Posts by pepsik



    1) Fixed Italian locale

    2) Fixed override.xml crash on Py2 based images

    3) Optimized override and arbitrary sorting algorithm in override.xml

    4) In override.xml, the serviceRefOverride attribute has been added to the channel node. It used to override the original serviceref with the desired one.

    For instance:

    <channel name="SKY EUROSPORT1 HEVC" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" serviceRefOverride="1:0:19:F4F:2198:FBFF:820000:0:0:0" />

    In this case, the serviceref of the Eurosport 1 satellite channel will be set for the SKY EUROSPORT1 HEV channel.

    And if you have EIT EPG enabled, the events from the EIT EPG Eurosport 1 will be displayed on SKY EUROSPORT1 HEVC

    5) Minor optimization of importing EPG events

    Before installing this version, if you used override.xml, you must remove it and fill it with new content as you wish. I again slightly changed the names of the xml structure attributes to optimize the "traversal" of the records.

    OK but this should be an option, what do you think about ?

    Perhaps ... And what should be the logic in your opinion? Remove auto-substitution from the code altogether?

    At the moment, the logic is that the priority is given to the EPG specified in the EPGurl field .... if there is "empty",

    then we are looking for a link to the EPG in the playlist itself, if it is not there, then we substitute "by default"

    he plugin goes crazy, it run in a loop! kill enigma2 doesn't change anything,

    Download failed: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.DNSLookupError'>: DNS lookup failed: Couldn't find the hostname ''.

    Where is the plugin here? And what does it have to do with this error?

    In fact I have this error for all providers with an empty epgurl in the config.xml. Perhaps a future implementation, do not check epg if there is no epgurl.

    If there is no epg url, then how can you contact the server?

    It was about the fact that referring to the link specified by you or which is contained inside the m3u playlist - the server we are accessing gives the answer HTTP Code 500

    In your example you have only

    This is the last of the list ... I have about 15 of them.

    You have an error in your log .. but this is not a plugin error. This is your IPTV provider server giving a 500 error ... But this should not cause the "next" update to be missing in the log. Import of this EPG is just skipped

    [23.12 17:55:53] [e2m3u2b] Download failed: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'Exception'>: Invalid server response code received: 500
    --- <exception caught here> ---

    I had to run manually to have a refresh, see log.

    Repeated the same steps for manual update

    [23.12 19:09:31] [e2m3u2b] [SchurikTV]: Update picons for Sport International                                                                                  
    [23.12 19:09:31] [e2m3u2b] [SchurikTV]: Update picons for ХХХ                                                                                                  
    [23.12 19:09:31] [e2m3u2b] [SchurikTV]: Picons download completed                                                                                              
    [23.12 19:09:31] [e2m3u2b] [SchurikTV]: Creating configuration files for EPG parsers                                                                           
    [23.12 19:09:31] [e2m3u2b] [SchurikTV]: Update completed                                                                                                       
    [23.12 19:09:31] [e2m3u2b] [Enigma2]: Reload lamedb & bouquets using eDVBDB module                                                                             
    [23.12 19:09:31] [e2m3u2b] Bouquets update completed in 00:00:12                                                                                               
    [23.12 19:09:31] [e2m3u2b] Next wake up time: 24/12/21 03:00:49





    1) Fixed duplication of time after each next start of bouquets updates using interval updating

    2) Added Italian locale

    3) XMLTV download timeout has been increased to 30 seconds due to problems with users with "slow" Internet connections.

    4) The override.xml processing algorithm and format have been completely changed. Now, when you select the "custom"

    sorting method for the resulting playlist, you can do whatever you wish

    A small instruction on using override.xml with examples

    If you previously used override.xml before installing this version, you must remove it and then re-edit it "to fit your needs" ...

    This is due to a change in both the format of the content of this file and the algorithm for its processing.

    In order for the override.xml file to appear in the /E2m3u2bouquet/epg/ folder with the data, you need to select the "custom"

    playlist sorting method in the provider's card and create bouquets. In this case, the list of groups, channels, as well as their

    order will be in accordance with the original m3u playlist. The structure of the xml file is quite simple and intuitive

    1) The order of the channel and group names is the same as in override.xml. If you need to change it, you simply move the

    corresponding lines in the order you need.

    For instance

    It was

    Has become

    Similarly, you can move and set an arbitrary order for the channels. Moreover, the channels can be moved both within

    the group and into any group you need to the desired position

    For instance

    It was

    Has become

    2) If you need to rename a group or channel, use the nameOverride attribute for this setting the desired value in it

    For instance

    <channel name="UHD1" nameOverride="UltraHD 1" tvg-id="753" enabled="1" />

    In this case, the UHD1 channel will be displayed in bouquets as "UltraHD 1

    <category name="ХХХ" nameOverride="Adult" enabled="1" />

    In this case, the XXX category will be displayed as "Adult"

    3) In order to prohibit the creation of a group or channel, the enabled attribute is used. By setting "1" or "0" you

    regulate the presence of a channel or a group in favorite bouquets

    4) You can create your own channel groups and add channels to it by moving the lines with channels from other groups

    For example

    It was

    <category name="Sport" nameOverride="" enabled="1" />
    <category name="UHD" nameOverride="" enabled="1" />
    <category name="Films" nameOverride="" enabled="1" />

    Added your own group «Footbol FAV»and moved the necessary channels to i

    I can help you to test it if you want.

    There is not only a "trifle" associated with the "duplication" of the interval update but also a fairly large revision of a piece of code associated with processing **** - override.xml ...... Long testing and "finishing" were connected with this. There are a lot of changes, including the lookup table xml file format itself has been drastically changed


    and the log will display the next planned update, which is set to the double as the set one.

    When you set schedule type to interval, and set a number of hours, for example 2, the update is in reality 2 times the configured one. So 2 hours become a 4 hours schedule.

    I'll check. Haven't used interval refresh for a very long time. I usually use the update at a given time. If there really is a mistake, I will correct it.

    then the name of the channel groups in the bouquets will not contain the name of the provider.

    Very strange choice... Hope it's just an option, not hard coded.

    If you have one provider specified in the "Providers" menu or only one is active in the list of providers - this is exactly the hardcoded. What is the point, in this case, to display the provider name in front of the group name in favorite bouquets? The only thing I can assume is if you have a bouquet in your favorites list with exactly the same name as the group you are forming for IPTV. Alternatively, I can put in "Menu" - "Configuration" the setting for displaying the provider's name in front of the group name in favorite bouquets. This setting will be valid only for the above conditions, i.e. if only one is active.

    If you have more than one active provider, the provider's name cannot be removed due to the fact that different providers may have the same channel groups .. For example, "Music", "Educational", "Children", etc. In this case, everything remained unchanged in the logic of the code.

    If you have one provider specified in the "Providers" menu or only one is active in the list of providers - this is exactly the hardcode