Posts by pheonix

    You are coming across as being really worried about your CCCam. As i have said before you get remote connections on all versions of CCCam. I have tried my spare box with all versions from 2.0.4 upwards and everyone gives a remote connection at some point. It is all part of the normal operation of CCCam.

    I would suggest if you are that concerned that you use OSCam.


    I think he's missing his hat mate.

    OpenViX-Apollo 080 AVAILABLE NOW

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    Guys thanks for the advice, I can confirm its the HD version am using. So will need to install the non HD Version and will get back to you all.

    But, whats the difference and use of HD if its not working with some plugins? And what can I do, any fixes for it to work on HD Vers.?

    Thanks anyway guys....Much appreciated.

    The HD image supports a real 1080 HD skin, no other image is capable of this and it's not that the plugin wont work with this image as it does it's just not skinned properly and as I said thats a problem for the plugins author to remedy not ours.

    The picon directory which the link should take you too has been removed from the openViX Download Centre....... hopefully should be back up soon.

    Our server where we house the feeds and our openvix image repository was hacked. Hopefully we should be back to full strength soon if we're not already (have not checked yet as I'm at work).

    Are you sure you not using Vix Apollo HD 077 ????? if so this is the way this plugin appears when you use it on the HD version of Apollo........

    There has been a previous thread about this: size of interface

    Yes yes I was just about to suggest that, if it is the ViX HD image, then it's because the plugin in not properly skinned for the 1080 frame buffer and as its a closed source plugin that has to be done by the plugins author.

    Hi pheonix

    I'm located Lancashire, would it help if i did a manual scan for those missing channels.

    Well that rules out reception problems on those birds as you are well within their footprint. A manual scan won't hurt any thing either.

    where are you located because most of those are on the newer Astra 2E, 2F birds, plus a lot of other channels moved over to 2E yesterday as well.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I reckon there must be an option in the menu to allow/view fta...

    No such option exists that I have ever seen on any image for the last 15 years.

    yes as long as you FTP the file I uploaded above to the correct location then use one of the reconfigured picon packs from the download site, not sure about the likes of BH or VTI though but I cant see a reason why it would not work with them too.

    As people are aware, keeping up with service refernce changes and renaming picons has been a long standing menial issue.

    From next image after Apollo 73, the picon code has been adapted to do away with the dependence on service reference. Picons will now be displayed based on the channel name subject to the naming parameters listed further down. This will mean the picon makers can now concentrate on making picons and not bother about keeping up with service reference changes.

    The Service Named Picons (SNPs) are lower in the selection list than the conventional Service Reference Picons (SRPs). This is useful were a channel has the same name on different satellites and you wish to use a different picon for some of them. Nothing has changed with regards to picon locations.

    The commit is below. It is opensource and other image makers are free to adopt this.…8701f55aa4b382e525031966e

    # picon by channel name

    name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(name, 'utf_8')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore')
    excludeChars = ['/', '\\', '\'', ''', '`', '?', ' ', '(', ')', ':', '<', '>', '|', '.', '\n']

    name = name.replace('&', 'and')
    name = name.replace('+', 'plus')
    name = name.replace('*', 'star')
    name = name.lower()

    Hypothetical channel "DDC One London +1" will require a picon called "ddconelondonplus1.png"

    We will endeavour to have the SNPs on the feeds, but as they are lower in the selection list, it is not important.

    Lraizer's plugin users
    For users of Lraizer's plugin, the LCN is attached to the service name. SNPs use the name form lamedb so this causes an incompatibility issue. As AB 28.2 has AutoPicons, best to continue using that.

    EDIT 08 NOV 2014:
    The service named Picons have been placed in the Picon folder on the openvix download site


    - - - Updated - - -

    For the benefit of PLI users

    File goes in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Renderer/ and must have 644 properties. Please back up your existing one first just in case. I have tested this on a DM800 using PLI

    OpenViX-Apollo HD 077 AVAILABLE NOW

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    - - - Updated - - -

    Also two new YouViX skin colours coming on build 078.

    YouViX Green


    YouViX Dark Blue.

    Many thanks to rossi2000 for his continued support and hard work.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Full OpenViX HD support now also added for the following receivers.

    Vu+ Solo.
    Vu+ Uno
    Vu+ Ultimo
    Vu+ Duo.

    OpenViX-Apollo 077 AVAILABLE NOW

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    The plugin designed for standrad hd skin ,i do not know for apollo why there is problem ,nobody reported the problem with other images so assume the problem will be in the image

    As I said it needs to be properly skinned for the 1080 HD skins which it currently is not, its not a image problem but the plugin it self has to be reskinned properly.

    If I get a second hand old Thompson box online, and pair my card with it, will my sports and movies successfully share via oscam?

    Thanks again for all your help

    As far as I am aware that loophole was fixed a long time ago and no longer works, although I may be wrong on that as I am not that knowledgeable on cardhsaring techniques my self.

    The BBC dont want third party applications such as OnDemand, XBMC, Get-Iplayer etc etc, working with their feeds and if it affects you, tough titty. (Their opinion not mine).