CCcam 2.1.3 not working

There are 10 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,461 times. The last Post () by ec77176.

  • Hello,

    Here is my config :
    Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
    TvHeadend 3.4.28
    USB TT2400 USB Sat Receiver
    Oscam r9584
    CCcam 2.1.3

    I've installed oscam + cccam by follwoing the tutorial from this site and the installation package (2014-03-25 - cccam-oscam Ubuntu x32-x64).
    The script ( says that everything is ok with no error.
    Oscam is working (the webif is showing something) but not cccam (the webif http:myip:160001 do not show up with the error message "the connexion has been intialised") there is no process for cccam (ps -def |grep ccc do not show anything).
    I've restarted oscam and tried to start CCCam by hand but no chance.

    I've got cccam.cfg and cccam.prio (provided from my suplier) that are working on a Vu+ ultimo but I'm unable to make it work on my server with TvHeadEnd.
    Each time i've got this king of message (syslog):
    Jan 2 01:25:34 hts-2 tvheadend[1029]: dvr: Recording unable to start: "LA MARCHE": No descrambler

    Questions :
    1. What kind of information is needed to be helped?
    2. How to setup tvheadend to talk correctly to Oscam --> CCcam in order to descramble some channels).

    Thanks a lot for any help.


  • Quote

    I've got cccam.cfg and cccam.prio (provided from my suplier)

    Could you please explain, bearing in mind rule 2?


    <2> If you are the supporter of a Pay Server DO NOT ask for support, your request will be ignored.


    Edited once, last by codar ().

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I'm not a supporter of a Pay Server. the supplier is a friend of mine (sorry for my english).
    I'm just looking for help in order to setup my config.


  • Not familiar with tvheadend but for anyone to assist you further, your probably have to show us your configs (xxx out any sensitive stuff) and maybe your log.
    Does your friend allow reshare, as I'm assume your trying to use your friends share as a proxy card and trying to reshare it to tvheadend as a user account, would this be correct?
    Also, you probably don't need cccam on your server to do what i assume your trying to do, oscam is capable of reading and serving it on its own.


    Edited once, last by codar ().

  • Thanks a lot for your reply.

    Absolutely no problem with sending you my config.
    Which files do you need?
    is that oscam related and cccam as well?

    I've seen some posts concerning HTS (TvHeadEnd) and OSCAM + CCCAM as HTS doesn not have a CCCam client the only way is to use oscam and a proxy reader (cccam).
    I don't know if my friend allow reshare as he gave me those config files and it works on my Vu+ ultimo. I need to ask then.
    Your assumsion is correct : the chain is like this
    [HTS --> OScam --> CCCAM (client)] >>>> CCCAm server


  • I'm not familiar with tvheadend.
    In order to get the right support for you, post up your configs (xxx out any sensitive stuff) and maybe someone with knowledge about tvheadend will help you.


    I don't know if my friend allow reshare as he gave me those config files and it works on my Vu+ ultimo. I need to ask then.

    You'll probably need to ask him if it does work the way i suspect.

    • Official Post

    There is no need to be using a separate CCcam, use oscam only.

    Activate dvbapi in oscam.conf and add an account for it in oscam.user.

    enabled = 1
    user = linuxsatsupport
    boxtype = pc
    au = 1


    user = linuxsatsupport
    group = 1

    Convert C or N line to a [reader] with CCcam2Oscam, then add to oscam.server.

  • Dear Master G, thanks a lot, everything seems to work now. Your help is really eficient and really appreciated.

    Here is what I did :
    1. I've converted my cccam.cfg and added it to oscam.server
    2. I've added a capmt connection into HTS and pointed it to /tmp/camd.socket
    3. I've enabled dvbapi and added to oscam.conf

    Additional question :
    When I used CCcamOscamInstallsh, it installed a lot of paquets.
    What can be uninstalled in order to clean up the installation?

    Is there a way to contribute to the forum (may becoming VIP can help), just tell me.

    Thanks a lot.


    • Official Post

    To remove CCcam, it`s scripts and crons do the following:

    FTP to /etc and edit rc.local file. Remove the following lines and save..

    sleep 30

    FTP to /etc folder and edit crontab file. Remove the following lines and save..

    56 06 * * * root killall cccam_2.1.3
    57 06 * * * root /var/script/ >> /var/cccamlog/configupdate.log
    58 06 * * * root /var/script/
    59 06 * * * root /usr/local/bin/cccam_2.1.3
    */1 * * * * root /var/script/

    FTP to /usr/local/bin folder and delete cccam_2.1.3 file..

    FTP to /var/script folder and delete & file..

    Modified files are attached..

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