Posts by mrgmx

    all in the pound notes buddy!

    around 100 id say Maxdigital....some say amiko....others say stay away from aliens lol

    Money not to much of an option....but would rather peace of mind/ease of vu solo box.....either used or new

    Smaller less known boxes are starting to appear.....ill let those with experience of them comment on those!

    Something like the links below buddy? Video Wall Bracket should get some results for you....argos don't seem to stock something as logical as that lol
    Fleabay or Amazon/Net will be best bet



    With that budget buddy you will be limited.....

    perhaps look for 2nd hand/Used Vu solo...if your lucky!

    Or for an extra £10/20 you may be able to get the MaxDigital XP1000

    Are you sure it was BH 2.0.5

    Did you put image on or someone else? did you or have you updated the image before from within BlackHole?

    it sounds like a clone issue but if your sure its original then it can't be that? How much did you pay? where you get it from?

    Did you / Do you have a backup copy of last working image? if so put that on?

    Failing that You could try updating bootloader....look in Vu Duo section...then try an image!

    Failing all above i would only suggest trying a clone image and seeing if that works??????????

    Original or Clone

    Clones had this issue when you tried to flash the latest 2.0 or 3.0 measures put in by Vu!

    It could be related? If its a Clone that is.....although Vu Clone support/help is not offered on this forum im afraid!

    Check the Vu box.....any version stickers on there?

    Have you had the latest images on it yet? so BH 2.0 or Vix 3.0??? If not what was last working image?

    A message to EVERYONE OUT THERE!

    When choosing or thinking of a new reciever its all to easy to ask which is the best but stop....what you should ask or note when asking is your budget!

    The best car in the world maybe a Ferrari....but could you afford it....maybe not!

    So to answer this simply i would ask you what is you budget and what do you require from your box?

    Although it normally boils down to these perhaps must haves!:

    Enigma2 box (runs latest images / plugins e.t.c)

    Single or Dual Tuners? (i.e record 1channel while watching)

    How much Moola to spend!
    - < £100 you will struggle to find Enigma2 box New although may 2nd hand!
    - £100 - £150 - Single tuner Enigma2 something like XP1000
    - £150 + the realms of the VU and the rest

    If your in the last category i would suggest Vu....i think a solo will get you change from £200....Duo or Solo2 (Dual Tuners) your looking at 250 - 300 with solo2 being 290 - 300....but worth it over the Duo.....anything above that then mate you could pick and choose you reciever!

    2 options buddy!

    Add bits yourself

    Channel lists or update autobouquets to your local area/settings

    add cam or cams - if your going to use solo2 as server Oscam and Cccam cam pack....or just to recieve line Cccam or Mgcamd
    Cams can be found in link below…x-softcam-collection.html
    Copy or ftp ipk file to /tmp on solo2 then from menu setting install local extension - select ipk file you wish to install e.t.c

    install plugins through the plugin menu menu > plugins > (green button) download plugins - separated into categories e.t.c
    perhaps do a quick search on plugins you not sure of...although some will have a description

    Download ipk from our Enigma2 Plugins section
    Enigma2 Plugins
    Follow steps for ipks of Cams above

    Or and more easily for noobies to find your feet

    Take a look at our extensive solo2 backups found here Linuxsat Support Solo2 Backup Images l

    Put together by our staff and users and all come with descriptions and screen shots of what the image will look can stick with Vix or try something else...although Vix is the easiest to use! But i know Ten done some nice ones with different skins so perhaps start there!

    Simply download backup file - unzip to usb > switch off receiver....plug USB in front....switch on and press power to reflash when prompted

    Any problems post back but enjoy your new toy

    I wish people would come here 1st for research before being duped!

    Unfortunately buddy you have been subjected to the cretins that HAVE or are in the PROCESS of ruining this hobby!

    What you have done is supported a PAYSERVER by buying a cheap receiver with GIFT when you could of done it all yourself!

    Anyone supporting a Payserver is likely to be ignored im afraid, as we would simply say get in contact with the PS for any support!

    New Box wise......its all about what you require from your receiver and the budget you have to spend! Keep with Enigma2 and Vu Range if you can as Solid Boxes and well supported! (If not using a PS)

    What you do with the box after that.......i can only hope you choose the right path!

    Have a look at these posts below for general info on CS, Do's n Don'ts!

    House Rules…b-newbie-dummy-guide.html…lp-please.html#post124545…/32642-f5.html#post123050

    The 1st port of call then buddy would be speaking with the source of the share!

    See if anyone else sharing is experiencing the same problems? Any specific channels? e.t.c in a sense the source of the share would/should be able to tell you if any problems with their server!

    You could look at internet usage but i doubt you are on dial up? Downloading to excessively or have kids glued to online gaming e.t.c

    All what's on the screen is written in files, stored in:

    Information files: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/

    Graphic files: /usr/share/enigma2/

    Font: /usr/share/fonts/

    It all is managed by /usr/share/enigma2/skin.xml or maybe within its own deirectory skin_default or name of skin/skin.xml

    For clients? Argh!

    Surely fellow hobbyists!!!

    How longs a piece of string springs to mind!

    Depends on Budget, Requirements from box (EPG, 2 Tuners e.t.c) and technical ability of user!

    1st post should be here buddy! Introductions

    Hint :- If you are not receiving premium channels it could be a problem with Line, Share or Connection so check those 1st!

    Is Cam (Cccam/Mgcamd) activated on receiver (Look in softcams and activate/restart)

    Do you have internet connection - check network settings

    If all above ok i would check line/share? where do you get it from and is it still active