new virgin superhub wont work with my server help!!!

There are 28 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,963 times. The last Post () by dream500.

  • hi just upgraded my broardband to 50meg from 20 and was given a new super hub
    ips had to be changed from ending 1.1** to 0.1**
    so changed static ip of server to 192.168.0.***
    gateway to
    netmask to
    on this new hub i went to port forward and opened port 12000
    and checked telnet and get this Connected clients: 19
    Active clients: 0
    Total handled client ecm's: 0
    Total handled client emm's: 0

    Peak load (max queued requests per workerthread):
    checked ports are open and they are
    my super hub log looks like this
    Description Count Last Occurence Target Source
    LAN-side UDP Flood 8 Fri Dec 17 22:21:59 2010

    so anyone who has set one of these up for ccam plese help going mad

    had to redo static ip on server (reinstate dchp and reboot and then reassign a new static ip )

  • hi mate what up speed do you get with 50mg i was a bit worried about the new hub with my server but i don't need it yet and how many cline you running with it.

    • Official Post

    hi mate what up speed do you get with 50mg i was a bit worried about the new hub with my server but i don't need it yet and how many cline you running with it.

    How you manage your server will have far more impact on the number of peers your server can handle than your internet speed, good speed does not mean a good server.

  • me again got my 50mg today but i need to know how to set up the super hub for my server cs.can you help mate,how do you enter your dyn address.

  • mate you just need to setup port forward rules as you would have on your last router . Then for dyn look for the dynamic dyn options in hub menus


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  • let me speak with my friend in uk on messenger and ask him for u


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  • bad news

    The lack of DDNS functionality is a product management issue I suspect. The argument, if it was me, goes like this, " why would a a standard residential user need DDNS? After all, all they do is surf the web, get email and download? If we keep this DDNS functionality in the Super Hub, then they will set up their own servers and what is that going to do to our saleable bandwidth capacity? If they want the extra features then they upgrade to a business account."

    updater client not possible on this router. can you not install inadyn plugin to your sat receiver ??


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  • sorry mate you lost me,But i have now set it up and it seems to be working.
    ps how do i install that and why would i need it mate.
    install inadyn plug

  • virgin is usually static ip so once your host name is linked with your dns account it should be fine . However if your ip ever changes without a dns update client your host name will not link with your ip address


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    Some articles may discuss topics that are illegal, so this information is provided for educational purposes only, your use of the content, downloads and files, or any part thereof, is made solely at your own risk and responsibility. Viewing Pay TV without a valid subscription is illegal. !! cannot be held responsible for the content of any information stored or posted on this forum.

  • i don't use a pc for my server its a dm600 and isent conected to my pc at all mate and the dyn updates fine apart from every other month i have to conect the box and update it on my pc ,it updates through my router.y server seems ok with y new super hub no probs at the min but i still carn't stream my box over the internet i can only take stapshots of the channels that its on,i thought 50mg would sort that,Its must be other setting somewhere stopping it,Do you know how to set my box up for streaming over the internet mate.

  • i said before mate you need to have ports open and forwarded . not just the web interface port but also whichever port your receiver uses to stream on


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    Some articles may discuss topics that are illegal, so this information is provided for educational purposes only, your use of the content, downloads and files, or any part thereof, is made solely at your own risk and responsibility. Viewing Pay TV without a valid subscription is illegal. !! cannot be held responsible for the content of any information stored or posted on this forum.

  • the port in your cfg must be opened/forwarded pointing to your dm600 ip address, login to dyndns (or whichever one you use) map your server name to your new ip address. Many images come with dyndns or similar updating plugins built into the images. Can try setting one of them up so the box updates rather than the router.

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