Posts by RelookPVR

    I must be getting old!

    my problem is that all my contacts see me OFFLINE, my port 12400 and opened in router.
    15:16:46.137 CCcam: server started on port 12000

    Maybe the difference is in the port used by CCcam?

    Let me have a go at it.
    CacheEx is short for Cache Exchange.
    As the name implies it is not just cache but will exchange your entire cache
    to the cache of a participant.
    In order to benefit from this one must have cache enabled and participants willing
    to exchange their cache with you.
    Both sides MUST have the same cacheex settings.
    No need to have C or other lines swapped!

    What happens is if an ECM request is done to f.i. your SERVER and the answer is given
    it will be stacked in your cache.
    This is also the case for those who participate in your cacheex.
    Hence it is not only the ECM's solved by your SERVER but of the entire sum
    of servers in your cacheex.

    Using cacheex will extent the possibility of a direct cache hit tremendously
    given the participants share different cards.


    Finally found some time to create a HOWTO on MultiCS.
    It is absolutely not a step by step guide but assumes some knowledge
    about EMU's, Proxies and opening up/forwarding used ports.
    The HOWTO and the comments in MULTICS.CFG combined should make
    it possible for any hobbiest to install and use MultiCS.

    When you open the pdf file it will open with the last page as the first.
    This was done intentionally.
    When one wants to print it well you get the drift.
    When just looking goto page 8 and read backwards.

    Folks I need some help on this.
    Running an oscam server(Ubuntu)
    Want to run an oscam client(Lan)

    cachedelay = 100
    nice = -1
    WaitForCards = 1
    logfile = stdout
    clienttimeout = 5000
    fallbacktimeout = 2500
    clientmaxidle = 120
    cachedelay = 120
    bindwait = 120
    resolvedelay = 30
    preferlocalcards = 1
    lb_mode = 3
    lb_save = 100
    lb_nbest_readers = 3
    lb_nfb_readers = 2
    saveinithistory =1
    failbancount = 3
    failbantime = 60

    # logging
    #pidfile = /var/run/
    logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
    usrfile = /var/log/oscamuser.log
    disableuserfile = 0
    cwlogdir = /var/log/cw.log
    maxlogsize = 1000
    disablelog = 0

    httpport = xxxx
    httpuser = xxxx
    httppwd = xxxx
    httpallowed =
    httprefresh = 60
    httphideidleclients = 1

    port = 50000
    reshare = 2
    ignorereshare = 1
    minimizecards = 1
    updateinterval = 360
    version = 2.0.11
    request_mode = 0

    # oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #5809
    # Read more: http://

    label = serverc+
    protocol = smartreader
    device = 004:002
    services =
    caid =
    detect = cd
    mhz = 600
    cardmhz = 500
    ident =
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    auprovid = 00006A
    keepalive = 1
    ccckeepalive = 1
    lb_weight = 500
    updateinterval = 15

    # oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #5809
    # Read more: http://

    user = oscamtst
    pwd = oscamtstpw
    group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

    # main configuration
    enabled = 1
    user = local

    httpport = xxxx
    httpuser = xxxx
    httppwd = xxxx
    httpallowed =
    httprefresh = 60
    httphideidleclients = 1

    # dvbapi configuration

    P: 0100:00006a # prioritise CAID 0100 with provider 123456

    # reader configuration

    # serial reader

    # remote CCcam reader

    label = server
    enable = 1
    protocol = cccam
    device =,50000
    account = oscamtst,oscamtstpw

    # user configuration

    # user for group 1 with Betacrypt tunnel, no monitoring, only one connection possible, AU enabled

    The server is OK the client however is not.
    Oscam will start end it's user will login to the server but I see no cards nor do I get ECM's.
    Sure I'm doing something wrong but can't figure out what.
    Thanks for any help on this.

    YES you can!
    Have a look at dreamboxedit.

    In my opninion one can answer this question using simple logic.
    The signal travels from sat to dish to receiver so this time frame must be a steady factor.
    Only possible source of delay is the STB then.

    so if i cant set up in 1 cccam mayby i can install another cccam to debian???

    then will be like 2xcccamserver in 1 machine is that posible?

    Yes you can set up a second or third and so CCcam.
    Just make sure you purge the CCcam nodeid and put each CCcam in its own folder.
    Or have it named CCcam, CCcam1 for thwe binaries and CCcam.cfg, CCcam1.cfg for the config files.
    I think the channelinfo etc. can be the same.

    To give you a jump start I added a goodie created by the late youknowho in his tribute.

    This can't be done within 1 CCcam!
    CCcam allows only 1 listen port.

    Well lets face ít guys.
    Any version of CCcam can be patched so that it will reshare at least 1 hop.
    Safest way at the moment is Oscam as a server and CCcam as your client.
    As Oscam is open source anyone with a sound knowledge of C can adjust Oscam too.
    A shame it is but we will have to keep up wiith it.

    Found this on another board!

    MultiCS beta 6
    +Added CCcam Server
    +Added global newcamd users
    +fixed cards selection
    +fixed cache overloading

    *Very Stable Connection
    *Web Interface
    *Newcamd Client
    *CCcam Client
    *Best server selection (equilibrated ecm request between servers)
    *SID filter
    *No need to install java it is self executable
    *No need to restart after any modification
    *Architectures: pc linux x86, pc linux x64, powerpc(dm500)
    *Multi Profiles
    *Service id file reading (CCcam.channelinfo)
    *Clustered Cache compatiblity with old and new csp versions
    *Webif password protection
    *CCcam Server

    MultiCS beta 7
    * added newconfig.cfg
    * add/delete users in webif


    ################################################## ########
    ################################################## ########

    ## CCcam server listen port
    CCCAM PORT: 12000

    ## CCcam clients
    F: user1 pass1 # no reshare
    F: user2 pass2 1 # 1 reshare
    F: user2 pass2 2 # 2 reshare

    Just a remark.
    Word came to me that the beta 7 is NOT from the original developer!

    Multics b6-r12
    Multi CardServer Beta6-Revision12
    *added Gbox Server
    *fixed CCcam server when sending cards to client
    *removed CCcam keepalive message causing server disconnection.
    *new command line options (see ~# multics -h)