PC Server question

There are 6 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 391 times. The last Post () by musogeek.

  • hi everyone, i have a question: (long winded, please bear with me)

    i am about to setup a linux pc server. i have read on lots of topics about the server itself. pretty straight forward (or so it would seen until i am setting up :-/ )

    anyway i am going out to buy a pc tower for the server, and about to order a card reader from the site sponsor. but one thing is confusing me, mainly due to something i was told a long time ago.

    the card i am going to share is white ;-) (i am in the uk) i was told that the card needs to be in the reciever to get a ''keep alive'' signal.

    would i need to add a pci tuner to the server for this signal?............. or am i mistaken?

    i have a dm800se hd (clone) i dont want to serve with the box, just want to use at home, and an openbox 11 (will use this as test client at my friends house)

    and in the next few days i will have my server.

    so in a nutshell, will the sub card work in the server card reader without a sat signal?

    sorry for the long post. i just want to be clear on what i need, and not find out mid set-up i am missing a vital piece.

    thanks for your help.

    • Official Post

    Yes it will mate. The updates will come from your own stb, keep reading & ask again if you cannot find the required info when setting up.

  • Yes it will mate. The updates will come from your own stb, keep reading & ask again if you cannot find the required info when setting up.

    thank you, i have been looking over posts, am i correct in thinking i just need to pop the card in the sub box if and when i upgrade/downgrade a package? saw a post where one member puts his card in the sub box when he changes package, and another member who has never returned the sub card to original box since he set up his network,

    both seem to have had no problems.

    thanks for your help, it means alot as i feel like a fish out of water at the min trying to absorb as much information as possible

  • If you setup your server to update entitlements, you will never need to return your card to original box. You are better off getting started and then ask questions as you bump into problems... No point in looking for problems before your server arrives :-)

    Here is a very easy to follow step by step tut for settiing up a ubuntu x64 cccam/oscam server.. If you do not have a x64 server, the files for a x32 setup are in post 13 of this tut..


    one bit of advice, Get an omnikey card reader..

    Good luck m8...

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

    • Official Post

    thank you, i have been looking over posts, am i correct in thinking i just need to pop the card in the sub box if and when i upgrade/downgrade a package? saw a post where one member puts his card in the sub box when he changes package, and another member who has never returned the sub card to original box since he set up his network,

    both seem to have had no problems.

    thanks for your help, it means alot as i feel like a fish out of water at the min trying to absorb as much information as possible

    Got to ask mate, you havent even built this server yet but are asking about package upgrades. What kind of server are you planning?

  • thanks for the info, i am setting up to share with my family and closely trusted friends, my cousin used to share with me many moons ago, but the channels would always glitch, he was sharing from a dm500

    i was considering sharing via my 800se, but as its a clone i dont wanna put to much stress on it, just incase it affects my shares, as i will be viewing and recording etc.

    i am not planning on upgrading my package, as i have full already. was just trying to explain what i had been told about the keep alive signal. and since reading more into servers, i have found even the basic pc tower will do, i already have an unused dell desktop from a few years ago. so going to set that up as the server.

    Debian and Ubuntu are both on d/load as i type. > think i will go with Ubuntu as i am not to clued up with using terminal.

    sorry for all the questions, i just want to do it right the first time, then not have to worry about glitching etc (including my own box)

  • To be fair you won't have to use terminal any more on Debian than on Ubuntu, because whatever you do need the terminal for it applies on both servers. Debian cuts all the bloat, I have used Debian and Ubuntu, and although not exactly a linux novice, I was more used to a GUI than a teminal, so went for Ubuntu first, but as I said, they both still have to be set up, I now would never go back to Ubuntu.

    Once your server is running, then you will more than likely access it mostly remotely via putty and SCP/FTP client anyway.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


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