Posts by fegol

    Tvheadend-test-1.0-armeabi-v7a-release.apk (from 7.0)


    This compilation is only for testing and may contain errors!

    Use it at your own risk!

    Some1 would be gentle a post step by step to patch or not patch tvheadend 4.2.8 / no docker / ubuntu 22.04...cant make it work with server oscam...get error
    2022/12/20 18:10:49 02CB3178 c (client) encrypted newcamd:20000-client granted (usuario, au=on (1 reader))2022/12/20 18:10:49 02CB3178 c (newcamd) user usuario authenticated successfully (Tvheadend)

    2022/12/20 18:10:49 02CB3178 c (newcamd) AU enabled for user usuario on reader reader12022/12/20 18:12:44 02CB3178 c (ecm) usuario (0604@000000/00A9/0288/3C:43F5FF6110EEED6BDB4B1C178D3DB421): not found (162 ms) by reader1 (reader1 unsubscribed chann)2022/12/20 18:12:44 02CB3178 c (ecm) usuario (0604@000000/00B2/0288/3C:A97D94EED0E19A80756336659ECF2A0C): rejected (297 ms) by reader1 (Invalid ecm type for card)2022/12/20 18:12:44 02CB3178 c (ecm) usuario (0604@000000/0000/0288/46:733041BFBAAF0FFD98710E27CC4400DD): not found (369 ms) by reader1 (reader1 unsubscribed chann)2022/12/20 18:12:44 02CB3178 c (ecm) usuario (0604@000000/0058/0288/3C:A8041212A7284E55A5CDCFBA923FD5EE): not found (528 ms) by reader1 (reader1 unsubscribed chann)2022/12/20 18:12:51 02CB3178 c (ecm) usuario (0604@000000/0000/0288/46:00E6FD39609EB56A1A372FDCFF6C4FC7): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)2022/12/20 18:12:51 02CB3178 c (ecm) usuario (0604@000000/00A9/0288/3C:F93420B994609A9AAAAC29F8D4256B3D): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)

    The ecm arrive with a separate tiers-ID,

    and Tvheadend always retrieves all ecms in the case of a Newcamd connection,

    unfortunately this can cause problems and load the card unnecessarily.

    but if you connect with dvbapi,

    the appropriate ECM will be selected (if it has a valid tiers ID)...


    Just add this small patch to the patched libdvbcsa.

    updated: (test)

    If you want, rebuild libdvbcsa with these and give it a try.

    Vielen Dank :)

    Ich werde es nachher versuchen...

    Könntest mir trotzdem bitte sagen, wie das mit diff in der git funktioniert. Will auch was dazulernen.

    Melde mich wieder :)

    Bitte versuchen Sie es zuerst und lassen Sie mich wissen, ob es funktioniert.

    Ich habe versucht, es zu bauen (RPi Bullseye arm), bitte versuchen Sie es und sehen Sie, ob es funktioniert.

    Ich kann es nicht testen, aber ich denke, diese beiden Zeilen sind falsch, versuchen Sie es zu beheben ...



    Thanks for trying to help me, but it isn't working.... when i try your command i get this:

    tvh@TVServer:~/docker-tvheadend$ git revert 7b95ba4cf9113ae8808b3e4a9425010b607dbaca
    fatal: bad object 7b95ba4cf9113ae8808b3e4a9425010b607dbaca

    Do you have any other idea ?


    try adding after line 168 (under)...

    git checkout ${TVHEADEND_COMMIT} && \

    git revert -n 7b95ba4cf9113ae8808b3e4a9425010b607dbaca && \

    echo "**** patch tvheadend ****" && \

    Thanks a lot, that's what I was looking for but I hadn't changed the expert settings and couldn't find it.

    2022-12-06 09-13-25.png

    One more question: Can I use a program to edit the channels and create bouquets?

    It is best to edit channels and bouquets on the tvh web interface.

    But if you study the tvh a little more, you can edit bouquets from several options, even enigma bouquets can be added...


    Has anybody a patched tvh version for raspberry armhf (bullseye) ?

    I don't get compile this shit....

    I finished all steps, but the compiler stops with error everytime.

    Maybe it will not work at bullseye on arm?

    I don't know if this works on your device, but try it if you want.


    (Created using GitHub

    sudo dpkg -i tvheadend_4.3-2063.gd88549603-dirty.raspbianbullseye_armhf.deb

    Can someone compile tvheadend and latest oscam for SkyDe or it is not possible on Kodi 18.9?

    CoreELEC 9.2 = Kodi 18.9 (Leia)

    Can you maybe spent a few words on the patch for libdvbcsa? What is different in v2, now?

    Sorry, if I have overlooked, if there is an own thread/git repo etc. for it.

    The difference of the dvbcsa v2 patch is that the "key ecm" can be defined,

    minisatip patch is just an example (minimum, with only one tuner and one channel...), the rest depends on you...

    I don't have a thread/git repo for these, it's not important to me. (ac2e509)

    I haven't fully tested it yet, so there may be bugs.

    I don't use the oscam-icam version patches, unfortunately none of them work properly in my case, icam-v1 was the best for me (my favorite), but even with it, the images were stuttering about every 3-4 seconds, with the later ones there were even more errors in the on my device and system.

    Arm-neon was added later, but the stuttering didn't go away, and in my case it also caused a crash in my oscam.

    I tested them with Tvheadend 4.2 on CoreELEC and LibreELEC (arm, aarch64).

    Thank you and all my appreciation to "icb" for his persistent work.

    The first one that worked for me was streamdecrypt.

    This worked perfectly with Tvheadend 4.2 without any hiccups, only channel changes and edits caused more problems

    (And tvheadend patches were born from streamdecrypt for these reasons...)


    Please, could you tell me what oscam-icam version and config files are you using for CoreELEC?

    Thanks, fegol, for the CoreELEC tvheadend addon. :thank_you2: :thank_you2:

    So to answer the question I use the old tried and true configuration with pmt_mode = 4, without icam patches.


    If you don't know which one to choose, then in the case of CoreELEC the Add-ons/Download/Services/...

    Or what you like:

    OSCam For CoreELEC - Linux Satellite Support Community
    oscam-svn11696- with emu ;;Request for compilation OSCam, questions and helps !!!

    Tutorial: Step by Step CoreElec and Tvheadend Server - Mecool Kiii Pro - - Linux Satellite Support Community
    Note: CoreELEC 9.2 will become End Of Life on 31.12.2021. Please get more information about EOL HERE .      . Download Stable Legacy Build1. Tutorial: Burn…

    Libreelec/Coreelec PVU Core for Mecool K1 - K2 - K3 - S905 - 912 - Linux Satellite Support Community
    Today ..Work Finished ..1. PVU Core Backup for Libreelec s912 , S905 , , 8.2.5: K1 Plus , K1 Pro , K2 Pro , K3 Pro2. PVU Core Backup…

    Ncam Emu compiled and patched by RAED - Linux Satellite Support Community
    Ncam EMU*******************P.s: No more bin for openssl1.1 (all bin files will be works on all image openssl old/new)*******************Download…


    For CoreELEC 19 and 20, if the device is Amlogic-ng

    patches should be added to project/Amlogic-ce/packages/addons/service/tvheadend43/patches folder,

    if the device is not Amlogic-ng, then to the packages/addons/service/tvheadend43/patches folder.

    (applies to 19 and 20 separately)

    CoreELEC TVH (Amlogic) addons

    (Created using GitHub (without libcrypto and ssl)