Posts by thatfellow


    can anyone explain to me please what is a smargo i bought one when i was buying my vuplus duo and its just lying here i haunt a clue what its for or what it does any tips I'm happy to receive thanks in advance

    Ha, m8 why would you hijack this thread to talk about a smargo? Use the search box or GOOGLE! Or start your own thread if you are still confused..


    1 last thing to try later thatfellows tut

    Yeah, go for it.. oscam cccam webif's working straight out of the box...


    trying to get the onboard wireless going, which i dont think will work. by looking at this post i dont think so itss all gibeer-ish to me
    (802.11 Linux STA driver | Broadcom ) but a samll fan under lappy to keep it cool and the psu ect.
    so to one and all lads cheers (I WONDER WILL I EVER GET FINISHED) ..LOL

    I would not go down the wireless route if I could help it annie12, try and have a wired connection to the router.. If you want a cheep decent setup, get yourself an old dell optiplex or similar for between €40-€60 on and set it up right beside your router.. Laptops are notorious for overheating and when they do, the BOIS will power them off.. If you want this running 24/7 get a cheep desktop like above.. I paid €60 for my server, it runs 24/7 wired to the router and its like a fridge..

    I had issues with this oscam.conf in regards to the httpallowed.

    I ended up having to split the httpallowed I.P address's into ranges to sort out the oscam webif
    try this in your oscam.conf to get your webif going..

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser = 
    httppwd = 
    httprefresh = 10
    httphideidleclients = 0
    httpallowed = [COLOR='#FFFF00'] , , ,[/COLOR]
    debug = 255

    I remember you saying that you were using the GUI version of Ubunty. allows local host (login to webif from browser on your Ubuntu system)

    For standard routers i.e. ( & , allows remote PC (login to oscam webif from browser on remote computer on your internal network)

    All other I.P Adress's on your internal Network allows remote PC (login to oscam webif from browser on remote computer on all other IP's on your internal network)

    If that does not work, the only other thing that I think it could be is that you are using a version of oscam that is not compiled for your setup.

    Use this great tool to get the correct version of oscam for your setup..…ollection-gianni8127.html
    from what I've read about your setup the version your looking fo is: (oscam-svn7188-i686-pc-linux-webif-ssl-pcsc-libusb-1.0.9-Distribution) within the file produced by the above tool.

    Also, make sure you stop/start oscam to see if the changes you are making are working, sometimes, Id even recommend a reboot (especially if the PC is just getting setup & your not depending on it)

    & to upgrade your version of oscam, use step by step guide in post 3 of this thread using your preferred version of oscam..…ntu-server.html#post52984

    Good luck & well done for getting this far.. Your 99% of the way there!


    Thank you for this super nice and easy guide :) just so super!! Only one say this is the latest oscam with full support for all card readers, do you mean the latest STABLE VERSION or UNSTABLE VERSION of Oscam?? (i am asking because we have some problems with using the 1.20 version right now in our group -it's lacking quite often). Regards...

    Its this version of Oscam:
    OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #7149

    but its pretty easy to swap versions after install m8, just follow step by step guide in post 3 of this thread using your preferred version of oscam..…ntu-server.html#post52984

    get the right version of oscam for your setup using this great tool:
    Includes Stable version (oscam-1.10rc-svn6481-x86_64-pc-linux-pcsc-libusb)…ollection-gianni8127.html

    See note at bottom of tut if stable version of oscam fails to start with Server:


    NOTE: If you install an older (Stable) Version of oscam only to find that it is not starting with the server it is most likely because it is referencing libssl0.9.8.
    To Fix this just run command below:

    apt-get install libssl0.9.8


    I personally had to upgrade oscam svn 7015 because the version that came with the script did not show my cards entitlements i do run ubuntu 32 bit but im sure you can get a version for 64 bit

    No need to look for 64 bit version of oscam for this Auto-install, the version that's setup with the autoscript is compiled for 64Bit and works straight off the bat!

