D+ HD 19e General principals of cardsharing the nagravision card ??

There are 18 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,044 times. The last Post () by javiles.

  • Hi,

    I am doing some research. I am currently using a a vu+ reciever with either mgcamd or cccam in conjunction with clines or nlines to watch d+ Spain HD. I dont like to use the payserver ( reliability of overloaded server ) so me and my family ( 3 recvs total ) we were thinking to subscribe again to d+HD and share. I have been doing some reading of forums and things and have registered here in the hopes I could get some specific advice and plan this out a bit.

    1. Using the card. I have a white and grey card with iplus / 2 boxes. These can be reactivated with a phone call. However i understand the chief problem is that the white card is married to the box so i need a boxkey ? I was confused about this as some have said with oscam you dont need a boxkey ? Assuming however I do , what is the habitual method to getting this boxkey ?

    2. We have a fiber line to the house so ping times and all that are good , however as an extra form of protection I also have several servers about Europe that I can convert into a caching proxy type accesss point. Is there a reccomended proxy that can tunnell back to " home "

    3. Is there a preferred method at home to read the card . I can choose between a smargo / linux , smargo / PC or smargo / rasberry Pi ( which from a geeky point of view appeals to me ) and does this preferred method take account of tunnelling security?

    Im not looking for the idiots guide to all this but if you have any input or suggested reasearch areas especially surrounding point 1 I would be very interested to hear. I am confortable in ssh and with the general principles involved.

  • First of all You should have read the formula rules first post in introductons
    N3 not only Needs boxkey but rsakey too.
    It has Been a long time since extraction Was terminated by software updates from nagravision
    The most common setup for grey card is sbox +CCcam , although it is possible to use oscam+CCcam
    As You probably know greycard is for SD only

  • Hi Cazuela , thank you , i had typed a post by got distracted and didnt hit post , aplogies for my snaffoo. Your reply has however narrowed the trail a little bit for me , im going to try and find out if getting the RSA and boxkey is possible locally and for a reasonable price. In a way im glad its difficult but not impossible , if it was too easy it would be likely that things would change soon for sharing here in Spain.

  • Yes , David ; I too am in Spain and know that it is impossible now to do what you look for,,
    to extract the internal key its not just a matter of having the right software but the right hardware tools to get to it..
    When the white card came out ,it was possible to extract ,there were a few locations where this could be done for a quoted price starting @150€ ,
    which involved in sending off the stb + card and to be returned a week or 2 later...
    In fact there was such a "possibility " very near to your location but has since returned to hungary!!
    so This is no longer possible.
    If you were involved with the Spanish scene then you would soon realise what I say is true.. no doubt about it !!
    As far as sharing in Spain, the scene has gone drastically underground,,
    there are too many scumbags exploiting and too many non_hobbyists just paying wanting to watch footy.
    Basically its the "hamster on a roller" scene whereas one peer would have say ,c+1 and liga,
    this card would be used to feed a multitude of peers who in turn return it in hop1 ,hop2 or even hop3..!!!
    End of day ,,this is a hobby just like any other,, but it´s not about being able to watch football...

  • Thanks Cazuela , I speak some spanish but am more confortable in English. Im starting to read on N3 now and yeah it seems a ballache , I understood that I would have to pay more but from what you say its just not possible. How is it the case then that its easier to buy a cline than booze in Spain? Are they using a previous system. Everybody talks about white cards and grey cards do the iplus recievers talk to each other via the coax , im 99% sure we were watching HD with the grey card ( a smaler box that had no disk in it ).

  • Quote

    im 99% sure we were watching HD with the grey card

    I would recheck that bud...
    each card recieves its instructions through the dish.
    They usually open extra channels on lower packages during the festivities..
    they are also increasing the fee sometime this month reportedly..
    you would be able to cardshare from your grey card .

  • I cant check this at the moment because the sub is paused. Reactivating it is easy enough however im going to try and get a local installer to do it so the card can be activated in a cam on the vu+ , its a pain in the cojones to end up with so many remotes and boxes and besides my dish is motorized.

