Posts by Searay


    In short, I wonder what the difference is in the CCcam and newcamd?
    Is NewCamD encoded in the key there is, right?
    I run CCcam on the box, connected TVs and Oscam as reader on the server, it works fine and au run too, so what's the point in the second? In NewCamD?


    As described in the title , I try to get it to run on my internal lan . As I see that connect the boxes as they should, but provided no EMC `s
    If I connect my DM800 from the living room directly to the server work fine. So both the server and DM800 works as intended.

    Server : Oscam r9475

    [ account ]
    user = user1a
    pwd = pass1a
    keep alive = 0
    group = 1
    cccreshare = 10

    port = 7077
    nodeid = xxx
    version = 2.1.1
    reshare = 2
    forward_origin_card = 1

    Collector Oscam R8659

    [ reader ]
    label = test
    protocol = CCcam
    device =,7077
    user = user1a
    password = pass1a
    inactivitytimeout = 30
    group = 1
    cccversion = 2.1.3
    cccmaxhops = 1
    ccckeepalive = 1
    audisabled = 1

    [ account ]
    user = user1b
    pwd = pass1b
    au = 1
    group = 1

    port = 7075
    nodeid = xxxx
    version = 2.1.1
    reshare = 2
    forward_origin_card = 1

    Box in the living room

    C: 7075 user1b pass1b { 1:1:1 }

    As mentioned connect the boxes, and the status of the staging is ok, but nothing happens.

    Some ideas about what is going wrong?

    I think you are mixing things up.

    If you want to flash with DreamUp do not use the web interface on the box.
    Then, simply connect the box with a null cable and connect to it with DreamUp. If you have IP box, you can type it into DreamUp with your computer's IP.
    Then press the connect and turn on the box.
    It is then pressing the flash and select the file, then it should run.

    Alternatively, you can flash via WEB interface. It's a little less safe, but can easily be done. Hold the power button when you turn on the box.
    Wait 5 seconds and call it up on the IP address.
    Select Update, select the file and flash.

    It can tease a little, Firafox works best here, but it is different.

    Remember having a valid image when it is an original box, you can download it from the dream media page.

    Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-camofs (7.82) to root...
    Collected errors:
    * Packages for python-imaging found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
    * Packages for python-imaging found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
    * ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-camofs:
    * python-imaging *
    * Cannot find package enigma2-plugin-extensions-camofs.
    * Packages for python-imaging found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
    * Cannot find package python-imaging.

    telnet you command :(

    Tanx, i`v tried but:

    Collectes errors :
    * ERROR:Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-camofs:

    * pyton-imaging*

    * canot find package enigma2-plugin-extensions-camofs.

    I copied. IPK file into / tmp and both run it from adons menu and from the file manager


    You have to have a server for CCcam to unlock the channels. The server must refer to the C line. On the server that has the card, the F line fit.

    You write no signal? You signal to the channels from the satellite dish or?
    Explain some more, or read more here.

    The reason may be your CCcam.cfg file is contaminated with characters you can not see if it is made with word example.

    Use vi / var / etc / CCcam.cfg and see if there is more than C line

    Hey .

    I have a 0B00 card sitting in a local server to my TV at home. On this server is active and using the the AU writes EMM , type S to the card .
    However Entitlement change does not take place . It stands on the same date all the time.
    At the same time writes Oscam during startup

    02/01/2014 07:13:14 101517E8 c client connected two port xxxx
    02/01/2014 07:13:14 101517E8 c encrypted newcamd : xxxx -client 192.168.x.x bevilget ( Boks , au = auto ( 1 reader) )
    02/01/2014 07:13:14 101517E8 c user Box authenticated successfully ( CCcam )
    02/01/2014 07:13:14 101517E8 c AU disabled for user box
    02/01/2014 07:13:16 101517E8 c Boks disconnected from 192.168.xx
    02/01/2014 07:13:16 101538C8 c client connected two port xxxx
    02/01/2014 07:13:16 101538C8 c encrypted newcamd : xxxx -client 192.168.xx bevilget ( Boks12Ncam , au = auto ( 1 reader) )
    02/01/2014 07:13:16 101538C8 c Boks user authenticated successfully ( CCcam )
    02/01/2014 07:13:16 101538C8 c AU disabled for user Boks

