OE-Alliance OnDemand Plugin support - Thread Closed

There are 56 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 6,526 times. The last Post () by musogeek.

  • my apologies

    i posted in the wrong thread.

    nothing to do with reading the rules,i just didnt realise you had one thread for just files and another for just support.

    i will delete my last post in the other thread

  • TOTALLY got to do with reading the rules!!!!!!!!
    you have come on here without even introducing yourself...
    RULE Nº1

  • when the straight off the telly is selected a box pops up stating that there has been a problem in retrieving the stream

    i think the exact words go something like EXCEPTION PROBLEM RERIEVING STREAM:CHECK DEBUG LOGS

    i have to add though that i have vastly edited the files to get this plugin to run on none vix images including BH 2.01

    but this error is on a box running Blackpole python 2.6
    and because 2.6 doesnt support functions ive had to change line 391 to

    lastservice = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()

    this is to get the plugin to run on python 2.6 without gsods when a stream is selected.

    but the same error also occurs when its tried on an openpli 2.7 image without this line being edited,which also worked perfectly yesterday

    your previous fix yesterday worked perfectly using this line,until late last night when it stopped working.


  • can confirm that works perfectly ( incl 3player) in Spain :thumbsup:


    when the straight off the telly is selected a box pops up stating that there has been a problem in retrieving the stream

    i think the exact words go something like EXCEPTION PROBLEM RERIEVING STREAM:CHECK DEBUG LOGS

    This happens because of the actual stream not being available nothing to do with the plugin..
    try the latest news and you should see it working..

  • ok you are quite correct

    the latest news bulletin from the straight off the telly section works perfectly.

    so,its down to me not fully understanding what this section is and how long the programming in this section remains live.

    can you answer this ?

    do you know the retention of the streams in this section ?


  • Essentially, the app is depending on the stream being there. Sometimes you will try to watch something thinking there is a stream because there is a title and picture in the menu, but when you try to watch it, if it isn't there, then you may get error message. Not sure where you can get the info you are looking for about how long things remian - but sometimes it can be an error by the provider - I know that iplayer often has streams missing that appear to be there initially. Remember that this app is still in the preview/alpha stages, and should be seen as work in progress - and it is primarily being tested with ViX image. If you are adapting this to work with other images, then you may find it longer to get help if things go wrong as most of the staff and members here are primarily end users, not coders - you might want to look here if you haven't already


    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • forgot to mention

    once we have sorted out the ipks to install this edited version i will also upload it to this site.

    manual install works perfectly on all images,but because there are so many new files to install as well as the plugin itself,in order to devixify it,its probably a bit above the average users capabilties.

    im not good with ipks though and at the moment,if any of the needed files are already installed on an image i cannot get the ipk to overwrite the existing file so the install fails.
    the present ipk only works if an images has none of the needed new files installed upon it or any of its dependencies.

    if you would like i could always upload the files anyway and someone with more experience than i in creating ipk's could pack them in a manor that any existing files would then be overwritten and so the install could then continue.

    this project has been undertaken by myself and others over in the VIP++ section on satpimps, we are going to release it to everyone,but not until the ipks are sorted out.


    EDIT: just read your post after id finished typing. so if you are mainly end users you may not want this version as it will have to be edited and updated as and when vix update theirs on the github.it wont of course stop working,but it also wont remain the very latest version.

    up to you,let me know.

  • you could try using the force overwrite command to install the ipk

    opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/enigma2ipkfile.ipk

    for example

    and when I say end users, I am not implying that we are not capable of putting a few files in folders, changing permissions etc - I just mean that the coding is usually left to the coders:baffle:

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • not quite as simple as that im afraid,i wish it were.

    there are many new files needed to get this to run on none vix images and many go into python,such as beautifulsoup,lmxl and dns resolvers.
    these files have many dependencies too and removing the host folder when its python itself is not an option.

    as i said though if you want this edited plugin to try to create an ipk for it i will upload it for you.

    it is ready for general release and proven to be working on all images weve tested so far,but its the ipk creation thats stopping the release,simply because we feel manuall installation of so many new files will be above the average users capabilities.

    the plugin files are all in py format so will work on both 2.6 and 2.7 and the plugin itself is quite simple to instal as you have already stated,you are all capable of doing this manually.
    its just the installation of all the extra files that concerns me,although they are all in there own independent folders and with a bit of common sense,you can easily send them to their correct folders in the image.but they do also all have to be chmoded too.


    • Official Post

    Can you not call the depedencies from the control file itself like the example below.

  • Ten Bellow

    pm sent with links to the existing ipk files that ive uploaded for you,but remember they do not work properly,but should contain all the needed files to install manually if you extract them using 7zip.

    good luck with creating a working ipk,but as i said we have so far failed in this.
    if for some reason your box complains about not having certain modules installed after you have installed the plugin,let me know and i will upload all the extra needed files in a rar file for you.

    if you succeed please feel free to upload the new ipk's here or anywhere else you may choose to do so for everyone to use.


  • well there you go then, i dont use BH thats why i gave the BH team the files so they could fix it them selves. this plugin as in posted it is for the ViX image as it states in my posts.

    p.s these are not my fixes i'm just re posting them for interested parties to use.

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