    Good Luck


    how can he be connected to me and still getting the login failed :S

    Have you got his F:line locked to his IP address or his DNS address? I have seen this sort of thing when an F:Line is locked to an IP address and the clients ISP has changed/renewed his IP address..


    Hello Banny,

    I think it's a good idea.
    A "universal windows" as an image if I understand.
    For drivers, there are so many different materials.

    Yep, if you were to make it universal so It would work straight off on any machine, your talking about 5GB compressed for drivers alone... As much as I love it and can't live without it, I HATE Windows...

    I came across a few programs that can make a windows Installer DVD with all the updates incorporated. I also Downloaded a 32 in 1 USB installer with all versions & 32Bit/64Bit of 2000, XP, Vista & Win 7 on the one USB installer.. It was Huge though, about 10GB..

    Automated Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install Package For Ubuntu Server 11.10, 12.xx & 13.04 x32/x64

    Scripts Cleaned & Updated 2014-03-25

    Updated oscam to latest (#9584 at time of upload)
    The last release (Version #8917 had a problem with updating vide0guard cards (including slyuk) through cccam proto)

    Anybody with oscam #8917 versions, replace your oscam bin located at /usr/local/bin with this file:
    for x32 system:
    oscam svn9584 x32.rar
    for x64 system:
    oscam svn9584 x64.rar
    Then chmod 755 the file with this command:
    chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/oscam

    Scripts Cleaned & Updated 2013-09-14

    Updated oscam to latest (#8917 at time of upload)
    Removed the need to edit the script, so its just a matter of copying the install pack to /tmp, chmod the script & run
    Renamed cccam binary to cccam_2.1.3 to avoid crontab issues with the cccam checkscript (Thank you YamaR6 for pointing this out)

    Scripts Cleaned & Updated 2013-09-08

    Introduced Auto Detection for x86 or x64 OS, the script will now install the correct package based on OS Version (This should eradicate all the wrong version installs)
    I have Automated Script even further so no user interaction is needed during the script!  (Start the script, have a cuppa and cccam/oscam is up & running within 5 mins)
    revised rc.local so cccam starts 30 seconds after oscam (Sorry Guys, this was missed somewhere along the line while updating package)
    Added nightly backup to the script so all your cccam/oscam configs are backed up @ midnight

    Scripts Cleaned & Updated 2013-09-02

    Updated oscam to latest version (8891 at time of uploading)
    Included Simplebuild in the script so you can build your own oscam.
    Removed proftpd from auto install.
    Updated CCcam.channelinfo & CCcam.prio.
    Added latest oscam.srvid & to the script (oscam.srvid for 0963 only, too many services error with all sats) mainly for People who want to switch to oscam only.
    Cleaned up some Syntax errors in
    updated x32 scripts (Few errors pointed out by Fano)
    Removed dummy reader from oscam.server (It was causing problems with latest versions of oscam)
    changed cccam/oscam restarts, updates & cleanups from 3.56am to 6.56am.

    Tested & Working on:

    Ubuntu Server 11.10 amd64 & x32
    Ubuntu Server 12.xx amd64 & x32
    Ubuntu Server 13.04 amd.64
    (I am sure it would work on older releases also if repositories are updated, I did not have time to test with 9,10 & 11.04)

    What you will Need:

    1.. Any PC (Preferably form Pentium 4 up)
    2.. Ubuntu Server 12 or 13 (x86 /amd-64-Bit)
    3.. Blank DVD
    4.. PuTTY
    5.. WinSCP
    6.. >>Updated<<2014-03-25 - cccam-oscam Ubuntu x32-x64.rar

    I have modified & updated the original script written by Youknowwho (R.I.P), to work with Ubuntu amd64.
    I have tested this numerous times with no problems at all on two Desktop PC's, a laptop & VM Workstation.
    This Script installs OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #8905 (Compiled with all Omnikey & Smartreader Support) & cccam 2.1.3 (x32 & x64 compatable)
    After final Reboot the oscam/cccam webif's are up and running.
    Tip: Follow all the steps (including updates & other steps that you might be tempted to skip)


    NOTE1: If you are upgrading from a working cccam/oscam setup, make sure to backup all your cccam configs. i.e.


