Posts by biko

    Well done :clapping hands:

    Now it moved by "0" button to right but there is small issue (some words from the line beginning been hidden)


    if you don't mind what about change the skin fhd for the plugin


            skin = '<screen  position="0,0" size="1920,1080" title="RSS Reader">\
                <widget name="info" position="975,45" zPosition="4" size="870,40" font="Regular;35" transparent="1" valign="center" />\
                <ePixmap position="163,92" size="500,8" pixmap="/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/RSSReader/images/slider_fhd.png" alphatest="blend" />\
                <ePixmap position="0,0" size="1920,1080" zPosition="-1" pixmap="/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/RSSReader/images/RSS_FEED+1.png" transparent="1" alphatest="blend" />\
                <widget name="mylist" itemHeight="55" position="970,120" size="870,875" halign="right" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" zPosition="2" transparent="1" />\
                <widget font="Bold; 40" halign="center" position="40,29" render="Label" size="720,70" source="global.CurrentTime" transparent="1">\
                 <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%a %d.%m. %Y | %H:%M</convert>\
                <widget source="session.VideoPicture" render="Pig" position="77,152" zPosition="20" size="739,421" backgroundColor="transparent" transparent="0"/>\



            skin = '<screen  position="0,0" size="1920,1080" title="RSS Reader">\
                <widget name="info" position="975,45" zPosition="4" size="870,40" font="Regular;35" transparent="1" valign="center" />\
                <ePixmap position="163,92" size="500,8" pixmap="/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/RSSReader/images/slider_fhd.png" alphatest="blend" />\
                <ePixmap position="0,0" size="1920,1080" zPosition="-1" pixmap="/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/RSSReader/images/RSS_FEED+.png" transparent="1" alphatest="blend" />\
                <widget name="mylist" itemHeight="55" position="970,120" size="870,875" halign="right" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" zPosition="2" transparent="1" />\
                <widget font="Bold; 40" halign="center" position="40,29" render="Label" size="720,70" source="global.CurrentTime" transparent="1">\
                 <convert type="ClockToText">Format:%a %d.%m. %Y | %H:%M</convert>\
                <widget source="session.VideoPicture" render="Pig" position="77,152" zPosition="20" size="739,421" backgroundColor="transparent" transparent="0"/>\


    if we can move RSSFeedScreenItemviewer (Screen) to displayed in same screens with the Area X


    ar is language?

    Tell me what are the languages that use this system and I'll put them in the abbreviation of the locals if you can please

    Thanks, i edit my post by more explanation

    system language are English

    only news which are Arabic

    The same problem occurs when installing Mediastream....Zgemma H7S OpenAtv 7,4

    libc6 (>= 2.39+git0+273a835fe7) *  * calculate_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for mediastream

    you can use AJPanel or telnet command as previse posts

    because MultiStalkerPro.json structure as followed

    Please help..I have Vu Ultimo 4k and I am using Egami 10.5 R5. When installing Bo-hlala 1.1 skin I have a link1. plugin is not available Existence/Team Nitro No module named Sreens Skinselector Thanks

    yes, that issue happened because no file are on image which Team Nitro control center depend on

    you can fix that by send the attached file to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens

    Thanks i will do after back home

    can i ask for why your screenshots have displayed plugin with preview channel on right, but i have the plugin displayed full screen

    dear bro. all what you say we do it as default, but we have issue on our boxes

    may be you don't have the same problem

    but that's true .... we have issue on 45 update related to gstreamer

    only we bypass that by what we share until team fix that to other users

    you can read the following to understand

    Dear brother

    The same issue happened to my octagon 8008 The only way for them is to install them through the plugin AJPanel

    You will notice that most of them are specific to plugins gstreamer1.0 ( bad, base, good ,ugly

    Installation must be done through this option only

    Thanks my dear bro. ahmed gazye you give me the solution key which i used in different way and all thing is done perfectly

    Thanks again


    i use the telnet code opkg upgrade --force-depends

    ahmed gazye provide advice he use to solve the issue thanks to him

    if you want to use Ajpanel or not that's belong to you

    How to configure "neoboot" to be able to choose an image during the 20 seconds allowed.
    Currently the start is on the last image viewed.

    you must know about the neoboot

    it work by list of image you can choose which image do you want to boot on

    otherwise any reboot will be on last image working