2 Ubuntu Servers

There are 8 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 544 times. The last Post () by ashr1.

  • Hi guys,
    My Ubuntu server is working very well, thanks to many chaps and chapeeses on this site. :)
    A small injury left me sick for the last for week at home, and while i was REALLY bored, i decided to build another server from a basic machine that was lying around.
    It's an exact replica of the original CCcam/Oscam running on Ubuntu 12.04.
    I only have 1 sly card and reader which are sitting happily in my original box.

    I have tested the 2nd server with a simple CLine which i copied from the 1st server and all is working well.

    I'm wondering how I can really use this server to take the load of the 1st one? (Not that 5 users is much load, :))
    Do i just copy all the CLine's from the 1st server and put em in this one, and hand out a 2nd cline to my family, so when/if the 1st server goes down, the 2nd line carries on?

    Much appreciated for your advice.



  • 5 Users......Wouldn't be worth the extra electric buddy!

    Use the best spec one and stick with that IMO

    You could use 2nd as backup if needed....give it a different static IP > copy lines over > if it goes down change the IP from server1 to server2....but bare in mind if your server went down due to internet both will go down obviously!

    But when setup correctly its the user playing that normally messes it up!...save any updates till midnight and you should be ok! nowadays i go weeks without looking at my server...and the dust on the keyboard tells you how many time ive restarted it lol!

    Get your setup sorted and apart from dodgy internet firm, power cut or end of the world all should be cushty!


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • For me this stuff is pure hobby. :) I'm hoping for the rest of the people here too.

    I only do it coz i wana see it work, thats it. lol, sad i know. But once its all up and running, its boring, if you know what I mean. hahahaha.

    As a PROPER geek, i have 2 x broadband lines, virgin and BT. :) so 1 will be running from 1 provider and 1 from the other...

    I am in the process of copying lines over from server to the other, and most of them work as they should, but I have just come across 1, it's a NLine, and once copied over to the fresh server, i'm not getting anything on my TV.
    Now before I go and # his line out of my server, I just want to make sure I have set it up correctly.
    What am i to do with his N: line?

    Any advice people?


  • If you wanted to do it m8, you could have your card in Server1 with clines to Family & Friends. Then you could have a nline in Server2 connecting your card as local. Then setup your peers on the Server2. And finally, setup new User accounts for Friends & Family on the Server2. With this setup, you will have to put 2 clines (1 for each server) in All your friends & family's box's. Just copy over all the user accounts from Server1 to Server2 and use a different port no. for cccam in Server2

    The normal process would be for eg..

    cccam port on Server1 4444
    cccam port on Server2 4445

    clines in eaxh box would look like so:

    C: mydns.dyndns.com 4444 Friend1STB password
    C: mydns.dyndns.com 4445 Friend1STB password

    This will ensure that if Server1 goes down, you will be able to fall back on your peers in Server2 until Server1 is sorted.

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • That sounds like exactly what I want to do...
    I have managed to change port numbers, but am having difficulty with the N:line side of things. Could you break it down for me please?

    Server1 currently has my card in it and the nline i have for it is:
    <local ip address> 10000 <username> <pswd> 01.....256

    Server2 has a very similar Nline...just with a different ip address

    any help pls... :)

  • Quote

    I have managed to change port numbers, but am having difficulty with the N:line side of things. Could you break it down for me please?

    Oscam Only Method

    Firstly, make sure newcamd protocol is active on server1

    On server1

    port                          = 3333@****:000000
    serverip                      = 192.168.1.***
    key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
    keepalive                     = 1


    user                          = [COLOR='#FFD700']username[/COLOR]
    pwd                           = [COLOR='#008000']password[/COLOR]
    caid                          = ****
    group                         = 1
    ident                         = ****:000000

    On server2


    Replace **** with your info

    That should be it m8...

    EDIT: Just noticed you are using cccam/oscam, the setup above is for oscam only servers.. I will update this for your server setup in the morning..

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • [QUOTE

    EDIT: Just noticed you are using cccam/oscam, the setup above is for oscam only servers.. I will update this for your server setup in the morning..[/QUOTE]

    Hi mate,

    Is this the updated version for cccam/oscam?


  • CCcam/OScam Method

    On Server1

    port                          = [COLOR='#FF0000']3333[/COLOR]@****:000000
    serverip                      = [COLOR='#008000']192.168.1.***[/COLOR]
    key                           = [COLOR='#EE82EE']0102030405060708091011121314[/COLOR]
    keepalive                     = 1



    N: [COLOR='#FF0000']3333[/COLOR] [COLOR='#00FF00']Server1 [/COLOR][COLOR='#FFA500']S1Pass [/COLOR][COLOR='#EE82EE']01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14[/COLOR] 256

    On Server2


    N: [COLOR='#008000']192.168.1.***[/COLOR] [COLOR='#FF0000']3333[/COLOR] [COLOR='#00FF00']Server2 [/COLOR][COLOR='#FFA500']S2Pass [/COLOR][COLOR='#EE82EE']01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14[/COLOR] 256

    192.168.1.*** Change this to the IP Address of Server1

    Replace **** with your info

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Your is a superstar buddy! :))

    When I copy the Connections from server1 over to Server2, can both servers run at the same time or will the Clines I have received stop working because they are being used twice?
    Hope it makes sense.

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