    NOTE2: If you are installing on a vps or machine that was not setup with initial user, edit this line in

    OWNER=$(grep 1000:1000: /etc/passwd|cut -f1 -d':')

    to this:


    Step 1.. Install Ubuntu Server 11.10, 12.xx or 13.04 (x32/x64) on your PC/Server following all the steps below.


    Select Install Ubuntu Server
    Then Select your Language Location & Keyboard Layout


    Select your hostname for your PC (This can be anything you like) e.g. ubuntu


    Enter your Full Name


    Type your username (First name by default)
    Then Type your password & Re-Type your password


    Select <NO> for Encrypt your home Directory)


    in Partitioning Method, Select <Use Entire Disk>


    Select your Disk & Hit return


    Select <Yes> under Write the changes to disks


    Just Hit return on this screen if you dont use HTTP proxy


    Select <No automatic updates>


    Only select OpenSSH server by pressing the spacebar then hit return.
    All the software needed will be installed with the autoscript.


    Select <Yes> to install GRUB to the master boot record...
    Remove the CD & click continue to reboot the Server

    Thats it, your now finished the Ubuntu Install..

    Step 2.. Prepairing Ubuntu for the automated Script.

    For these Steps make sure your PC is connected to the Router (Preferably Wired connection)
    We now have to set up a static IP address so we can use Putty & WinSCP to FTP files & execute Terminal commands Remotely.
    From my experiences with Ubuntu , I NEVER set a static IP in Network Interfaces.
    I log into my router (192.168.*.*) and within my Lan Setup I can view connected Devices.
    In connected Devices establish which device is your Server & Write down the MAC Address
    Now go to Pre-Assigned DHCP IP Addresses and Put in your Server MAC Address & the IP address you want (e.g.
    Click on Add Static IP Address or Apply or whatever it might be on your Router!
    Restart the Server & when it's back up, It will have a static IP Address reserved by the router without you having to configure anything in Ubuntu.

    Now we are going to log into the server with putty


    Jyst type the Static IP Adress of your Server & hit Open,


    Log in with your username & password


    Now Enter these lines to set up a root account

    sudo passwd root

    Enter your password
    Then Enter your new root password
    Enter your new root password again to confirm

    sudo reboot

    Step 3.. Install oscam/cccam autoscript.


    Now log into your Server with WinSCP as root user


    On the left hand side, Browse to the "CCcam Oscam Ubuntu 64-Bit" Folder
    On the right, browse to <root>/tmp folder


    Select both "cccamoscam_install_package" Folder & and copy them to tmp folder


    chmod the Script with this command

    chmod 755 /tmp/


    Run the Script with this command



    The Script reboots the machine.

    When the PC Starts up will have OScam & CCcam Installed
    You can check your oscam Webif page by typing your server ip & oscam webif port no. (192.168.*.*:8888) in the address bar of your browser.
    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    You can check your cccam Webif page by typing your server ip & cccam webif port no. (192.168.*.*:16001) in the address bar of your browser.
    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    Now all you have to do Is configure your cccam.cfg and oscam configs to suit your setup & card readers.
    The version of oscam in this script is the latest version, compiled with full support for all Card readers.

    NOTE: If you install an older (Stable) Version of oscam only to find that it is not starting with the server it is most likely because it is referencing libssl0.9.8.
    To Fix this just run command below:

    apt-get install libssl0.9.8

    On completion of this tutorial you will have a Ubuntu Server with cccam/oscam up and running, but you will still need to follow tutorials to configure:


    Here is a list of all the commands you will need to run your server:…oscam-cccam-commands.html

    Good Luck & Enjoy

    No worries, one of the admins will move this thread.. I have yet to come across an image that I could not use to connect a dreambox as a cardreader to a Linux server. But if its simplicity that you are after, you should probably go for one of the Gemini Images with cccam/oscam preinstalled..

