2 omnikeys on 64 bit ubuntu 12.04 server

There are 22 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,611 times. The last Post () by thatfellow.

  • All seems to be well till you reboot, the scenarios are usually
    1 work ok maybe (7times)
    2 reads the cards ass to tit
    3 wont read at all
    4 2nd ok but on wrong reader ect ect ect
    As far as i can grasp no one seems to know why as several people here and myself
    spent a lot of time on. now starting to wonder if the drivers are for 32 bit and
    are not compatible with 64bit also note the pcsc part on most of the
    new oscams dont support pcsc, on 10.04 desktop 32 bit and never this,
    S__t problem anyone pls ????
    ps it is easy get a 64bit for windows lol

  • Have you had any luck with this?
    I might be going over old ground for you, but did you do your install from the tutorial here?
    I made a very simple error, which had a similar result to the one you're getting. During the install, you have to edit the /etc/init.d/pcscd file

    I had not removed the # from in front of this line, once I realised, and removed it, it solved my omnikeys not being seen on reboot.

    Another thought, how are you pointing at your omnikeys in oscam.server?
    I have seen:
    device = 0
    device = /dev/ttyUSB0
    device = 002:003

    For me, dev = 0 for first card dev = 1 for second etc etc

  • Hi phility, done the "-e" bit as well
    rangers19873 pointed out about
    provider_library = /lib/libpcsclite.so.1 (this line needs editing to add /lib/ in front of it
    but looking there is no such place, What did you do here??
    this is my configs for pcsc.
    device = 0
    device = /dev/ttyUSB0
    device = 002:003
    for 1st device what about 2nd, i am doing
    protocol = pcsc
    device = 0 (1st)

    protocol = pcsc
    device = 1 (2nd)
    any help welcome and ta for the info m8..

  • This line:

    provider_library = /lib/libpcsclite.so.1 (this line needs editing to add /lib/ in front of it

    Is in that file mate, you need to scroll down quite a bit though. You can search for it, by hitting Ctrl and w, and enter something like "pcsclite". You are right, it doesn't have the extra /lib/, so you will have to add it. Just make it identical to the instructions. Then hit Ctrl and x, and it will ask you if you want to save. Hit y, and when asked what filename to save, just hit enter (it's already named correctly).

    As for your oscam.server settings, try something like:

    Using device = 0 for the first reader, and device = 1 for the second, and presumably dev = 2 for the third etc, worked for me. I had tried using device = /dev/ttyUSB0, which worked for just one reader, but seemed to cause problems when I added the second.

    Hope this helps?

  • Hi phility, by adding the extra /lib/ if you go back to server there is no such library ??
    have you any more info if you were to but in "pcsclite" and where??
    did you notice there is very little oscams with pcsc support thanks

  • I had no idea there was no such library, maybe it is created by this?

    Open terminal, and enter this:

    nano /etc/opensc/opensc.conf
    Hit enter.

    Scroll down, and find:
    reader_drivers = ctapi; edit it to look like:
    reader_drivers = pcsc, ctapi;

    There are two instances of:
    reader_drivers = ctapi; I edited the first one, and left the second as it was.

    Scroll down further, and find:
    try_emulation_first = yes; it has a hash # in front of it, remove it, to make the line active.

    Scroll down again, until you find:
    #lock_login = true;, and change it to lock_login = false; Remove the hash, and set the value to false.

    Scroll down quite a long way, and you will find something like:
    #provider_library = /libpcsclite.so.1 I forget if it has the hash in front of the line, if so remove it, and add the /lib/ to the front of the library.

    To search while in nano, hit ctrl and w (it stands for "where"). Enter "libpcsclite" in the search box and hit enter. It should take you straight to the corresponding line to edit. If you are having difficulties, just scroll down very slowly, and read every line until you find it.

    Hit ctrl x then y when prompted to save, and enter when it displays the filename.

    Reboot, and try that with the new oscam.user settings.

  • Since I posted in this thread, I have formatted my server, added some RAM, and re-installed ubuntu, because I was still getting the same problem on reboot.
    I have done all the edits, correctly this time ;) and I'm still getting the same problem.
    If I disable reader 2, reboot the server, and then enable it, and restart oscam, they work fine?
    I've tried locking the usb ports down, as per the smargo tutorial, and tried removing "detect = cd", but it made no change.
    I'm wondering what to try next?

