Multiple Clines, Flines, Nlines in Ubuntu server

There are 5 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 883 times. The last Post () by ashr1.

  • Hi guys,
    I have accumulated many clines and 1 nline from peers.

    As you can imagine my cccam.cfg on my server looks complicated/messy.

    For example, I have 1 cline which gives me access to certain chanels and another line that gives me access to other channels.
    Now if i want to re-share these lines with my VU+ solo2 and Vu+ duo, how can i do this by only inserting 1 cline into boxes which will link to both lines on the server?

    I hope the question makes sense...


  • Just create a fline in ccam.cfg. And a Cline or N (or L) line in the vu's
    that is proving you have reshare on your shares LOl

    Hi, yes thats all done. All confirmed and all of them work :)

    But what i was wondering, do i have to add individual lines to my VU+ box?
    Can i not make 1 MASTER Cline which will include ALL other C,Nlines from my Server?

    I'm sorry if this sounds confusing...

    Currently my config file on my Ubuntu server looks like this







    then each of these lines have corresponding Clines which are used in my VU boxes.

    I was wondering isnt there a way that these lines can be consolidated into one line, somehow? So if i get another C or N line i just have to update the server and not worry about updating having to create another Cline for my VU boxes.
    I hope this makes sense.


    • Official Post

    I was wondering isnt there a way that these lines can be consolidated into one line, somehow? So if i get another C or N line i just have to update the server and not worry about updating having to create another Cline for my VU boxes.
    I hope this makes sense.

    One C line will work as the MASTER line, you don`t need to add individual lines to the Vu+ for each new share you gather, whatever re share is available will be passed to the Vu+ through the one C line buddy..

  • One C line will work as the MASTER line, you don`t need to add individual lines to the Vu+ for each new share you gather, whatever re share is available will be passed to the Vu+ through the one C line buddy..

    I dont understand. :(

    If i have only shared my local card with 'BBC1' with MR A. and MR A gives me 'BBC2'... we are happy.
    then Mr C wants 'BBC1' from me in return for 'ITV'
    Does he automatically get 'BBC2' too?

    So he in fact gets '2 for the price of 1' :)

    It is very late so i may be talking noncence. :)

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