Automated Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install Package For Debian 6

There are 252 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 61,171 times. The last Post () by ilk.

  • I had previously installed this on a machine a good while back and tried it yesterday again. Not sure if the disc i have is goosed but just cant instal it when it gets to software selection. If my memory serves me right this is where i choose webserver and something else, top option whatever that is i think :)

    Anyway i just cant get to that screen.

    So my question is... is there anywhere else i can download this as i seemed to work with that ok but the link is now dead... or something similar.

    Thanks in advance


    • Official Post

    The link changes every time a new version is released, here is the latest.

  • Hi,

    Can you modify Automated Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install Package For Debian 6 64-bit?

    I like to have the 64-bit versions of Oscam & CCcam installded.

    If it is possible please post it as a new threat.


    • Official Post

    Just run the script then replace the oscam & CCcam binary's for 64 bit versions, job done.

  • First of all thank you for your great tutorial Ten Below, everything went smoothly from start to finish using your script on debian 7.
    The problem I have now is I do not know how to assign static ip to my new server there for I can't transfer any files or log in via putty. Could you possibly explain how I can fix my problem , thanks in advance.

    • Official Post

    First of all thank you for your great tutorial Ten Below, everything went smoothly from start to finish using your script on debian 7.
    The problem I have now is I do not know how to assign static ip to my new server there for I can't transfer any files or log in via putty. Could you possibly explain how I can fix my problem , thanks in advance.

    If you do not have the option to set the debian's ip static in your router then follow the steps described here.

    [h=1]Debian Server IP not static[/h]

  • thanks, managed to set static ip through router but I cant get the server up and running.
    can anyone tell me what the commands are for checking the logs and stopping and starting the cams (debian 7) Below are sample of my configs

    cccam cfg-

    #SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+
    #BOXKEY: /dev/ttyUSB0


    SHOW TIMING : yes

    CHANNELINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
    PROVIDERINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.providers

    N: 50000 test test 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    oscam user-

    user = test
    pwd = test
    group = 1
    uniq = 0
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000
    AU = ***uk
    monlevel = 0

    oscam server-

    Label = ***uk
    Protocol = smartreader
    Detect = cd
    Device = 002:002
    mhz = 357
    EMMCache = 1,3,2
    Group = 1
    CAID = 0963
    BoxID =

    oscam conf-

    nice = -1
    WaitForCards = 1
    # logging

    pidfile = /emu/oscam/
    logfile = /emu/log/oscam.log
    usrfile = /emu/log/oscamuser.log

    port = 988
    aulow = 120
    monlevel = 0
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = 50000@0963:000000


  • Hoping someone will know a fix for this.

    Trying to install on Debian 7 wheezy, after my lenny server died. Been having trouble compiling Oscam, so decided to try an auto install script. CCcam installs fine, and the script completes. When I try and launch Oscam I get the error

    ./oscam: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    I've tried searching all over for a solution, but can't find anything that helps. libssl.0.9.8 is present in /usr/lib

    Thanks for any help

  • hay all ...try this autoinstall cccam is running but oscam not. also i have no permission to edit my files. have a fresh debianinstall last version 7. mybe lost something during installation. like su passwd root .not working for me. i suppost we have to edit files by adding chown our username to cccam and oscam files.or can we access them as they are??. any clarification is appriciate .thanks

    • Official Post

    hay all ...try this autoinstall cccam is running but oscam not. also i have no permission to edit my files. have a fresh debianinstall last version 7. mybe lost something during installation. like su passwd root .not working for me. i suppost we have to edit files by adding chown our username to cccam and oscam files.or can we access them as they are??. any clarification is appriciate .thanks

    Login with username root & you will have no problems editing.

  • thanks for your replay ten .
    for oscam i just rebuild new version :ok
    to access files i chown those dirictories & files to my username made during debian installation to be owner :ok
    my problem is debian dont detect my added com port 2&3 who are detected automaticaly before using ubuntu . should i install them and how??? im using 1 extended pci card for com2&3 thanks

  • this script is not working 100% it is not directed to oscam start script properly in the bin directory it needs redirecting

    in the rc local

    it is directed to the wrong place

    /bin/oscript start &

    the rc local file for the /etc directory should look like this below edit it if you are doing an install

    /emu/script/oscript start &
    /bin/cccam start &
    /emu/oscam/oscam &
    /emu/script/ &
    exit 0

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