Upgrade Oscam .bin, link?

There are 7 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,805 times. The last Post () by Searay.

  • Hello
    I'm trying to upgrade a DM500 with oscam server. It has run before so I'll just switch. Bin file, but I can not seem to find such a one that should work on a DM500? So far, it only succeeds in destroying the setup so that it does not work anymore.
    Image PLI


  • Well, now it's completely gone wrong. No start or run. Have been watching a little but can not find a complete image of a DM500 with oscam running.

    A kind soul who can link to an image?

  • Hello and thank you

    I copied the files over manually , as the old server I had that working .
    Then type :

    chmod 755 / var / etc / plimgr / scripts / CCcam_oscam
    chmod 755 / var / bin / oscam
    chmod 755 / var / bin / CCcam

    There is a script starting oscam then CCcam , but no matter what I do comes oscam not started.

    I do not know what to chose from the link you send? That you think I should have another. Bin file? as I understand it?

    I have also tried to install manually , but it says there is not enough space in / var though there is 1280 and there is a need 1268kb

    CCcam started, but nok Oscam

    #! / bin / sh

    CAMNAME = " CCcam / OSCam "
    USERNAME = ""
    ZAPTIME = 6
    CAMID = 6370
    DVBSET = 0
    INFO FILE = " ecm.info "
    # end

    remove_tmp () {
    **rm-rf / tmp / * . info * / tmp / * . tmp *
    **case " $ 1" in
    ******echo " [ SCRIPT ] $ 1: $ CAMNAME "
    **********/ var / bin / oscam -b
    ************sleep 15
    **************/ var / bin / CCcam
    ****************; ;
    ********************echo " [ SCRIPT ] $ 1: $ CAMNAME "
    **********************kill ` pidof oscam `
    ************************killall oscam CCcam 2> / dev / null
    **************************sleep 2
    ******************************; ;
    ********************************* )
    **********************************$ 0 stop
    ************************************exit 0
    **************************************; ;
    **************************************exit 0

  • if you have the wrong one it will look for configs in the wrong place , go to the link and select the 3rd from the top if you just ftp the file over and right clic it and change permission to 755 then try start it

  • Hello again

    So, I've also tried it. Whatever starts oscam not up. CCcam starts fine.
    It is very strange because I have set my server up that way several times.
    Can / will you describe where each file should be, so I can try again.

    var\ etc \ plimgr \ scripts \ CCcam_oscam
    var \ etc \ plimgr \ cams \ CCcam_oscam
    \ var\ bin \ CCcam
    \ var \ bin \ oscam
    \ var \ tuxbox \ config \ oscam.user
    \ var \ tuxbox \ config \ oscam.server
    \ var \ tuxbox \ config \ oscam.conf
    \ var \ tuxbox \ config \ oscam.conf-CCcam file

    I seem to remember once Oscam not be able to boot and there was no LNB connected to the server, can it be true?

    Edited once, last by Searay ().

  • Hello
    I'm trying to upgrade a DM500 with oscam server. It has run before so I'll just switch. Bin file, but I can not seem to find such a one that should work on a DM500? So far, it only succeeds in destroying the setup so that it does not work anymore.
    Image PLI


    Oscam/cccam and mgcamd worked for me with this image below


    I,m sure other images that have been uploaded by others will work just fine too.


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