    I've tried with both Oscam and CCcam on the client, they open channels fine,


    disablelog = 1
    logfile = stdout ;/ var / log / oscam / oscam.log
    disableuserfile = 0
    client timeout = 3900
    nice = -1
    maxlogsize = 0
    waitforcards = 0
    preferlocalcards = 2
    block_same_ip = 0
    block_same_name = 0
    usrfile = / var / log / oscam / oscamuser.log
    cwlogdir = / var / log / oscam / cw
    emmlogdir = / usr / local / etc / log
    ecmfmt = [ CAID : c] [ PID: p] [ SID : s ] [ L : L ]

    [ cache ]

    [ newcamd ]
    port = xxxb @ 0B00 : 000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    keep alive = 1
    mgclient = 1
    au = 1

    [ CCcam ]
    port = xxxx
    nodeid = B2F12B3610E41xxx
    version = 2.0.11
    forward_origin_card = 1
    au = 1
    [ reader ]
    label = xxx
    description = xxx
    device = / dev/sci0
    caid = 0B00
    ins7e11 = 15
    detect = cd
    mhz = 500
    ident = 0B00 : 000000
    group = 1
    # emmcache = 1,1,0
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm -unknown = 1
    blockemm g = 1
    blockemm - s = 0
    saveemm -u = 1
    auprovid = 000B00


    [ account ]
    user = Boks
    pwd = xxxx
    keep alive = 0
    au = 1
    group = 1


    DISABLE EMM : no
    AU = 1

    C: 192.168.x.x xxxx Boks xxxx no { 1:1:1 }
    N: 192.168.x.x xxxb Boks xxxx 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    Someone who can see what's gone wrong?


    I have a 515Mb running at 2 smago readers. Run perfect but rallied a bit to get set up, but I'm also completely new to linux.
    If only internal to one user

    Hello again

    Now that I've got oscam to run again (r9486), I noticed the time is not correct in the log.
    It has always been in the old version, how I adjust the refresh yourself?

    Hello again

    So, I've also tried it. Whatever starts oscam not up. CCcam starts fine.
    It is very strange because I have set my server up that way several times.
    Can / will you describe where each file should be, so I can try again.

    var\ etc \ plimgr \ scripts \ CCcam_oscam
    var \ etc \ plimgr \ cams \ CCcam_oscam
    \ var\ bin \ CCcam
    \ var \ bin \ oscam
    \ var \ tuxbox \ config \ oscam.user
    \ var \ tuxbox \ config \ oscam.server
    \ var \ tuxbox \ config \ oscam.conf
    \ var \ tuxbox \ config \ oscam.conf-CCcam file

    I seem to remember once Oscam not be able to boot and there was no LNB connected to the server, can it be true?

    Hello and thank you

    I copied the files over manually , as the old server I had that working .
    Then type :

    chmod 755 / var / etc / plimgr / scripts / CCcam_oscam
    chmod 755 / var / bin / oscam
    chmod 755 / var / bin / CCcam

    There is a script starting oscam then CCcam , but no matter what I do comes oscam not started.

    I do not know what to chose from the link you send? That you think I should have another. Bin file? as I understand it?

    I have also tried to install manually , but it says there is not enough space in / var though there is 1280 and there is a need 1268kb

    CCcam started, but nok Oscam

    #! / bin / sh

    CAMNAME = " CCcam / OSCam "
    USERNAME = ""
    ZAPTIME = 6
    CAMID = 6370
    DVBSET = 0
    INFO FILE = " "
    # end

    remove_tmp () {
    **rm-rf / tmp / * . info * / tmp / * . tmp *
    **case " $ 1" in
    ******echo " [ SCRIPT ] $ 1: $ CAMNAME "
    **********/ var / bin / oscam -b
    ************sleep 15
    **************/ var / bin / CCcam
    ****************; ;
    ********************echo " [ SCRIPT ] $ 1: $ CAMNAME "
    **********************kill ` pidof oscam `
    ************************killall oscam CCcam 2> / dev / null
    **************************sleep 2
    ******************************; ;
    ********************************* )
    **********************************$ 0 stop
    ************************************exit 0
    **************************************; ;
    **************************************exit 0