BH 2.1.1 problem

There are 2 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 544 times. The last Post () by hs5424.

  • Hi All,
    Just updated my BH image on a VU+ Duo to 2.1.1. Here is what happens now. When I run an epg download using crossepg all appears fine until it reaches the 'parsing' part of the process. The progress is a little slow but this may be normal. It then enters 'parsing' again but this time with no progress bar and just sits there. Sometimes it locks the box up and I occassionly need to power cycle the unit twice to restore normal operation. I have tried Open Tv which seems to work for me (at the moment). Is there a bigger underlying problem there.
    Any suggestions or advise appreciated.

  • Reflash the box with the image again..might have messed up first time..
    OPentv works perfectly for 28.xºE... depending on which channel you are on..
    Where are you mapping the epg.dat to?? internal, external,usb,hdd ??
    All info might help better ...

  • Thanks for getting back to me.
    I am saving the epg to the usb stick. I will test for a few days and see how things go. The problem seemed to arise when I was using the crossepg download from the internet. Open Tv looks ok at the moment. It's my first time to use it, however I have disabled the download every night feature and will do it manually every 4 or 5 days or so.
    I will keep you posted.

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