OSCAM With 2 Cards

There are 25 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 9,409 times. The last Post () by ILM16.

  • I just wanted some help on going about this set up.

    I have a VU+ Duo. I have a JSC Sports card and a Sly UK card.

    I want to run my Sly card on OSCAM alone, so I want OSCAM to read the card and share the card.

    I want my JSC card to also be read and shared, but independently to the Sly card, so either running it on OSCAM too but separately or on CCCam.

    How would I go about this?

  • You will need to use the configs, as per the tutorial here -


    You will then need to configure your other reader for your JSC Card.

    Setting up groups correctly on your users and cards, will allow them to receive or not receive both cards as you specify.

    All the info you need is on the forum mate, give it a go, and let us know if you get stuck.

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  • oscam.server



    At the moment I'm using an N line in cccam to test, as I don't want to convert all my clines/flines yet if OSCAM isn't reading both cards correctly.

  • not familiar with i***** JSC card as I use viaccess but from what i have seen that looks the right setup if it is showing as off then we may need to see the output on the status page of webif when you start the server, or the logs.

    you have done the right thing in placing the cards each in its own group. If you want to share the JSC card independently to sly then you can still do this by not including the sly group in the user account you set up for the peer who you want to share your JSC card with.

    your newcamd protocol is as follows;

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = 10000@0963:000000;10001@0963:000000

    which is great if you have 2 sly cards - but you haven't so change it to this;

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = 10000@0963:000000;10001@0603:000000

    If you are using nlines to share with then you need the above, and if the shares are external you need to set up port forwarding for said ports in the router.

    If you are sharing using CCcam protocol you need to set that up - place this in oscam.conf - delete your existing entry - the update interval defaults at 240 and this is fine.

    port                          = 12000
    reshare                       = 1
    version                       = 2.2.1
    stealth                       = 1

    again for exteranl sharing you need to forward the ports. best change from the 12000 port to something else as 12000 is used to often - prob the same for the newcamd if you intend to share nlines.

    your dvbapi is not set up correctly either - if you want to use this, then you need to set the 'au to either '1' to send the emm's to all cards, or you need to set it to the label of your reader - you have entries that say 'lower_card' which doesn't match any of your configs.

    user                          = vudvbapi
    pwd                           = 
    group                         = 1,2
    au                            = 1

    use above instead of what you have for user vudvbapi.

    also for dvbapi to work you need to add

    P: 0963:000000
    P: 0603:000000

    to your oscam.dvbapi file

    on the other entry you have in oscam.user - if this is for internal share then again if you are using au - set it to 1 or the label of the readers you have

    then all you need to do is set up user accounts as normal in the right groups.

    above are 3 examples of user accounts in oscam.user - first is in group 1 so will only get sly - second is in group 2 so will only get JSC - third has 1,2 so gets both.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Sorry if I've made this a bit confusing.

    I used to run OSCAM and CCCam, with OSCAM reading my Sly card and CCCam sharing it. Now I just want OSCAM to read and share.

    My last post said 'I'm using an N line in cccam to test, as I don't want to convert all my clines/flines yet if OSCAM isn't reading both cards correctly.'

    Basically what I meant here is I wanted to get both cards read properly by OSCAM and watched via an N line in CCCam before I switched solely to OSCAM. As I have multiple c lines and f lines I thought it would be a pain moving everything until JSC was actually read by OSCAM.

    I'm going through musogeek's post now.

  • I think i did understand what you are trying to do - you have newcamd protocol set in oscam.conf so the way I have always done it is to create 2 users in oscam.user

    then the 2 nlines in CCcam.cfg

    N: 10000 sly sly 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256
    N: 10001 jsc jsc 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

    only use 256 if you have CCcam version 2.1.3 of course

    think as you said you are having diffs getting the JSC working will possibly need to see the output

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • I've just tried that as well. Sly works, but JSC still doesn't.




    The 2nd user just doesn't show up in webinterface.

  • JSC comes up as 'CARDOK' in webinterface.

  • have you got the 2 nlines set up in CCcam.cfg as i suggested? one for sly on port 10000 and the other for jsc on 10001

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • My mistake on the N line, I've fixed that bit. Now all I get is.

    • Official Post

    Try adding these lines to your jsc reader entry,

    force_i***** = 1
    ident = 0603:000000
    camkey = 0000000000000000
    camkeydata = 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000

    i***** = a censored word on the forum.

  • Try adding these lines to your jsc reader entry,

    force_i***** = 1
    ident = 0603:000000
    camkey = 0000000000000000
    camkeydata = 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000

    i***** = a censored word on the forum.

    I already had that bit correct :)

    has the card been activated? working in CCcam?

    Yes it worked in CCcam fine. Just finding the new ECM length now.

  • Now we are getting somewherebeer10

    When you find the ECM length post it here so we can have the finished article - Let us know if you are fully sorted and we can close the thread - any issues with the move to oscam then sure you can use the oscam wiki, search bar or start another thread...

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Maybe I spoke to soon, it was working all well. OSCAM decided to stop reading the JSC card :confuse:

    Edit: It's just messing around, restarted OSCAM and it's fine again.

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