Posts by biko

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    can anyone recomend a good weather plugin that works on a python3 image ? the ones i try from the feeds dont work, thanks members

    Try MSN weather by telnet

    wget -O - | /bin/sh

    Where is my name written for support??

    As far as I remember, you have modified the control files so that the dependences package are installed for the plugin auto, no need to manual codes via telnet...

    Python 2

    opkg update

    opkg install python-requests

    opkg install python-beautifulsoup4

    Python 3

    opkg update

    opkg install python3-requests

    opkg install python3-beautifulsoup4

    No additional meaning intended....

    if you want i will edit what previous written

    all the credit is for developer vasiliks & support from Lululla

    yes there is issue on last new images which need for fix

    i am just upload the plugin by smart script to download and installed easily by telnet

    biko added a new version:


    - Improved INFO button in Context Menu ("Find") to show Bouquet-Name for IPTV channels.

    - Improved the option "Suggest PIcons for Current Channel" to find partaial file names.

    - Fixed the warning message that appears when opening AJPanel.

    - Fixed the problems of saving the backup-directory on some images.

    biko added a new version:

    - Improved "Backup SoftCAM Files" to include more softcam related files (e.g. PowerCam/SupCam/etc.).

    - Added Subtitle menu option "Set Maximum Delay (Minutes)" to increase the maximum delay.

    - Improved File Manager.

    .. Added options to convert bootlogo mvi files to jpg/png.

    .. Added options to convetr "tar.gz" to "tar.xz" (and vice versa).

    .. Added options to convetr "tar.zst" to "tar.gz" and "tar.xz" (requires "zstd" package).

    .. Improved the option "Unbuild Package" to handle ".tar.zst" files in the ipk/deb (requires "zstd" package).

    - Added functionality to the option "Copy EPG between Channels (from xml file)" to chain DVB to DVB Channels.

    - Improved Custom Menu:

    .. The menu options will now open the last directories (for pictures and xml files separately).

    .. You can change the Grid-Mode font size with the attribure font_size="x" (x is in range 10-50).

    .. You can add "About" to show descritpion of your custom menu (or change-log) as follows:

    ... 1- Create a ".txt" file with the information you need to show.

    ... 2- Add a custom item with the name starting with the word "About".

    ... Example : <item name="About AJPanel">/media/hdd/xx/my_panel.txt</item>

    - Improved Binder:

    .. The option "Show Chains" (Green Button) will show more informative list.

    .. Will show transponder data for the selected channel.

    .. You can switch between TV and Radio modes (with RCU TV Button).

    - Improved AJPanel Settings to create and use a default backup directory "../ajpanel_backup/" (if not set by user).

    - Improved PIcons option "Suggest PIcons for Current Channel" to use case-insensitive search (for better result).

    - Improved IPTV "Find" result to show the root category name in info. (with INFO button).

    - Rearranged edit-options to use the Menu Button for more options (besides the Yellow Button).

    - Fixed portal zapping in bouquets to point to the right name in Channel List (for duplicate Reference Codes in bouquet).

    - Fixed the error "Cannot access the path" when accessing the Terminal from a Hotkey.

    hi not working in egami 10 .05

    calculate_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-stalkerpro:

    * libc6 (>= 2.39+git0+6d1e3fb07b) *

    * opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-stalkerpro.

    you can use telnet code to bypass dependencies until update libc6 package to 2.39 as madhouse mention

    opkg install --force-depends /tmp/*.ipk

    In your case, I suggest you use the IPTV table instead. This table lists all IPTV channels from your bouquets.

    You can open it from : IPTV >> Local IPTV Services

    Once you open that table, you can use the "Filter" (Blue Button) which includes predefined filters + custom words.

    When you open the filter, click the "Filter Help (Blue Button again) to see how it is used.

    You can also use "Edit Filter" (Yellow Button) to add your custom words. The filter is case-insensitive.

    For example, add the following line to filter the channels where names include the words "euronews" and "deutch".

    euronews, deutch

    Other filter exmples:

    # To look for multiple words in names:

    Edu, Doc, Dok, Kult, cult, Earth, Anim, Planet, Geo, Histor, Discovery # Educational

    # To filter names that start with the letter "k"


    # To filter names that start with the letter "k" or "b"


    I haven't tested ajpanel with the latest Oatv 7.4 BETA with the latest python BUT it has a few compatibility issues with a lot of plugins.

    You are using beta so it is to be expected unless you are an advance user and you can make the adjustments yourself.

    Beta are made for developers and testing.

    So don't use beta and just wait for stable versions when the most plugins will catch up.

    AJPanel works on the mentioned image version.