    Then you just need to put an N:Line in your cccam.cfg on your Server and an [account] for that N:Line in your oscam.user on your box..

    cccam.cfg on your Server

    N: 192.168.*.* [COLOR='#FF0000']12345[/COLOR] [COLOR='#00FF00']user password[/COLOR] 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

    Where 192.168.*.* = your box IP, 12345 Your port number in [newcamd] in oscam.conf

    account for above N:Line in your oscam.user

    user = [COLOR='#00FF00']user[/COLOR]
    pwd = [COLOR='#00FF00']password[/COLOR]
    monlevel = 0
    uniq = 0
    group = 1
    au = ****
    caid = ****
    ident = ****
    keepalive = 1

    Replace **** with ur card details

    newcamd entry in your oscam.conf on the Dreambox

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = [COLOR='#FF0000']12345[/COLOR]@****:000000
    allowed =,
    keepalive = 1

    Replace **** with ur card details

    Almost any Image at all. As long as you can put on oscam/cccam your off.. Do some searching m8..

    And this is the wrong section for your Question. /\LOOK?/\ at the big blinding RED PANEL at the top of this thread! Use the support section..


    Thanks for your input/help (thatfellow) but my prob;em with the server version was black screen (terminal) no menus used to be good at dos
    years ago but thats a differant ball game, now thinking not 2 bother is it worth the hassle.

    I know annie, I was the same starting off, but now Id much prefer using the terminal.. There is only about 50 commands that you will ever use and If you make a list of them on the way, your sorted..
    I know the terminal is pretty intimidating to look at when your starting off, but after a while you will prefer it to Desktop, I promise you..

    The way I look at it: In Terminal commands, everything is written in stone so it’s far harder to mess up things than it is with the GUI.. I mean, with the terminal you can’t just go and twiddle around with the Network interfaces for example, you have to google the commands & read a little about them which in turn gives you a better understanding of your system and more knowledge when it comes to problem solving (& we all know that 90% of this hobby could go into the Problem solving category)..

    But as so many people above have said, It's Horses for Courses & whatever meets your needs...

    P.S. Using DOS years ago gives you a huge advantage over all the younger windows heads getting into this!!:feel_good:


    that is sad, it is a box with potential, but it have it faults.

    Agreed, The OpenBox's have a lot of potential but they are so user un-friendly.
    It took me well over a month configuring my openboxd to the same user frendly level that my dreambox took a few hours to achieve..
    But I have to say, the work was well worth it because I have a Fully Functional HD Box for under £50..
    Hopefully someone will strip them down & teach them a trick r two!

    Good choice anne12, I used both Debian & Ubuntu and I found Ubuntu to be better and more user friendly.
    Just Yesterday I installed Ubuntu 12.04 Server 64Bit and got everything up n running with alamski Auto install.
    Note: I had switch the oscam binary for a 64Bit compatible version, but other than that I just followed the tut!…-installation-ubuntu.html

    One thing that I would suggest is using the Server distro's instead of the Desktop GUI Versions.
    There is no point in using extra processing resources on your p4/1gb ram when you will never really need the desktop GUI.

    Good Luck

    Ha good post, some interesting info...

    For me, a windows reinstall is like an ordered ritual..

    1.. AVG
    2.. ccleaner
    3.. Tune up utilities
    4.. TeamViewer
    5.. Firefox
    6.. I use Intel® Driver Update Utility to update all intel drivers
    7.. I use DriverPackSolution to update all system Drivers
    8.. VLC Player
    9.. WinRAR
    10.. MagicDisc
    11.. Open command Prompt here for Right click menu
    12.. Take ownership for Right click menu

    Then all the boring stuff...

    I have had similar problems before, whats your setup m8? Server? Ubuntu/Debian/Dreambox? cccam oscam versions? Reader? Also, post your configs with all personal info *** out.