Posts by shakin1234

    ok - guess who's back lol

    I have been playing again hehe - i have managed to get my 3 household boxes connected and when all on same channel i get C from 2 users happy days. yes here is the but coming...... i have added another profile but i cannot figure out how i can add 1 user to see all profiles. under the user section i have not put any profile against the user, so this should allow all profiles? in 1 of my receivers i used a n line but the port number used was the port from the profile, i imagine this is why i cannot connect to my other profile, i have tried the port near the top of the config page and 8082 but nothing seems to connect? i guess i could add 2 n lines with port number for each profile but dont think thats very clean and a bit of pain to manage.

    ok im back, but not form outer space....

    here is exapmle of code from the profile part at the top of the config

    <profile name="0963-***UK" ca-id="0963" network-id="0002" enabled="true" debug="false"> <newcamd listen-port="12345"> <card-data type="config" ca-id="0963"> <providers>00 00 00</providers></card-data></newcamd> <max-cache-wait>1500 ms</max-cache-wait> <max-cw-wait>3500 ms</max-cw-wait> <filter-cards>provider</filter-cards> <services-file format="cccam" ca-id="0963" filter="000000">/var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo</services-file>

    from there - which states newcamd listen port 12345. i forward that nn router to csp. then i put n lines into peers eg N: 12345 csp user 01 02 03 04 etc

    should this then show some cached results if, bedroom & living room is watching same channel?

    im probably still well off? lol

    you can tell if you have a clone by looking on the back of the unit or underneath - it will have a V sticker eg V2.0 V3.0. another sticker also on front top left as you look at the unit, instructing you to point to a website. if its a clone and you have flashed from 1.6.6 straight to latest then you will likely need new secret chip and possibly boot rom update.

    good luck

    excellent, thanks Ten, i can see clearly now, the rain has gone lol

    so i can create users within csp and then in my peers give them n line's in cccam. my question now is, wonder which port do i need to forward on router? in the csp config page at the top it states "extended-newcamd listen-port=15112" do i forward that port? or do i forward port in the profile part which is underneath that extended-newcamd?

    or do i need to forward another port from another part of the config, as there are lots of places referencing ports lol

    thanks again guys i know im really close lol

    Thanks Ten again for prompt reply.

    It's like pulling teeth for I'm sure, but much appreciated. All your assumptions are correct, only have 1 user in csp and cccam is all peers coming inbound. So lets say the cccam port is coming in on 6666 (the devils port lol) and from there connects into csp via 1 user only. How do I go about changing things? Does it mean scrapping cccam? Do I have to add users from cccam and convert them into csp users and then make the incoming port for csp 6666?

    Hope I just made some sense lol

    thanks sync - i put tring on hold and got **Y uk up and running. now i as its my first setup i have no idea what i should be looking at to see that its working.

    in the status panel i click on cache-handler and see the below

    cached-ecms = 75
    instant-hits = 45

    it has been running for about an 2hours, am i correct in assuming the 45 of those 75 ecms were from my cached folder and then the rest asking oscam?

    i have coming in cccam then nines to csp which nlines to oscam

    hopefully i am getting somewhere after a very long few days lol thanks again to everyone :D

    thanks sync.

    i wanted to add this profile from another post in this section.

    here is the profile i entered

    <profile name="tringtv" ca-id="0baa" network-id="0008" provider-idents="00 00 00" enabled="true" debug="true">
    <newcamd listen-port="1122"/>
    <services-file format="cccam" filter="000000">etc/CCcam.channelinfo</services-file>

    and when i save changes here is the error message

    HTTP Connection error: 500

    Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request:

    at com.bowman.cardserv.cws.AbstractCwsConnector.reset(
    at com.bowman.cardserv.cws.AbstractCwsConnector.close(
    at com.bowman.cardserv.cws.NewcamdCwsConnector.close(
    at com.bowman.cardserv.cws.CwsConnectorManager.removeConnector(
    at com.bowman.cardserv.cws.CwsConnectorManager.updateConnectors(
    at com.bowman.cardserv.cws.CwsConnectorManager.configUpdated(
    at com.bowman.cardserv.ProxyConfig.updateModules(
    at com.bowman.cardserv.ProxyConfig.parseConfig(
    at com.bowman.cardserv.web.WebBackend.doPost(
    at com.bowman.httpd.PseudoHttpd.handleHttpRequest(
    at com.bowman.httpd.PseudoHttpd.access$000(
    at com.bowman.httpd.PseudoHttpd$

    At the moment oscam reads your card & that wont change, i think what you are wanting to do is use csp as a proxy between oscam & CCcam rather than replace CCcam?
    If so you would enter the nline connecting oscam & CCcam into csp then create another in csp for CCcam to connect to, this way no additional ports need to be opened .

    yes i am wanting to do the above, e.g. csp as the proxy in between oscam and cccam. so i think this is where i am stuck but here goes...... on exiting cccam on server i will need to add another nline for csp, but im lost as to do i need to create another in csp for cccam to connect to?

    sorry if im not getting it.. cheers so far though

    after a few tea's this morning i have thought of some more questions (sorry)

    now i have done some drawings and i think this is how it is suppose to work..........

    lets say i have port 12000 forwarding to my ubuntu server, this is the port that cccam uses for incoming connections then that sends request to oscam that is reading the cards....i think i have got this part lol
    now if i introduced csp - would i be correct in thinking that port 12000 will be for csp, then csp connects to cccam which then passes to oscam?

    sorry if i am being really thick here, i just want to be sure i dont balls things up lol - and if i get it up and running i can then work out which ports i would need to change when forwarding etc


    Spot on Nano, I fell for it also.....alien box is poo compared to vu or even unibox is 10x a better box imho