Newb Oscam - CCCam confusion!

There are 5 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 707 times. The last Post () by tomthebomb1968.

  • Hello fellow linuxsat-support'ers, great forum!
    I hope this is the right section!

    First I would like to say I briefly began my research into this 6 months ago when I first found out about the CS scene (where have I been!?!?! haha) when my friend told me he gets these f5 boxes with subs, I did some research and discovered the last thing I wanted to do was buy a box with sub already on it, so I acquired my own f5 and sub separately. I stopped researching once I had my box running with a sub, until the last few weeks I was thinking it might be a fun project to setup my own server as I still have my legit sly sub so started reading up again.

    Let me start by explaining what I want to do, basically, I want to setup a server on my old laptop to serve my sly uk sub to 3 bedrooms and the living room (would this be considered a local share?), then once I have that up and running I would like to give 2-3 clines(?) to family members that live elsewhere (non local share?). Lastly if all goes well I might want to look into finding another server that has different channels to do a swap with, so he gets my channels and I get his channels, does this make sense?

    At the moment I have one ***box f5, my original sly box and card, my old laptop, an omnikey reader and an old thomson sly box as I believe my card and box are currently paired with the new method, and I will need to get it paired to this old box if I want my server to get all my subbed channels? The thomson box is the old HD box with component out. I understand getting *** to pair my card to this box may be my first hurdle?

    I followed the guide on here 'Tutorial - Ubuntu 11.10, 12.xx, 13.04 x32/x64 - Automated Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install', got the machine up and running with the oscam and cccam software. I got near the end to the part '3.. Configuring cccam/oscam for your Sub:' so I had to go find some info on configuring that. Whilst I was looking for info I kept getting sidetracked reading up other useful info, and I found out about people turning cline to nline and faking local cards and it got me thinking; For what I want to do, do I need oscam and cccam or would oscam or cccam alone be enough? I also noticed the tutorial I followed installed cccam 2.1.3 and this is the last version of cccam to support this cline 'hack', and that all versions before this allow this also. If I use this 2.1.3 version is there a way to make myself safe from these card fakers? Once they have faked your local card in oscam/cccam is there a way to block them other than getting a new card?

    One more thing, from the oscam web interface my card reader isn't in readers, but if I do a usb scan it shows it as installed? How do I make it show up in readers?

    Thank you for reading I hope this isn't too much lol

  • don't worry about people faking cards. if you use oscam alone to serve it has a reshare tab under the user section called uniq. it can be limited to one box or multi depending on ip. the second box or boxes get a fake cw, just a black screen to you. there is no longer the need to have cccam share your card. I don't use it just oscam alone.
    Oscam also shows the nimber of connections and number of ecms requested per minute.
    If your using 12.xx lts you will come across the same problem I have. it does not recognose your card reader every time. I am changing to 13.04 tonight to solve this multiple reader carry on

  • How did you get on with this project?

    I am looking to do the same, I have it all up and running apart from the card getting all entitlements???

    Don't know what to try next, I have paired my card to a thompson box. It shows some entitlements but no HD.

    Any Advice?

  • Are you getting the HD channels through the Thomson box? Even with paired locked cards you should still be able to see the entitlements'

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