really confused..... help needed.

There are 9 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 388 times. The last Post () by brendanj9554.

  • hey guys, i have been going round in circles fro days, and at a loss. i am working nights this week, so my brain isnt fully functioning (its a good excuse and i am sticking to it lol)

    i have set up my linux server, unbuntu with auto install scrips, everything went perfectly. can log in with putty etc.

    i have set up a dyndns account and installed the updater on the server.

    when i put the dyndns address into the browser, it asks for a user/pass. so i type so i login and then it takes me to my broadband router setting page?

    i am lost. been searching through the guides, and other issues people have had. but i am lost.

    can anyone shed any light on this? maybe my dyndns settings are wrong?

    thanks so much

  • In your router settings for port forwarding,have you added you dyndns details??? this has to be done so the updater can see when your ip addy changes.


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  • i have added the dyndns host/user/pass in my router.

    i have a problem trying to webif. it displays user name and password. but it wont log me on, just keeps going blank. as if i have used the wrong user/pass (i have used correct user/and pass as i have it on a sticky note) this is getting very frustrating

  • Do you mean OpenWebif????

    The settings for this are usually on your plugins list,you would need to go in there to set the http port etc.


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  • i started from scratch again, can gwet access to the webif pages, have set dyndns in the router.

    when ever i try to use the dyndns in the address bar it says cannot connect to server?? and when i type in the srtandard (within my home network) i get this, It works!
    This is the default web page for this server.

    The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.

    really confused, is i have opened ports etc on my router. even tried dmz to allow eveything through (just to test outside connection) nothing seems to work for me?

    *EDIT* can connect fine when i open all ports on router and drop firewall. i must be doing something wrong in the port forwarding part, just cant get my head round it.

  • ok,now i'm starting to get confused!! lol

    Your trying to use your dyndns to access your server internally?? to access the webif of cccam/oscam or open webif etc you would use the folllowing,

    http://yourboxip:then the port number here of whatever you are trying to access


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  • Consider what a dyndns address is for. You set up a dyndns address because your ISP will usually give you a dynamic IP address rather than a fixed address. This isn't good for a server as it is impractical becuause whenever it changes you will have to inform your clients. Dyndns or similar service will direct the dyndns address you give to your clients back to your server, but for this to work you need to tell your server to send your IP address to the dyndns service. Your router may well have a setting where you tell it to update the dyndns service each time your IP address changes.

    When you are working inside your own network, you will not need to use the IP address that your ISP gives you, as this is your address to the outside world. Each of your devices inside your own network will, or should have a local IP address, often following the following format; 192.168.X.X - the first of the 2 X's will usually be common on all your devices in your network, and the last X should be a unique number for each device. You can either use dhcp to assign this, or you can set this up manually for each device either on your router (using the mac address of your devices) or by disabling dhcp on the devices and manually inputting the IP address and other settings. Your server device should have a fixed local IP address, as you will need to forward the port (again in your router settings) you give to your clients to a defined fixed IP address on your network that directs it to your server device.

    When you want to access one of your devices inside your network from inside your network, you will need to type in the local IP address (192.168.x.x) of the device in your browser, FTP client or telnet client etc, the port that the protocol is using (if different from the default) and then input the username and password (if it has one).

    If you wanted to access your network from outside your network, then you can use the dyndns address, but it will only allow access through ports that you have forwarded, and beware if you do this and don't use strong passwords, your network will be open to hackers!

    hope this helps!

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • When you want access your webif page with browser put ip of your server followed by port number you set in config as ;
    your dyndns host name is only used by others to gain acess to your server and has no(?) uses within your network

  • thanks guys, after reading your posts it has become clearer, i guess i was trying to see if my dyndns was doing what it should be doing.

    i opened the port on the router (16001) and used the dyndns info (from a device outside my network) and i got to the log in screen,

    i will be closing ports, and studying port forwarding a bit more.

    thanks again guys.

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