Q: I'm newbie using OSCam + Ubuntu 14.04 LTS wish to know the usage of all cfg. files

There are 12 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 3,687 times. The last Post () by toheugene.

  • Dear All,

    Aim: Wish to know what are the purpose and linkage of each main files in OSCcam

    a) When setting up a smargo card reader which area (config file) should we configure?

    b) When card able to read success from the server, and wish to create account for my dreambox (using CCCam Client), which file should I edit and manage the client's account?

    c) Can expert explain to us what are the linkage of each config file toward each other (oscam.conf / oscam.user / oscam.server / oscam.dvbapi / CCcam.cfg / etc)

    d) Which emulator is the most stable and reliable?

    Thank you all and sorry if i'm asking a silly questions.

    ----- Info of my OSCam Server -------

    Unix starttime: 1401474446
    Starttime: 31.05.2014 02:27:26
    Version: oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r9584
    Compiler: i686-linux-gnu-libusb-pcsc
    ConfigDir: /usr/local/etc/


    OSD USERNAME :xxxxxxx
    OSD PASSWORD :xxxxxxxxxxxx
    OSD PORT :80
    SHOW TIMING : yes
    DEBUG : no
    MINI OSD : no
    CHANNELINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
    PROVIDERINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.providers
    CAID PRIO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.prio
    LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt
    SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
    AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
    #STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cw
    #SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci0 6800000

    C: abcd.hopto.org 12000 user pass
    F: user pass

    Others, I do not know how to set, :(

    Edited 3 times, last by mckee25: Ports showing ().

  • I had spend my whole evening reading on the wiki, still cannot fully understand the logic.
    The wiki did not mention on the CCcam.cfg file.

    Based on the wiki, OScam is divided into 2 sections (OScam Server and OScam Client)

    On OSCam server side
    a) it is mainly used to connect to TV Card (either through USB dongle, or any card resources).
    b) OScam.conf file is used to open PORT to incoming peer to connect to the server. In my case I open 12000 port (with router opened)
    c) OSCam.user i created 1 [account] with group = 1
    d) OScam.server i set the [reader] to read my TV Card with group = 1

    OSCam Client side

    a) OSCam.conf file i open [dvbapi] enabled =1 with user=user
    b) OSCam.user [account] , user=user , group = 1
    c) OSCam.server , with [reader] protocol=camd35 , device=,12000 , account= user , group = 1

    The thing is very weird is why there is no configuration on CCcam.cfg file ?
    I did a editing on the /var/etc/CCcam.cfg , by adding

    C: xxxx.hopto.org 12000 user pass
    And I configure my decoder box to check if my decoder can connect to my server or not.
    Result, it cannot.

    Then I masked off #C: xxxx.hopto.org 12000 user pass and add F: user pass , then my decoder can side , i can see the status become "ONLINE" and checking through CCcam webif it shows

    Connected clients: 1
    | Username| Host | Connected | Idle time | ECM | EMM | Version| Last used share | Ecm time |
    |user |203.1xx.xxx.xxx |00d 00:00:05|00d 00:00:05|0 (0)|0 (0)| 2.1.4 | | |

    | Username| Shareinfo |
    | user| |

    I'm I doing the correct way??? by using F: to open a share line???

  • If your using oscam just as the card reader than yes you make share lines in your cccam server, you have the f line in your server and your peer has the c line in their server or receiver to connect to you.....

    Read this to get a better understanding: Getting Started - Flines & Clines For Beginners


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    • Official Post

    a) When setting up a smargo card reader which area (config file) should we configure?

    First Identify your current Smargo USB Address with this command in telnet;


    You will get an output similar to this;

    Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 05fe:1010 Chic Technology Corp. Optical Wireless
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus [COLOR='#FF0000']001[/COLOR] Device [COLOR='#FF0000']005[/COLOR]: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC
    Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1a40:0101 Terminus Technology Inc. 4-Port HUB
    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 1a40:0101 Terminus Technology Inc. 4-Port HUB
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

    Edit the [reader] in oscam.server file..

    protocol = smartreader
    device = [COLOR='#FF0000']001:005[/COLOR]


    b) When card able to read success from the server, and wish to create account for my dreambox (using CCCam Client), which file should I edit and manage the client's account?

    This guide will give you a basic understanding how to setup CCcam ==> Getting Started - Flines And Clines For Beginners

    If you are testing a C line on your own internal network then use the ip address of server, not your dynamic hostname.

    Internal client ==> C: 12000 user pass
    External client ==> C: my.dynamic.hostname 12000 user pass

    Here is a tool that will help configure CCcam ==> Cccam Lines Manager v1.3

  • If your using oscam just as the card reader than yes you make share lines in your cccam server, you have the f line in your server and your peer has the c line in their server or receiver to connect to you.....

    Read this to get a better understanding: Getting Started - Flines & Clines For Beginners

    Thank mckee25, however is that a correct way to do it, which I mean using OScam to do the card reading purpose only and using CCcam.cfg file to open F: line for the receiver to come in??
    I want to learn a proper way to manage a good and stable server.

  • Yes it is the correct way to do it if you want to use that setup of oscam & cccam for your server, others prefer to use oscam alone.....

