WeTek Play from now officially supported by OpenELEC Team

There are 17 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,515 times. The last Post () by TH3-J0K3R.

  • Dear owners of WeTek Play devices,

    We are happy to announce that OpenELEC for WeTek Play is now officially supported by OpenELEC Team, and from now on You can download OpenELEC for WeTek Play, microSD and NAND


    files here

    Just landed aboot 20:00 hrs this should open up the stability more and hopefully get some better tools for open elec system :)

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • yep works fine so far i can say :) i can past say more about few days :)

    ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    # OpenELEC - The living room PC for everyone #
    # ...... visit http://www.openelec.tv ...... #

    OpenELEC (official) Version: 5.95.1

    this in my wetek :)



    Edited once, last by snifferdsx ().

  • there will be once more teeth are into it guys ;)

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • after the factory reset i notes that the wetek wifi works in kodi

    vdr get standard activate so if you like use tvheadend you need first disable vdr-addon and the the vdr vnsi client
    The Vdr config tool is standard in kodi now if it not is installed you can find it in

    Add-ons > Install from repository > OpenELEC Mediacenter OS Add-ons > Programm Add-ons

    so far what i have notes what is change in openelec :)

    - - - Updated - - -

    ok both tuners works nice i can record with the 1 and with the other zapping :) oke i use tvheadend

    (mmh playback from recording dont works eeeh strange )

    i have change some things in tvheadend the playback works fine
    i have record 2 channels in the same works fine too


    2015-05-08 11:02:12.255 dvr: /var/media/Elements/wetek play recording/Clubland TV-Clubland TV.1970-01-01.00-00.mkv from adapter: "Availink AVL6211+AV2011 DVB-S/S2 : DVB-S #0", network: "Astra 2", mux: "12544.75H", provider: "BSkyB", service: "Clubland TV"
    2015-05-08 11:02:12.255 dvr: # type lang resolution aspect ratio sample rate channels
    2015-05-08 11:02:12.255 dvr: 1 MPEG2VIDEO 544x576 16:9
    2015-05-08 11:02:12.255 dvr: 2 MPEG2AUDIO eng 48000 2


    this is what i have record you can only download it :(

    time shift works not if you do On-Demand then it dont works well

    this is max use what i have see on hd 1080p



    Edited 8 times, last by snifferdsx ().

  • If you go to System Info -- Hardware, does it show the correct CPU Temperature?

    For me it is displaying a '?'

    I have reported the issue on the OpenELEC forum, but I thought I'd ask here as well to see if anyone else has noticed the same?

    It displayed the correct temperature under OpenELEC 5.0.8
    Upgrading to this latest beta release seems to have broken it

    - - - Updated - - -

    OK it seems the temperature read outs have always been incorrect from the WeTek so the OpenELEC team decided to remove the read outs

    Edited once, last by jim1985 ().

  • They havent been wrong at all Ive had an infrared temperature gun to test this it was not far out at all , Think its to remove a visible issue , eventually one day these chips will crack and fracture with the heating and cooling /expanding and contracting running at these heat levels ,I would not expect to get 3 years out a wetek at all this is why I installed new heatsinks and fans in mine ,Ive been a service technician in the past for 10 years and its always been the case that sat and cable boxes when it was a fashion to have them in closed cabinets , developed the issue described at lower temperatures than wetek are running at hence they are sold at throw away prices

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just my opinion

  • They havent been wrong at all Ive had an infrared temperature gun to test this it was not far out at all , Think its to remove a visible issue , eventually one day these chips will crack and fracture with the heating and cooling /expanding and contracting running at these heat levels ,I would not expect to get 3 years out a wetek at all this is why I installed new heatsinks and fans in mine ,Ive been a service technician in the past for 10 years and its always been the case that sat and cable boxes when it was a fashion to have them in closed cabinets , developed the issue described at lower temperatures than wetek are running at hence they are sold at throw away prices

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just my opinion

    What temperatures were you reading with your temperature gun?

    When I was running OpenELEC 5.0.8 the System Info page was reporting a temp of around 38 degrees C when the device was idle.
    This seems acceptable to me, unless of course that reading was in fact wildly in-accurate

  • Jim the box with my drive in was often sitting at about 55-60 c on hd this one is tight for space and this is about what i go with the gun taking into account it got a few seconds extra airing once upen before i got the gun on it on the other ones standard before fans were reading about 70c on hd and i was reading mid 60s once open temps taken from the heatsink , to me the standard wetek seem to run pretty high on hd after an hours running ,40c i would say is an acceptable standard but not in idle

    - - - Updated - - -

    atm i seem to run at 50c on hd content fan installed , without a hard drive in the box ,the fans im running off a 5v reed relay triggered by usb on boot up but fed from the 12v input feed so as not to deplete the power on usb ,this was done to avoid the fan being on constantly and speed slowed to a suitable speed via resistors

    Edited once, last by stevejo ().

  • are you willing to post a tutorial in whats required for members to follow with parts list numbers ect ect of reckomended kit to use ?


    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • Soon as I have a bit of free time ill do one from the beginning ,wont promise how soon as im always in demand some how

    i know the drill Stevejo, tht been said fire deets over in ill catalog in post your recommendations with all credits off course to yerself, got a cpl oh wetek to play with and have got more free time now adayz to play, im sure the board would all agree anything to keep the kit alive is a + :)

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • i know the drill Stevejo, tht been said fire deets over in ill catalog in post your recommendations with all credits off course to yerself, got a cpl oh wetek to play with and have got more free time now adayz to play, im sure the board would all agree anything to keep the kit alive is a + :)

    Not sure what you mean by this catalog and post where ? your slang english is hard to follow at times

  • parts where to get online , picture the upgrade in post on here for other members to be able to upgrade if they feel they want aswell
    as i would be doing the above whilst doing your recommendations to lower the temp and have a HD installed , aye us scots are hard to follow lost oh the time
    i know lol :)

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • master G

    Added the Label WeTek OpenELEC

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