Recommendation need a receiver that supports HD out & CCcam

There are 12 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 7,547 times. The last Post () by brendanj9554.

  • Hi Guys

    Im looking on putting a receiver in one of my spare rooms. i have everything setup ready. i just need a receiver that supports HD out, via hdmi preferabley.
    and can run CCCAM.

    cheap as possible as it wont be used much.

  • I found the F3 one of the most annoying receivers i have had the displeasure of using. If you are used to using an Enigma 2 box i can guarantee the F3 or any other of the crappy 5kybox/Openbox range will do your crust in.

    I know a few people who have had these receivers and the build quality of them leaves a lot to be desired. The F3 i had used to buzz like a bee. I also found the picture quality looked washed out too.

    If you have to get a non-enigma based box you would be better off going for one of the Ferguson Ariva boxes over cheap Chinese junk or better still a second hand Enigma 2 receiver.


    Edited once, last by nano ().

  • The nBox is not a bad receiver although they do have issues with Capacitors and they can't run CCCam. They work OK with OSCam if you know how to set it up. Make sure you get one pre modified as they are not easy to modify in order to install enigma on them

    Ferguson Arivas have better build quality than 5kybox units and most importantly they also meet UK and European electrical safety standards. 5kybox units are cheap for a reason, its because they are sh*tty rubbish made in China out of old noodle pots and tin cans, plus they don't meet UK or European electrical safety specifications in much the same way as most other items that come out of China.

    The newer versions aren't any better than the ones they replace, they are slightly better spec, but still made out of the same crappy materials as all the others and again still don't meet UK & European electrical standards.

    Maxdigital boxes are OK although not a receiver that i got on with.


  • My VU+ DUO2 was made in China as was my 55" LG 3D Smart TV and also my HP Touchsmart 15" Laptop. My Wife's iPhone 5s and Macbook Pro were also made in China as was my LAG Electro-acoustic Guitar. So not everything from China is cheap rubbish. NO none of the preceding items are clones :)

  • Sorry for the double post but I was unable to add this to the original post above.

    Cheap usually means cheap. F5 is OK for backup or bedroom box but experience tells me to always go for a box that runs Enigma2 minimum and which, most importantly, has wide and up-to-date image support. There are loads of good choices out there now and many of the Chinese clones are a bargain if you get the right one.

    £50 for a box is not realistic and you should not expect much for that price. Add a bit more and buy something 2nd hand or best of all buy something decent to begin with. Better to pay £200 or so for something that lasts than pay £50 or so every few months for something that either breaks or quickly becomes obsolete even unsupported.

    £50 boxes rarely, if ever, get any image updates or support or enhancements. You are basically stuck with what you buy. Like Samsung, when a manufacturer has new features then rather than firmware update existing kit they release a new model and expect us stupid punters to buy new kit. They call this business. Some might call it theft.

  • Official Vu+ products are manufactured in Korea for the Belgian company as far as i know...however cheap clones of earlier Vu+ models and other e2 boxes are manufactured in China !

    I think the Chinese will probably be the first to clone a human :)


    If thats the case I hope its not my wife ffs that would be an army that could win ww3 just with the mouth , no weapons needed toss the nukes out

  • There's a whole world of difference between "made in" and "assembled in"
    My two cents, don't waste your time or money on the cheap closed source receivers like the openbox/slybox

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