csp n00b questions to share from oscam to csp / cache questions

There are 15 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,971 times. The last Post () by pari.

  • hi mates

    i am starting last week with build a csp on my vps. all is running fine without any shut downs.
    i share since many years on oscam an cccam my card and would now change to csp because there should be caching much better as oscam!

    i found many profiles examples on the net but i have also some cards where i dont know how to setup this profile.
    following cards are working:

    - *** de NDS 09c4
    - *** de nagra 1702
    - hd+
    - jsc

    and following cards i am not able to find examples:

    - tivusat 183d
    - *** italia NDS 09cd
    - redlight elite 16 card via 0500
    - private spice via 0500
    - *** de kabel deutschland NDS 09c7
    - *** de kabel untiymedia nagra 1838
    - *** de kabel bw NDS 098E

    also i dont know how to setup that my clients are using the cache of my cards... i have some cards 2-3 times from my local oscam share over n-line to csp.. i write down on config following:

    i hope there are any csp godlikes where can help me a little bit to grow up my csp




  • With this config, you can only exchange your cache to athor csp or mcs

  • 11 cards ???????????

  • yes sync

    at *** germany you can get a 2nd card and all other cards pay only yearly ...

    currently its running fine on oscam but i want switch to csp because caching should be better!?!

    caids like 1702, 09c4, 1838, 1830 are currently duplicated

    @ricode .. did you have a proposal for a config to get the cache available for my clients?

    cazuela .. i currently test only csp with 1 client (mgcamd) and 1 server (oscam) with several n-lines

  • my plans... stable run and 1 server for all my users... currently i use oscam for read the cards and cccam to share the cards to my friends... i subordinate this in 5 local ports (cccam) 1x share partners, 1x unity cable users, 1x kd cable users, 1x italian disco xD....

    its very complex at the moment and i am at the end of my alphabet with oscam/cccam xD

    also i am runny debian x64 and got the issue with sharing my cards with actually versions... cccam is also supported up to 2.1.3 on x64

  • sure???? we are 19 peoples at moment and 15 of it are members of my soccer club team ;-) so we share the money for all this cards! there is no criminal mind! we all was members of an asshole where was crap our money for watching paytv who has only lagging all the time... so we have said...ok now we buy our own cards and share this!

    but i am hope to get help from this board.... actually i get only frivolous answers and questions from admins, VIP's and mods... would you help me or not?

  • If someone knows the answers to your questions then I am sure you would get help here. 11 cards is excessive and on some forums you would have been banned without even having a chance to answer any questions about it. It is as simple as to say that if you have 11 locals, most people will think you are a payserver. If you are not then don't worry, but also understand that to protect our hobby, we have the need and the right to question your intentions.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • of cause.. i have read that all already in other boards. thank you musogeek. i have 3 cards. my members also have some cards.. and the listed cards above are all of that! i am sure that anybody can help me.. when someone write me over pm its also okay if he want to protect his hobby ;-)


    its look very poor... anybody can help me please? thank you

    ...? anybody can help me a little bit?

  • ...? anybody can help me a little bit?

    fist big respect to the original poster from another forum for this fine work.

    thanks blackadder

    For best cache results. It is best for all cache peers to use the same Proxy.xml. Use the proxy.xml map below. You should adapt the profiles & ports & leave the rest as is.

    So don't be noobs & edit to your caids rather than copy, paste save .

    Be sure to include mappers to forward redundant ecm. The mappers section is n imperative part of the csp/cache

    N.B Viaccess & Seca will not just copy & paste so you should add your viaccess & seca profiles one by one after you have mapped the rest of the caids

    Feel free to edit & re post.

    or in
    <max-cache-wait>65%</max-cache-wait> change 65% to 200ms or 250ms

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