Help on MAG 250, Please

There are 29 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 9,233 times. The last Post () by cazuela.

  • I have a Mag 250 and have created play lists, i can see the channels but when i ok to play i get an error message 'Playing Error' every time, I would be grateful for any ideas please.

  • #EXTINF:-1,*** SPORTS 1
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=11 swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=#atd%#$ZH
    #EXTINF:-1,*** SPORTS 2
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=12 swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=#atd%#$ZH
    #EXTINF:-1,*** SPORTS 3
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=13 swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=#atd%#$ZH
    #EXTINF:-1,*** SPORTS 4
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=14 swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=#atd%#$ZH
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=1 swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=#atd%#$ZH
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=2 swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=#atd%#$ZH
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=16 swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=#atd%#$ZH
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=ssnewsrx swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=%ZZri(nKa@#Z
    *** SPORTS 1
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=ss1x swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=%ZZri(nKa@#Z
    *** SPORTS 2
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=ss2x swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=%ZZri(nKa@#Z
    *** SPORTS 3
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=ss3x swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=%ZZri(nKa@#Z
    *** SPORTS 4
    rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=ss4x swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=%ZZri(nKa@#Z

  • All streams of post#7 are dead/gone
    all of post #3 are active in simpletv...
    As I don´t have a mag to test and try things out I can´t help you solve the probs with the lists...
    as blue mentions I wonder if the mag is missing vital DLLs and codecs...

  • Just a Quick update on this, my problem was 2 fold
    1. All HTTP:// links i tried to use were dead links
    2. MAG 250 will not play rtmp:// files

    Thanks and i hope this helps someone else.

  • Interesting...I am struggling with exact same issue. Mag250 are commonly sold by Service Providers here in Spain to play Filmon channels preprogrammed..I have Wiresharked Filmon and it definitely uses rtmp protocol to stream audio & video. So does not look like simply RTMP that is the problem here. Thoughts??

    I get playing error but no details available on UI layer. I cut & paste in all 43 channels of the England links on the IPTV tab on this site as well as the TeleMadrid stream to test and all receive Playing Error. I used Mac TextEditor in Plain Text mode with UTF-8 encoding on. For others using MAC I noted that it would only allow one playlist to be created this way so you have to modify each time and change name if appropriate.

  • Most streams you see posted here have a very short lifespan as most dynamic IPs change within a 3 day period..


    Service Providers here in Spain

    I imagine you are referring to the mediterranean side or in your area too???
    I haven´t seen nor heard of them here in the north..
    I suspect that it is in the actual list setup and implementation whether the machine accepts it or not...
    software patched perhaps?? As i don´t have one I can only go by what I read....

  • Yes costa del sol where channels have been lost on Satellite link & various solutions are advertised. Have just been on supplier site & they show "solution"field prior to link & looks like ffrt2 is the one to support rtmp but this has not worked...maybe the links are all dead then...

  • Hi…just to let people know I have managed to get just one RTMP stream working (& well) on my MAG 250 but putting ffrt2 at the beginning of the line i.e. followed by space followed by RTMP etc…

    My Internet provider promises UKTV channels but it seems only if I buy their IPTV preprogrammed box for €175, so they won't give me the links & ALL others I have tried have playing error or black screen. IF anyone has an http//: link working on MAG250 can they please share the working syntax as even the test ones seem to be dead that I have tried so far.

  • Hi, are you saying should work on MAG 250?

    ffrt2 rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// pageUrl=

    ffrt2 rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// pageUrl=

  • hi this file below working simpletv on mag250 get connect failed so dont think this is answer

    ffrt2 rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=punktum_high swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl=

  • Yes that's the same format that worked for me, will try same link later. Did not want to quote actual link I case of infringing site rules..loads of rtmp links also fail for me though so it could be a question of link being dead or alive. Seems vast majority are dead/ only last a few days due to dynamic changes of IP , which begs the question what are we doing? :)

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