  • Looking at this thread i think is all to do with the file libpcsclite.so.1 being in a different place to what is expected. I noticed that it was in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu rather than /lib while I was trying to get 2 readers working on a basic oscam install.

    So there are 2 solutions, firstly is to create a symlink


    sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcsclite.so.1 /lib/libpcsclite.so.1

    or edit the /etc/opensc/opensc.conf file so
    provider_library = /lib/libpcsclite.so.1 becomes
    provider_library = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcsclite.so.1

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • anne12, build your own oscam with pcsc support...

    I tested with 2 omnikeys briefly and all worked well, I will have another look later when I get my hands on second omnikey..

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • with the help thatfellow and other frienf i have this configuration 2 omnikey work fine

    label = slyuk
    protocol = mouse
    device = /dev/ttyUSB1
    caid = 0963
    ecmwhitelist = 0963:16,27,2B,2E,34,36,3B,3D,3E,41,42,44,45,47,4B,4E,4F,50,51,53,54,56,57,58,59,5D,5E,5F,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,6A,6B,6C,6D,6E,6F,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,7A,7B,7C,7D,7E,7F,80,82,84,85,89,8B,8F,99,9A,9B,9C,9F,A2,A8,AC,AD,AE,B0,B4,B7
    detect = cd
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 2
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    saveemm-u = 1
    saveemm-s = 1
    lb_weight = 101

    label = Digital+
    protocol = mouse
    device = /dev/ttyUSB0
    caid = 1810
    boxkey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    rsakey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    detect = cd
    mhz = 358
    ident = 1810:004001,004101,000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    lb_weight = 100

    logfile = /var/oscamlog/oscam.log
    clienttimeout = 1400
    fallbacktimeout = 800
    clientmaxidle = 0
    nice = -1
    maxlogsize = 19999
    waitforcards = 0
    preferlocalcards = 1
    block_same_ip = 0
    block_same_name = 0
    emmlogdir = /var/oscamlog/
    lb_save = 250
    lb_max_ecmcount = 350
    lb_reopen_seconds = 21600
    lb_retrylimit = 900
    lb_auto_betatunnel = 0
    failbantime = 1440
    failbancount = 50

    port = xxxxx@1810:000000,004001,004101;xxxxx@0963:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    keepalive = 1

    httpport = xxxx
    httpuser = xxxxx
    httppwd = xxxxx
    httprefresh = 15
    httpallowed =,

  • I was continuing to get problems with this - and it also brought me to this information which might be useful.

    I followed this guide - I also uninstalled and reinstalled pcscd and pcsc-lite packages.

    It is now working after reboot (touch wood)

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • anne12, build your own oscam with pcsc support...

    I tested with 2 omnikeys briefly and all worked well, I will have another look later when I get my hands on second omnikey..

    Its easier said than done messed with it sometime back
    may be 1 day when you have time we will go through it?? TIA
    PS. just to report back tried muso's fix after a few reboots
    it all went pear shaped i done it by,
    provider_library = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcsclite.so.1

  • anne12, build your own oscam with pcsc support...

    I tested with 2 omnikeys briefly and all worked well, I will have another look later when I get my hands on second omnikey..

    I followed the guide here

    Shame the person who wrote this was/is a payserver but he was just regurgitating what is already out there! It compiles everything pretty much the same as it did when I set it up with debian on the Raspberry Pi, just gets a bit confusing at the end of the tutorial about editing /etc/opensc/opensc.conf and /etc/init.d/pcscd. I used this opensc.rar - and replaced the existing opensc.conf file with the rar.
    also - the /etc/init.d/pcscd was edited so the line


    # DAEMON_ARGS=”–your-option”

    was changed to



    note that the hash is removed to make the new flag applicable

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • what are you using these configs on rami is it ubuntu??

  • Quote

    what are you using these configs on rami is it ubuntu??

    I cant remember what reader(s) rami had but they were deffo not omnikey's... Some USB serial reader by the looks of it!


    protocol = mouse
    device = /dev/ttyUSB1

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • hi is bebian with 2 phoenix omnikey ,

    test on the last 24h work finenon stop

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