = 0
    group = 1,2
    au = ***uk
    caid = 0963

    does that look ok

    • Official Post

    Guys anybody got a working example cccam.cfg file which they use to connect from an external network to see if i can find a problem with mine and what about my oscam settings could that affect

    oscam is only a cardreader in your setup, so you don`t add need to add new [account], everything is done in CCcam.cfg as CCcam 2.1.3 is your server.

    FTP the oscam+CCcam2.1.3 configs from HERE, add a basic F line (F: test1 test2) to the CCcam.cfg, then try the C Line in your friends openbox (C: 12000 test1 test2)

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