    It's all down to personal choice really, oscam & CCcam runs very stable if configured correctly.


    Please click on the "Like" :thumbup: button if you find the information and support posted on the forum helpful.

  • a) Spending whole night thinking if OScam can work as a reader + peer (for boxes to connect to server) by itself, why there is a need to have OSCam+CCcam ? I do not really understand why there is a redundancy on this, if OScam can work perfectly fine on itself.

    Peer setting for Dreambox access on server.
    OScam.user VS CCcam.cfg

    1) For CCcam.cfg after reading the guide above, I'm understand now how F lines work. However, I found that F lines compare to OSCcam.user, F Line has less parameters to play with. Correct me if I'm wrong. My reading on CCcam.cfg at http://ipc.pebkac.at/wiki/index.php/CS/CCcam/en/CCcam.cfg

    2) I tried to do a test on OSCcam.user and created a peer user for my Dreambox. Result, my box fail to connect to my server (OScam's account)
    This is what I had did:-


    # oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r9584
    # Read more: http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/…on/doc/txt/oscam.user.txt

    user = local
    group = 1

    user = test1
    pwd = pass1
    description = tester
    group = 1


    # oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r9584
    # Read more: http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/…on/doc/txt/oscam.conf.txt

    logfile = stdout
    nice = -1


    port = 12000
    nodeid = 4EBB651A103013FC
    version = 2.1.3

    Additional info:
    a) Router at my server already open the port 12000
    b) My CCcam.cfg SERVER LISTEN PORT : 12000 , and I did a changes to != 12000 port number

  • if your in the same ip as your server then the cline for your stb would have the ip of the server, say server ip is

    then C: 12000 test1 pass1

    just change the ip to point the stb to your server

    I use nlines from my oscam to my shares so cant tel you much about setting up the clines. i think it's more or less the same though. My user account looks like

    user = gigablue
    pwd = nottellinu
    caid = your cards caid like 100
    au = matches your readers name
    group = 1
    ident = caid/indent here for your card,

    you will need to look it up in the oscam settings on the forum page, theres plenty of great tutorials on there which i found easy enough to follow

  • Sorry, I would like to re-point back my question at #8 on

    If OScam can work as a reader + peer (for boxes to connect to server) by itself, why there is a need to have OSCam+CCcam ? I do not really understand why there is a redundancy on this, if OScam can work perfectly fine on itself.
    Why there is a need for OScam to embed with CCcam? Is there anything special to do so? Or there is a weak point at OScam itself that required CCcam to bind with?

    I'm trying on 2 method CCcam.cfg setting, I'm OK and roughly understand the logic.
    For OSCam to create a peer for my boxes, my OScam webif shows initial "ONLINE" with green bar and after 10 seconds later +/- , it changed to "Connected" with light brown bar.
    Checking on my box CCcam status, shows it is at "Login" status and not "Online".
    May I know what is the problem?


    Experts in OSCam/CCcam kindly point me to a correct path. :83:

    • Official Post

    If OScam can work as a reader + peer (for boxes to connect to server) by itself, why there is a need to have OSCam+CCcam ? I do not really understand why there is a redundancy on this, if OScam can work perfectly fine on itself.
    Why there is a need for OScam to embed with CCcam? Is there anything special to do so? Or there is a weak point at OScam itself that required CCcam to bind with?

    Some people use CCCam for its simplicity. OSCam is a good emu when used on its own but if its not setup correctly it can cause ecm flooding when it connects to a CCCam server. A lot of people use CCCam for these reasons.

    Here are a few threads that will explain this better;

    Oscam using CCcam or oscam alone? What's best?

    Why not use Oscam as a server with CCcam protocol?

  • Upon reading on the link Oscam using CCcam or oscam alone? What's best? would like to summarize it here:-


    a) Possible of crashes when it comes to we start one side of the emulator (OScam) only, and not both. This will cause CCcam to run in and read the card (/dev/sci0 card reader) where by it is not suppose be.
    b) When OScam + CCcam restart at one time, but CCcam fully loaded first before OScam. Causing same problem as above.

    Nothing much after that because the content twisted to OSCam+CCcam explanation.. (Running out of topic)

    My thinking on this: I think the way of that 2 above main problem happen when the STP is set to run 2 lines from both OSCam + CCcam. (Correct me if I'm wrong).
    Let say if I split out the emu work into 2 section, whereby OSCam will purely work as a card reader job, not others.
    CCcam job will be fully on peering job, whereby providing access to STB.

    With this separation of job, would it be able to solve the crash problem?


    On Reference Link Why not use Oscam as a server with CCcam protocol?[/QUOTE] summarize :-

    Purely on OSCam
    a) Issue of faker when it happen to be a barter trade of N Lines. However someone pointed out it can be solve by grouping it correctly, but to conclusion or solid prove on it.
    b) Hopping issue, where by I still do not understand
    c) Pure response on bug reporting for OSCam, and they simply mark "solved" to ""unsolved"" issue.

    a) Problem of CCcam ver 2.1.3 or below with the "256" tricks

    As I had mentioned above, what if OSCam work purely as "Card Reading Job" only and "CCcam" works as "Peering Job to STB", will it be a perfect solution??

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