  • As much as the sub is paused / cancelled for about 2 months now i stuck both cards into the vu+ and even though the software tells me the cam slot is empty a strange thing ( to me at least ) is happening. I know the grey card should be dead but it seems its not and whats more my vu+ uno is decoding SD channels. To make sure i wasnt running any softcams I unplugged the reciever from the web / restarted / changed channell etc but it continues to decode. If i pull the grey card out , black screen... I dont know how often canal plus update entitlements etc but this card was sat in the basic reciever connected to the dish up untill about 10 days ago. Its decoding Canal +1 and c+ liga etc etc . I never bothered to investigate the grey card so certainly didnt program the rsa or boxkey for the card. Even stranger is the Vix E2 is telling me there is no card in the slot.


  • :lol:
    I just had that same channel/film on....
    What you are referring to is the TIERS have at least/up to a month of life after last update...
    If you had a pheonix or card reader you would see the TIER dates before they lapse..
    If you want to venture into this hobby and want to be able to view and share it with your family ,,
    you really should get this card paid up ..
    Once the time has lapsed, and you try get a new one ,they will offer you another white card which cannot share..
    Never get an official installer to touch /see anything other than the official stb..
    although saying that ,a law was approved in the Galician courts that the client has the right to use whichever stb for viewing they choose,
    in other words ,not being obligated to pay the monthly quota that C+ have always charged.. moreso for HD viewing..


    As it is custom when arrives Christmas, Canl + opens their channels to all their credited so that the ones that are subscribed to the most basic packages know the complete programming of the platform.

    The measure, that will extend in principle to January 10, will permit the users of the Spanish operator of television of payment to agree to all the channels except those that are considered "optional", so that they will be able to enjoy practically all the programming and to decide subsequently if they desire to hire an upper package.

    The opening of the sign has been converted is a "gift" habitual that Canal + does to their credited, that will be reported by the operator through different ways of contact.

    all the information /software you need to have your card running /updating is here on site ,you´ve only got to read and try out...

  • Yes I intend to get a sub , however its not the white card thats working its the grey one. The white one is not recognised in the vu+ , my understanding from what I read is that i should have had to configure my vu+ with various bits and bobs such as boxkey having gone to some lenghts to get it . ccccam.info is telling me it recognises the card ( when i click on entitlements ).

  • Ah ok makes sense , I just reactivated the account , 100 euros a month , and i understand they are going to increase the charge again. This is more than *** which has in a lot of cases better content. In any case I can start learning more about this now with an actual card. I read about that judgement too , apparently they have ammended their contract to reflect the judgement but when people call them up asking about it the staff claim to know nothing.

  • Ok , not knowing if i should start a new thread i decided to ask for help here, my head is full up of different tutorials now and im not actually sure how to proceed. I would like to setup seca card sharing from 19e in a reasonable safe way. I have one problem in that I must connect to my principal shared card via mgcamd ( means I cant run cccam ) so i dont know what route to take. What I have is a vu+ with mcgamd and vix e2 installed, I dont own a Smargo at this point.

    What i was thinking of doing was setting up a VPS with CSP ( have a ping of 40ms to the VPS ) and having that box connect to my seca card to share out and also using CSP to connect to my peer(s) . The ECM i get on my interesting peer is 200ms on average. Does this seem viable as a direction to take ? I protect my IP which is my chief motivation to use offsite proxy.

  • Have not any idea really but im soldiering on bit by bit . I have found a way to get the boxkey and RSA for the HD card but i have to travel a bit, so wont be for a week or so .. there is not hardware protection like the total card .. I have managed to get Oscam to work and entitlements are updated now on the Seca ( though its a mystery to me why the card worked with out of date entitlements ). Just a case of sorting out the tunnelr or CSP ( which took a bit to install or more specifically the java , never use a ready made image but do a fresh install from a CD with Debian Squeeze! ) .. as they say in Spain poco a poco, in between a busy work and family life.

  • Quote

    the Seca ( though its a mystery to me why the card worked with out of date entitlements )

    I explained this in a previous post :your card TIERS will continue for @30 days after last update...giving you a margin to update or get in contact with them...

  • "30 days after the last update".. which was in early November ( when i cancelled the sub though the cafatera was plugged into a dish sitting there doing nothing untill mid to late december ) . This is what i understood , however if its the expirey date plus thirty days then it would make sense ? Sorry If im confusing terminology.

  • Hi, I am also interested to get RSA & Boxkey from Iplus, if you know where can I send the iplus for extraction please let me know

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