All cards not clearing

There are 10 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,871 times. The last Post () by pari.

  • I have a c line that i converted so i can use oscam but the problem is that it is only working with s*y uk, when used with CCcam all other satellites are working as well but when oscam activated only UK anybody tell me where i am going wrong

  • If you don't post your config, there isn't much we can do.

    post your config, removing all the sensitive stuff, just replace the sensitive stuff like dns addresses and usernames and passwords with a load of ********

    Unfortunately at this moment I have the same issue as Ferdi, My crystal ball is currently at the repair shop being fixed :haha:

  • The c line i have has both S*y UK and Italia cards how do i activate oscam so that it reads both. I downloaded oscam from ts panel from linux support server. I used cccam to oscam convertor to make oscam.server file but as i said only UK channels clearing

  • If you don't post at least the oscam.server configs, we can't help you.

    There at that many variables that could be causing the issue.


  • oscam.server

    password= chiller

  • mate in oscam you would add liek caids like 0963 and 096c etc

    also if you was given a cline and your trying to add to oscam, are you trying to reshare someones line?????? with them knowing?

  • just add caid = 0963 to ur .server and mke sure ur device name is right, i though dyndns servers all end with a .org or .tv etc, maybe u jst didnt post it all

  • do i add 09cd as well for italia and if so how should it be done ie caid=0963,09cd or do i put two separate lines

    in oscam reader add dis in cccversion add ur friend cline cccam version

    label = from_server_1
    protocol = cccam
    device = clinedns,port
    user = turner
    password = chiller
    caid = 0963,09cd
    group = 2
    cccversion = 2.1.2
    cccmaxhops = 2

    in oscam config add dis
    here i mention ur nline ports are example 1111 and 1112

    logfile = stdout
    cachedelay = 120
    nice = -1
    maxlogsize = 0
    saveinithistory = 1

    hideclient_to = 15
    appendchaninfo = 0

    port = 1111@0963:000000;1112@09CD:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314

    httpport = 11245
    httpuser = root
    httppwd = password
    httpallowed =

    now in user account add like dis

    user = slyuk99
    pwd = 1account1
    group = 2
    monlevel = 4
    ident = 0963:000000
    failban = 1

    user = slyita88
    pwd = account1
    group = 2
    monlevel = 4
    ident = 09CD:000000
    failban = 1

    here is your two nline which u use for watch channel

    N: yourdns 1111 slyuk99 1account1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    N: yourdns 1112 slyita88 account1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    enjoy :)

  • master G

    Set the Label from UK OSCam to Videoguard2 Cards OSCam

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