Posts by harley22

    Sort4ed. I did it by overwriting the xml file in the folder on my PC and then overwriting the entire folder on my box.

    I could not do it by over-writing the xml file only on my box which is what I did first.

    However, it is working as I wanted it now. Except for radio. How can you get the radio channels to appear in the proper list along with everything else? Apart from that, cable is working. Could someone sort it so that the 901+ channels appear also?

    Secondly to Terrestrial Freeview UK:

    I had trouble originally sorting it so that

    1: Radio channels appeared in the list in the 700s like on a regular receiver or TV

    2: All channels including type 0x0C (streamed channels) appeared.

    So could someone kindly change the Freeview setup so you get ALL channels on the main list including streamed and radio ith a placeholder for Radio at 700 like I had before?

    Then I will be sorted.

    Thanks for your help so far. So far so good. :)

    Looking at the individual files in autobouquetsmaker there is nothing obvious how to get channels back that are missing from the channel lists.

    Please could you redo the program to

    1: show all channels on their correct LCN numbers as broadcast

    2: include any type of DVB service (including 0x0c on Freeview and Cable

    3: enable radio channels (DVB type 0x02) to appear in full epg list. When you go to the radio section you just get them in alphabetical ord4er with no numbers.


    Righht. PANIC OVER. It is working again as provided. But before I change anything please can you advise if using Notepad++, what do I do do do the following sucesfuly

    1: Allow radio channels to appear in full channel list on Freeview? Last time I managed to change it so that everything was shown as type 0x01 including the strreamed channels (type 0x0c).

    2: How to add a new section that is not ignored by the receiver - ie Radio for 700 and Overspill for 790

    3: Add Malvern transmitter to the list (BBCa is on channel 41).

    Thanks for your help

    Thanks. Will try it later.

    For terrestrial_uk_freeview.xml

    We have missing sections there as well. On a previous version I was able to amend the script so that all the channel numbers showed up on the list including dvb-type &0C (streamed services). I also got the radio channels to show up also as I was able to change it to read as if everything was a type &01 (TV service).

    On the new one I cannot do this. I kept the zip file so I could go back if needed. So I overwrote e3verything again so as to get it back normal. (cable is fine by the way at present),. But for terrestrial, I now only get a limited number of channels showing up. I want everything to show as DVB-Type &01 and to include all the type &0C channels also.

    Please can you amend the script so as to achieve this and then send me the correct version of the system plugin? Once it is sorted I can then leave it alone and rescan when I need to and get all the channel numbers.

    Also, Malvern is missing from the transmitter list. The primary BBCA mux is now on Channel 41 on this transmitter.


    This is the bit of text I tried to amend. IMPORTANT - MY QUESTIONS ARE NOT PART OF THE SCRIPT. My questions are preceeded with "###" on the lines below. Please can you answer each question in turn and tell me what to change to achieve what I want? Thanks.




    is_assigned = True

    ###What does that mean please? Looks like a double negative!

    dxNoSDT = 0x1 # details of lamedb flags are in README.txt

    dxHoldName = 0x8 # details of lamedb flags are in README.txt

    flags = dxNoSDT | dxHoldName

    provider = "Virgin Media"

    #Channel names have quotes, channel numbers do not. Example: ['ITV HD', 250, 500]

    blacklist = ['Channel Moved','Eurosport 3HD','Eurosport 4HD','Eurosport 5HD','hayu','ITV PPV HD','L Pack Tier 4','M Pack Tier 1','More TV Pack Tier 2','M+ Pack Tier 3','Netflix','PIN Protection Help', 'S4C HD','The Africa Channel','XL Pack Tier 5','Vevo','Worldbox','YouTube']

    ###YouTube and PIN Protection Help are still on the platform on official receivers.

    bt_sports_xtra = ["BT Sport Extra 0","BT Sport Extra 1","BT Sport Extra 2","BT Sport Extra 3","BT Sport Extra 4","BT Sport Extra 5","BT Sport Extra 6"]

    fta_corrections = []

    netID = int(bouquet_key[3:8])

    netID_whitelist = [41047,


    ###NetID41047 who is that? what does netid Bouquet key 3:8 mean?

    # Remove some services unless in netID whitelist

    # Channel names have quotes, channel numbers do not. Example: ['ITV HD', 250, 500]

    selective_blacklist = [501, 502, 503, 504, 505, "Sky Sports F1 HD", "Sky Sports Action HD", "Sky Sports Arena HD",


    ###if I remove the numbers 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, and the names will these then show up on my list?

    if (service["service_name"] in selective_blacklist or service["number"] in selective_blacklist) and netID not in netID_whitelist:

    skip = True

    ###Or if I remove this variable will they show up?

    # Correct service type of HD channels not marked as such

    if service["service_type"] in DvbScanner.VIDEO_ALLOWED_TYPES and service["service_type"] not in DvbScanner.HD_ALLOWED_TYPES and service["service_name"][-2:] == 'HD':

    service["service_type"] = 25

    ###Some channels on Cable are DVB Type 17 - ie MPEG2/HD, not Type 25. DVB Type 25 is MPEG4/HD

    for number in service["numbers"]:

    if number in blacklist:

    skip = True


    elif number >= 50 and number <= 64:

    service["numbers"] = [number + 952]


    elif number == 40:

    service["numbers"] = [number + 961]


    elif number == 43:

    service["numbers"] = [number + 957]


    elif number < 100 and service["service_name"] in bt_sports_xtra:

    service["numbers"] = [1021 + bt_sports_xtra.index(service["service_name"])]


    ###So you are adding 952 to channels 50-64? That puts them on 1002-1016. I want them on the correct numbers.

    ###You are also adding 961 to channel 40 - putting that on 1001. Does not make sense!

    ###You are adding 957 to channel 43 putting that on channel 1000 - nonsense! How can I get these numbers to show in their correct places please by editing the file and is it this one I need to edit. I tried it before but it stopped it parsing, despite saving it via Notepad++ and saving as "All Types with the same file extension.

    if service["service_name"] in blacklist:

    skip = True

    if service["service_name"].startswith("DL_") or service["service_name"].startswith("Hidden"):

    skip = True

    if service["service_name"].startswith("SptsETV"):

    service["free_ca"] = 1

    #Some encrypted channels are wrongly flagged as FTA.

    if service["service_name"] in fta_corrections:

    service["free_ca"] = 1

    service["service_flags"] = flags

    service["provider_name"] = provider


    So why when I deleted that or changed it did it stop p[arsing? NetID 41047 is NOT in the lis of NetIDs so this does not make sense./ Where is NetID 41047?

    Thank you very much. It is working again. But please can you tel me how do I get the Active and BT Sport Extra to appear on the actual LCN being broadcast over the network. This still has things above 1000.

    And the radio channels appear on the radio section but without numbers.

    Finally,, 501-508 are missing completely from the list. These are the Sky Sports HD channels which are still on Virgin.
